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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Does having a great time in bed with somebody lead to feelings of love?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29375points) July 27th, 2011

A friend of mine was asked by a woman he was about to have sexual relations with ( casually ) if he would prefer to kiss when they do it or not. When he asked her to explain why she asked that question, she said if they did, they might end up developing real feelings for each other. Something both of them cannot do. It’s not part of the plan for reasons I won’t elaborate. So there it is. What do you think?

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12 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It can definitely lead to feelings of infatuation and connection. I’m sure it contributes to feelings of love. Kissing is a uniquely intimate act, so I can see why some people might feel that it has a significant part in the situation. It’s much less “personal” to have sex with someone and not kiss them.

Schroedes13's avatar

I agree with @ANef_is_Enuf that kissing can be much more intimate than sexual intercourse. However, I don’t believe you can begin to have feelings or emotions for someone only based on kissing. There probably are other factors, such as looks or personality, that will affect that process.

JLeslie's avatar

It goes something like during sex oxytocin in released. The hormone is considered to be a bonding, or falling in love hormone, so having sex has a high chance of leading to feelings of love and connection, especially for women.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sounds like a pretty silly idea to me. Kissing or not kissing isn’t going to make much of a difference with all the other stuff going on. Real face to face physical chemistry isn’t going to be dulled by not kissing. This I know, I’ve tried it.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

For some people simply having sexual intercourse in itself is enough to lead to feelings of love. How much closer can you get than that? Is kissing or not kissing going to make it less of a bonding?

linguaphile's avatar

The first time I heard that line of “no kissing or feelings will develop” is when the movie Angel came out in the early 80’s (you know, High Student Honor Student by Day, Hollywood Hooker by Night). I’m wondering if the kissing+feeling link is an actual thing, or something Hollywood fed us. Just a thought….
Edit: I can’t believe I found the movie

flutherother's avatar

I wouldn’t know, but having feelings of love for someone can lead to a great time in bed.
PS I read somewhere that prostitutes don’t like to kiss their clients as they don’t want to establish that degree of intimacy. It seemed strange at first but it is understandable.

marinelife's avatar

It can whether you kiss or not. My question would be why are they having sex if they cannot develop feelings for each other or even see one another.

cazzie's avatar

For me, it has to be the other way around. Having sincere, loving and caring feelings for someone and knowing they are reciprocated is the ONLY way I can really let myself go and feel really great with a person in a sexual way.

tedd's avatar

I have had feelings of love develop from what basically amounted to one night stands or entirely physical relationships yes.

In my experience however they are not as strong as relationships that went the other way around.

6rant6's avatar

I dunno. I think that sexual congress thing is intimate enough – if you’re doing it right…

lizardking's avatar

confused maybe, remember George on Seinfeld when he was doing his secretary and screamed out ” I’m giving you a raise ”, I believe some people can get confused.
On the other hand if you keep seeing the person then I think Yes!

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