Meta Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is there a better way of adding topics on someones question?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) July 27th, 2011

I have to move the mouse quickly before the topic disappears in the top corner… I know you can click on the button and add the topic manually. I have just wondered how others find adding topics from someones question directly?

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8 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

@everephebe the words meta and topics are my topics… and if you put the mouse over the words in my question you can add it to your profile… but if you are slow then it disappears

Berserker's avatar

They don’t disappear for me…just stays there until I move the mouse off of them. It will disappear if I stay off of the edges too long, but if I just scroll down towards ’‘add topic’’ it stays.

I’ve had a bit of a glitch like that before, where when you click on something that’s meant to trigger a yellow box with written specifications, all I got was a tiny yellow box. I think there’s a glitch somewhere in your computer. Something probably easily solved, but I wouldn’t know how.

Either that, or this place is haunted…

everephebe's avatar

They stay up on my computer, and do not disappear so long as my cursor remains over them.

augustlan's avatar

They don’t disappear for me, either. Wonder what’s up with that?

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