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Pandora's avatar

Can vitamins make you tired?

Asked by Pandora (32631points) July 28th, 2011

I was going to the gym fine and I realized my energy level had gone through the roof. By Tuesday, I remembered that I haven’t been taking my vitamins.
Even though I was feeling well and eating well, I figured it couldn’t hurt to get some extra vitamins. Especially since my hair has been suffering from all the sweating I’ve been doing.
Shortly after taking the vitamins I started to feel tired. I just figured the workouts were catching up with me and maybe I needed to take 2 days off.
Well its Thursday now and I’ve been taking my multivitamins every day and I’m exhausted. I don’t have the energy to hit the gym.
It got me wondering if my vitamins had something to do with it since I seem to need a nap after taking them. When I started my exercising I noticed I seem to lack energy after I would work out. I would take my vitamins after the work out. Then I’ve forgotten to take any for a few days and my energy was ridiculous. I had a hard time staying still.
I looked it up and found where several people feel that their vitamins also make them tired.
Does anyone in fluther know if vitamins can make your tired and if so, which ones? Also why would they make a person tired?

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4 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

I take 2 daily multivitamins a week. Any more than that and I don’t feel at my best.

marinelife's avatar

What kind of vitamins are you taking? Are you vastly exceeding the RDA for them?

Taken correctly, vitamins should not adversely affect your energy levels.

Schroedes13's avatar

Never take specific vitamin supplements without a doctor’s prescription. A daily multi-vitamin shouldn’t affect your energy levels.

Another thing with energy levels at the gym is positive self-talk or motivation. It actually does work.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Could be something used as a filler in the pills. Often they use sugar, which could effect your energy levels.

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