Three builders are standing on a construction sight balcony, one of them cat calls at a blond girl with big boobs. He knows he is not getting any action, and even if he were given attention, he is still stuck at work.
Not so negative reaction:
Builder 1 – “Hey, nice tits sexy!” (She looks round nothing happens)
Builder 2&3 – “Haha, she gave you the could shoulder”
Builder 1 – “Whatever” (Work continues)
More negative reaction:
Builder 1 – Hey, nice tits sexy!”
Girl – “Fuck off you pathetic pervert”
Builders 1, 2 & 3 – “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” (work is disrupted for the next 5 minutes and esporadically during the day as everyone jokes about it.
In the more negative situation, the guy who calls out takes a bigger blow to his ego, thus showing his co-workers he has a thicker skin than in the not so negative situation. The reaction is more memorable, and can be joked about again tomorrow, when a different cat call and different girl result in another reaction. e.g. “Hehe, at least she did not call you a pervert, maybe you have some luck to come”.
The more negative reaction allows for far more mockery and laughter.
It can also help to have memories of really horrible things a girl said to you one time, specially if you are just about to make a pass at a girl you like, when it all goes wrong, you can say “Oh well, at leat she did not call me a fucking pathetic pervert”.