Social Question

What is she trying to do? (relationship crap)
Okay so basically my ex messaged me on face book just now, and I don’t get what she’s trying to do. She knows I don’t like hearing her do shit about drugs, but she called me what she used to when we were together, idk, just read over this and maybe you can tell me what shes trying to do.
I can’t anyways Im busy for 5 days anyways
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
It’s fine anyways like I said I think it would be too weird
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
ok, like my pics on fb
a few seconds ago
umm sure
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
du u like them and btw I got drunk and high two nights ago
a few seconds ago
ok, well i dont really care, its your choice
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
I no, idc bought my life, like I’m gonna die anyways so what the whole point
a few seconds ago
im not really sure why you are talking to me about this stuff, you know the usual stuff im going to say, and we arent together anymore so you can do what you want, im not sure what your doing
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
I’m high right now, can’t get drunk tonight baby, and when I go to the ex, my friend is putting me on e
a few seconds ago
why are you telling me all this? your just falling back to what you used to do, and I’ve told you what I think about that, so why bother?
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
I can
a few seconds ago
I dont see why you are calling me that, we arent together or anything
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
I’m fucking high
a few seconds ago
well it seems to me you are trying to get back at me or to hurt me for some reason, but there really isnt much else you can do to a person who is dead inside
My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex
sorry p
a few seconds ago
well its not really going to do anything, I’m already working on going back to the way I was, and getting rid of any feelings I have for you. I know your going to move on to some other guy right away, and your going to live the lifestyle that made you unhappy. Also that I just made you and your family hate me, so there isnt any point in keeping any feelings that I have for you, being like this is better than feeling a cold deep emptiness inside of me when I remember everything that happened
a few seconds ago
it doesnt make me happy but its all that I have left, so good luck, enjoy the life you are choosing to live, and goodbye