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XOIIO's avatar

What is she trying to do? (relationship crap)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) July 28th, 2011

Okay so basically my ex messaged me on face book just now, and I don’t get what she’s trying to do. She knows I don’t like hearing her do shit about drugs, but she called me what she used to when we were together, idk, just read over this and maybe you can tell me what shes trying to do.


I can’t anyways Im busy for 5 days anyways

a few seconds agoSent from a Phone

It’s fine anyways like I said I think it would be too weird

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

ok, like my pics on fb

a few seconds ago

umm sure

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

du u like them and btw I got drunk and high two nights ago

a few seconds ago

ok, well i dont really care, its your choice

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

I no, idc bought my life, like I’m gonna die anyways so what the whole point

a few seconds ago

im not really sure why you are talking to me about this stuff, you know the usual stuff im going to say, and we arent together anymore so you can do what you want, im not sure what your doing

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

I’m high right now, can’t get drunk tonight baby, and when I go to the ex, my friend is putting me on e

a few seconds ago

why are you telling me all this? your just falling back to what you used to do, and I’ve told you what I think about that, so why bother?

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

I can

a few seconds ago

I dont see why you are calling me that, we arent together or anything

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

I’m fucking high

a few seconds ago

well it seems to me you are trying to get back at me or to hurt me for some reason, but there really isnt much else you can do to a person who is dead inside

My Ex
a few seconds agoSent from a Phone
My Ex

sorry p

a few seconds ago

well its not really going to do anything, I’m already working on going back to the way I was, and getting rid of any feelings I have for you. I know your going to move on to some other guy right away, and your going to live the lifestyle that made you unhappy. Also that I just made you and your family hate me, so there isnt any point in keeping any feelings that I have for you, being like this is better than feeling a cold deep emptiness inside of me when I remember everything that happened

a few seconds ago

it doesnt make me happy but its all that I have left, so good luck, enjoy the life you are choosing to live, and goodbye

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29 Answers

Jellie's avatar

Don’t. Give. Her. Attention.

Seh is blatantly trying to make herself feel better and feel wanted. Getting this attention from you is encouraging her to keep messaging you. I bet she’s not even high/drunk at the time. Just ignore her and she’ll leave you alone.

XOIIO's avatar

@sarahhhhh well I think she is because she used to do that sort of stuff all the time, idk, this whole thing is just stupid, I wish I could have the memory of this waste of time removed and just move on.

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Judi's avatar

She’s stoned and you can never explain texting under the influence.

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman So?

I’m Jesse.

talljasperman's avatar

@XOIIO Just nice to know… scary that you would let the world know that your friend is on drugs… might affect her life if anyone recognizes her…like a boss or professor… What is on the internet is on forever.

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman Her facebook is usually littered with stuff like that, so I’m not doing anything that she hasn’t done already.

Jellie's avatar

I don’t know how many people here have been stoned… but you DON’T talk like that. It’s not the same thing as being drunk. You are very much in your senses and if anything much more over analytical of things.
Honestly try to distract yourself with something else. She seems like she could destroy a person. I mean using drugs and stuff is another thing but emotionally wrecking someone like that is another. She’s bad news, my friend.

XOIIO's avatar

@sarahhhhh Yeah, like I’ve said I’m working on getting rid of all the crap I’ve felt, its slow but its coming along.

XOIIO's avatar

This is exactly why I say emotions make you weak.

NightStalker's avatar

So the real question is not what is she trying to pull. The question is why you allow her access to you to yank you around. The more shit you allow the more you will get. If you are done with her then quit letting her reel you back in and *#$@ with your mind. You cannot change her. You cannot make her do anything. But you CAN block her.

You are going to drive yourself nuts if this continues. Just sayin’

XOIIO's avatar

@NightStalker No, I was trying to figure out if she was trying to fuck with me or something.

This is the first time I’ve talked to her in a couple weeks, and I’m guessing since shes under the influence she thought it would be a good idea or something, so I doubt we will be talking again.

Sunny2's avatar

She’s playing half- grown- up peekaboo in her stoned state, flirting, being what she thinks of as cute. Don’t try to analyze it. Put up with it or don’t respond. It’s your choice.

megzybrahh123's avatar

@XOIIO did you break up with her or did she break up with you?
Because if you broke up with her maybe she is just trying to make you feel bad.

XOIIO's avatar

Well it was really weird and it just seemed matter of fact to me, but I guess I broke up with her.

megzybrahh123's avatar

Okay, well my guess is that she is trying to make you feel bad because she might still like you or something like that but I don’t give my ex’s second chances because I have already made that mistake and I do not want to go through that again but it is up to you to do what you want to do.

XOIIO's avatar

Well from what i’ve heard and had people check what her page says,she already moved on and screwed some other guy, but he cheated on her already, and shes obviously doing drugs and all that shit again so this is the message I sent her.

well I hear that you’ve moved on with some other guy now, I figured you might do something like that. The fact that you’ve gone back to sleeping with random guys and doing drugs all the time is too bad. I had honestly hopes maybe there was something still between us, or maybe we could just talk, but I guess I was wrong, so I guess I wont even try. You can be all mad at me and shit, but you said that you weren’t happy, and you didn’t get that I have trouble with emotions and shit. Anyways, do whatever you want with your life, sleep around, and do drugs and drink all the time, because I obviously overestimated you, and I’m sorry this is what happens, but you don’t leave me much of a choice. I’m going to block your account from messaging me at the end of the day tommorow, so its up to you how you want to end this.

Shes probably doing this shit because shes upset and mad, but shes totally wrecked any chance she had. I hope shes happy with that.

megzybrahh123's avatar

Well she shouldn’t deserve anyone like you if she is going to act the way she is and that is childish. You tried to help her out and that did not work so if she has moved on maybe you should to instead of wasting all your time on someone who is going to act childish, do drugs, drink and sleep around with some other F***ed up guys.

XOIIO's avatar

@megzybrahh123 Yeah. This is a good example of how nobody around here is mature or responsible, they all do shit like this. I guess I just have to live surrounded by these people.

megzybrahh123's avatar

Or you can just move… if your old enough. May I ask how old you are ?

jonsblond's avatar

Looks like immature bullshit to me. just sayin

stoned has nothing to do with it

megzybrahh123's avatar

Oh okay then well sorry but you can not move yet. So I guess your just going to have to put up with everyones immature, stone head, dury munching bullshit.
And I wish that I could move but obviously I can not as I am only 16.

XOIIO's avatar

@megzybrahh123 Yeah, I probably would if i could.

megzybrahh123's avatar

@XOIIO I am agreeing with you there but another thing that I do not want to do is to leave my besties and my parents and running away is not an option.

jonsblond's avatar

The chances of you staying with anyone at your age are very slim. If someone gives you shit, move on. Be strong. You will meet someone compatible some day. Hang out with your friends and do the things you enjoy. It won’t be long before you meet “the one” you can make a happy white picket fence life with.

Enjoy yourself before you try to be happy with someone else.

XOIIO's avatar

@megzybrahh123 That wouldnt be a problem for me but oh well

megzybrahh123's avatar

But the best choice is to just move on and try to be happy. Basically I am just going to agree with @jonsblond…..

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