Do you ever wish you could stop the world and hop off somewhere for a moment or maybe for a while?
Do you ever get drove to the point where you just can’t stand people or anything that has to do with people? You just want to be able to escape it in your own mind, but not off on cloud 9? You just want a break from here for a spell. Wouldn’t you like to be able to pull the world over and hop off just to escape it all a little?
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21 Answers
Not really. I sometimes know I need a break and then I take one. My husband and I take pretty regular weekends to ourselves and we go somewhere and just play and try to do nothing connected with work. I don’t really ever feel the need to escape from my life entirely though. I have in the past had this feeling but thankfully my life is much happier now.
I do. That’s why I have my bedroom and a guitar! I find just playing for a few hours really does wonders for my attitude and perspective!
Sometimes I wish I could fly above the clouds and be rejuvenated by the sun’s direct rays, you know, like Superman. I figure he’s bored a lot, being so much more powerful than us that he does that often for exactly this reason.
Since life is to short I’d try to enjoy it as much as I can. Being able to hop off somewhere just means I’d be close to death. [or so I think]
No, I like the ride. It’s an E ticket.
It would be nice to hop off and shoot people with spitwads.;)
No, because all my children and grandchildren are here. It would actually feel a lot better if I could just smack some heads together, though! : D
Yes….absolutely!! I am doing it right now! It’s called a vacation! ;)
You can afford a VACATION? OMG! ; ))
@Cruiser Why are you giving Obama money? You must really love him. You know he gets a big salary, right?
Stop the world! I wanna get off!
Well, I don’t need to stop the world to get off. I just invite my wife to the bedroom!
Escape people? Naw. Can’t say I’ve felt the need. Maybe there are times when I want to get away from an individual, but that’s generally not very hard. People in general? Naw. I like people, generally.
I love solitude, but only as a counterpoint to being with people.
Yes, absolutely! Sometimes I just want to float above the world for a while.
Of course! Every couple of weeks I just want to have an hour or two where I don’t worry about something, or need to do something, or have some responsibility. Then I would come back and continue on.
Oh, yes. That is when I hop in my car and turn my radio on full blast and try to figure out somewhere to go.
I am a part of my world, just as much as are the stars and galaxies. I belong here. My children are here, and my grandchildren, and the woman I love and married. I could no more leave than I could saw off my own arm. Yet, sometimes quietness and solitude comfort me… I can hear the voice of God whispering to me in the quiet of the mountains, or in the depths of the forest. So, yes, there are times when I love to get away and be alone, but I have need of others of my kind, and they have need of me. We have responsibilities one to the other, just as I have responsibilities to the rest of creation.
Yes, and throw some people OFF!
Yes…But Saturn can be… Dangerous.
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