Would you marry someone out of your own religion?
I am agnostic, more to the sides of atheism. I personally wouldn’t marry someone who believes in a religion. its because I think once someone tells me they are religious, I think they are not that intelligent.
What about you?
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46 Answers
Sure. I did. I’m Atheist and she is…. well…. it’s pretty fuzzy.
I am agnostic.
I’d date someone who is Jewish, Muslim, Christian and an Atheist. I wouldn’t care.
I’m an atheist. I would marry someone who’s religious if they were not crazy about having to raise kids their religion. They’d have to be pretty open minded given that I’m queer, gender non conforming and into open relationships. So yeah, I think people of most religions simply wouldn’t marry me.
I’m Catholic. I married a Lutheran. He later converted. by himself…his parents had converted
Many of my best friends are/have been a different religion, agnostic or atheist. I don’t consider peoples religion or lack thereof to be any indication of their intelligence.
Yes, but with restrictions. I am, and was raised an atheist Jew. My husband was raised Catholic. His father actually was raised Jewish and converted. All I cared about was that my husband was not very religious (so even a religious Jewish person would not really fit the bill on my marriage). I don’t care if my husband is an atheist or not, I am not evem sure how he classifies himself when it comes to believing in God, all I care about is that he does not believe fairty tales and hate people. And, even when I say fairy tales, I am not meaning God is a fairy tale, I just mean I need a relationship with someone who mosty functions off of earthly beliefs and science and logic. If they want to throw in a prayer for good measure no problem. But, we don’t, we don’t pray, which is more comfortable for me.
I can’t see ever marrying someone who is born again or an Evangelical. Someone who buys into only the Christians can go to heaven. I don’t want my spouse, or the father of my children thinking mommy is not going or deserving of going to heaven. Just the idea that someone actions won’t matter to God, if their is a God is so illogical tp me, I don’t think I can be married to someone like that.
Just a reminder, I am only talking about marriage, not friends or extended family. And, I do not equate it with intelligence.
I would marry someone of most other religions, not all (no Scientologists, no Jehovah’s Witnesses, no Mormons.) And I would marry an agnostic, and perhaps a tolerant atheist.
I would not marry someone who tried to convert me.
And I would not marry an agnostic who thought I was not intelligent because I have a personal spiritual practice.
@QueenOfNowhere Isn’t that a little harsh to question someone’s intelligence because of their beliefs?
Da Vinci was a Catholic, and a genius. There are many geniuses that have religion. Just sayin’
My faith is the very core of my being. Someone who didn’t fully understand that would never fully understand me and not be a compatible mate.
@Adirondackwannabe It’s my own opinion… I was born in a middle eastern country, went to 3 schools who were Muslim, Catholic and the recent one Protestant Christian. I’m not saying that religious people are stupid. Because they are not. It’s just that if their lifes are based on something that I believe it doesn’t exist, our marriage wont work. Also created my own “religion” (belief is a better word..) I think someone who I will marry should have the same mind as I do in that case… Not depending on a religion but living and deciding/creating his own.
Also what I realized is most of the religious people i’m surrounded with were told to be that way since they were kids. And still continue that as they grow old… I think that’s quite silly… But that’s just my opinion. I’d respect yours. I won’t disagree or argue
@QueenOfNowhere Okay, I can understand that. I don’t believe in any religion myself, but I have no problem with whatever someone else wants to believe as long as they don’t try to force their ideas down my throat.
@Adirondackwannabe I agree. I would too, I wish. Probably because I was forced to go to church everyday, pray everyday, go to church on sunday mornings for 2 hours every week, if I didn’t I would get 4 hours of detention and that I saw how religious friends of mines always were being touched by religious guys and then confessed in church and just thought it was all okay since God is forgiving.
@QueenOfNowhere This is sacrilege isn’t it? People having a calm discussion about religion (even if I can’t spell)
As long they’re not very religious. But if they refuse to use birth control, for example, well…...that relationship wouldn’t last 1 week anyway most likely.
It would really depend on how important religion was to them. I’ve dated religious people before who didn’t consider their beliefs to be a big part of their life. That’s sort of like my upbringing. We were nominally Methodist but we only went to church on Christmas and Easter, and god wasn’t a subject that came up in everyday conversation. My parents’ politics weren’t based on their religious beliefs and it wasn’t something that affected their everyday lives.
I couldn’t marry someone who, say, went to church every Sunday or needed to pray before a meal, and I definitely couldn’t marry someone with a conservative religious viewpoint. We probably wouldn’t make it past the first date.
You people need Jesus!! (and by Jesus, I mean Justice for Every Soul Under the Sun) It’s a “Religious Justice League” I am forming, but I have not heard back from Batman or the Ninja Turtles.
@QueenOfNowhere – I married an Atheist and I am a “2-day Catholic” so we are a great fit!
@Bill_Lumbergh Batman and the Ninja turtles are busy actually making a difference…..lol.
Yes, within certain boundaries.
Yes I would. And in fact I am going to be married to a agnostic next year. But even though I’m religious, that doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent. I think you are wrong there. Faith doesn’t make someone any less intelligent! Sorry, I just get defensive about these kind of things.
@beccagolling How do you define religious? You go to church? You want your children to be raised in the same religion and go through the rituals, you believe the bible (or whatever is your book so to speak)? You pray during difficult times? How is that going to work exactly when your husband is not doing those things with you? I’m not trying to question your decision to marry him, I am just trying to understand how these situations really work.
Nope. The Bible says marry only in the Lord, and I want to follow its standards. I’ll admit I have had a crush on people who are athiests, but it wasn’t about religion and I never acted on my feelings anyway.
@lookingglassx3 That’s so sad, what if the love of your life ends up not being religious?
Sure I would. As long as the person’s morality jived with mine we can get along on the religion front.
@Blackberry quite happy actually because I’ve already met him and he is. :’)
@Blackberry I think it is realistic to marry someone with similar relgious beliefs if religion is a big part of ones life.
I would. Really, all I would care about is how anti-homosexual someone is, and let’s face it, if a man is marrying me, I doubt that’s going to be a problem. Otherwise, I don’t care.
Religion is no issue to me. If I love that person, then I can overlook that and accept that as part of who they are. Love is Love, people just complicate it with so much crap and “standards,” but that’s just me.
I’m Catholic and married someone who has no religion… in my parish church! The priest said it was for me to decided whether or not I wanted to marry someone with no religion, up to my faith in God, it would be me who is judged on my final day! I would never expect my husband to understand my faith and wouldn’ t expect him to change his religious views to suit me.
As far as I am concerned we love each other as people and not just for our beliefs. He is a loving and caring man, who doesn’t need religion to define him, me I am catholic, not a religious nut! I enjoy going to mass when I feel the need and take comfort in praying, either to thank God or to ask for guidance. We live in harmony and dispute and both have our own ways of dealing with life, it’s what makes us as a couple work. Not for everyone I am sure but for us it’s just right.
(As a foot note we have raised our daughter as Catholic (she has been Christened, went to Catholic Primary and currently attends a Catholic high school), at the moment she doesn’t want to go to church and I won’t make her, she can decide for herself when she is older whether or not she wants to follow in my foot steps.
So I suppose simply put… YES I would marry someone who is not of the same religion as me!!!
Yes, I don’t have any strong religious beliefs myself so I wouldn’t mind.
Yes. And I did. My husband is Agnostic and I grew up in a very Catholic home. Would I love it if he converted yes. But to me it wouldn’t be worth the paper its written on if in his heart he only did it to please me. He would have to do it for himself, so I never pushed.
Out of 5 children only two of us really have religious belief. The other 3 dropped it like a bad habit when they were grown. It wasn’t something they believed in their heart to be true.
You simply can’t force a belief on someone. They have to want to believe.
What matters is our family values are the same.
Since there is no God, and I know it, I suppose that earns me the title of “Atheist”.
Once I was married to an Irish Catholic. What a nightmare.
It wouldn’t matter. We’re not the same but nobody cares about such things. Love is above all.
@Pandora What would change if he converted (I really want to know, not being sarcastic)?
I’ll marry any girl that won’t force me to be religious, or convert to her religion to be with her. She and I probably wouldn’t get along if she was too religious, just because we would have a hard time on how to raise our kids and live our lives together, or ultimately, where to get married.
It’s not at all likely that I would.
It would depend on how their religious beliefs are manifested— if they’re evangelical or believe in witnessing or converting people, no I won’t even consider it. If they speak in tongues or play with snakes, not even! If they’re fanatical in anyway, no (I knew a fanatical Astrologist and realized that it doesn’t matter which religion you are, fanaticism is fanaticism).
However, if they have strong beliefs, and enjoy discussing religion but are willing to incorporate and respect different worldviews, that’s different. I would prefer someone within the same range of my values than my religion.
To illustrate my point, my brother is in a denomination that believes strongly in the full and unquestioning submission of women and sends their kids to God’s Army Camps. We don’t ever talk- no common ground whatsoever.
Well @JLeslie, I do not attend church (still live with my family and they aren’t for getting up in the morning.) I do pray however and do want to teach my children about the Lord. But if they do not want to believe they do not have to. It is up to them on what they believe. And well, I’m not going to force my husband to believe. As much as I wish he would I’m not going to force him. Everyone has they’re own oppinions and I am willing to over look that. I love him, I really do. I want to make this work.
I’d really think it depends on the other person. I’m agnostic leaning toward atheism (if I’m being pressed to put a label on what I believe) and find it hard to imagine a relationship with a very religious person working well. I would never object to having friends of different religions (and I do), I’m just not sure how it would work in an actual serious relationship.
Of course if that person and I were far enough into a relationship to even think about whether marriage would work, I should think that if we were able to put our differences aside after all of that time, it might work.
I believe in God but I’m not a crazy doom sayer I do not force what i believe on anyone at all. My husband doesn’t believe in anything but science but he is a good person and we get along better then any other couple I’ve seen.
One of my best friends is pagan
Two of them are catholic.
My friend katy is baptist
My friend jeremy is full fledged southern baptist (the only one I can’t get along with completely because he forces his ideas on others. We fight like brother and sister.)
My friend Alan is like me he believes but not like everyone else does.
There are a lot more but the least to say is I have a lot of friends with a lot of different beliefs and religions I married someone who doesn’t believe in a God at all.
I think that as long as you respect each others ideas and beliefs we can all get along for the most part. I will state what I believe but i wont point and be like
I stopped going to church because of people like that. I think it really hit me when they started talking about gays and how they would be going to hell. I got up and walked right out of the service cause I don’t believe that at all. I think as long as you where a good person you wont be going to hell most likely just purgatory if you really just can’t get into Haven cause your gay.
But in the end who really knows what happens after death except for what happens to your body.
I honestly also don’t see why Science and the bible can’t coincide with each other. Who says God can’t make a big bang happen or evaluation. He is supposed to be all powerful and by say that your knocking him down a few pegs.
My mom sent me to a baptist school for high school and the teacher refused to teach evaluation. he said we all know what it says in the bible so that’s all we need. I’m sorry but I don’t think we just poofed here they way we are.
I am not religious, pretty much in the least (though I wouldn’t call myself an atheist). I was raised Lutheran… My current g/f is Jewish. The last one was Catholic. Along the way I’ve dated atheists, agnostics, baptists, other jews and catholics, various other christian denominations, a girl who could best be considered goth, and one who was “half” hindu.
Along the way I’ve found the only thing I don’t like about any of the religions, is when they’re just too religious.
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