General Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

Is there a website where you can "change" your hair color to see what it looks like before you dye it?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) July 29th, 2011

This kind of relates to another question I had about dying my hair. So, I asked my mom to really think about it and she said she wants me to see what I look like with red hair first, then she’ll think about it.

Is there a website that can do that? Please! I need help.

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6 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Why don’t you just use google images to see what the hair color looks like?

Blueroses's avatar

Do you have a good photo editing program like Photoshop, or a friend who has it? It’s pretty easy to get a natural looking preview of color change if you just open a picture of yourself, create a blank layer (color mode) on top and paint the color onto your hair. Then adjust the transparency of the layer until it blends looks right.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Blueroses said pretty much what I was going to say. If you dont have Photoshop you can also use Gimp which is free

Judi's avatar

here you go!
Just upload your picture.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Go to a salon with a good local reputation and ask the colorist to show you on a hair color sample board which shades would look right with your particular skin color/base.

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