Fluthering under the influence, have you done it?
Asked by
Haleth (
July 29th, 2011
Do you think anything valuable comes out of it, like maybe an extra dose of honesty? Can you have a serious conversation in that state of mind, or is everything you write then just drunken silliness?
Writing this in a moment of sober reflection.
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57 Answers
No, I have not. I’m sure one could have a serious conversation while under the influence – it depends on the person I guess.
I have, yes. Not drunk drunk, mind you, but plenty tipsy. I’ve rather enjoyed it, too! I think I get an extra dose of silliness out of it, but not honesty. I’m an open book in the first place, so there’s nothing more to reveal, you know? But, the silliness tends to inspire a feeling of camaraderie and closeness, somehow.
** I forgot to say, yes I can have serious conversations. Even really deep ones. Love that.
I’ve never done it. I’m far too fond of sobriety to even be under the influence, much less go and do something once I’m there. I’ve fluthered after a small drink, but I’ve never had enough to affect my judgment.
If my husband is any indication, fluthering while under the influence would mean being very philosophical and thinking that everything has much deeper meaning than it actually has.
Now I want to go get a drink. Disaronno and milk on the rocks, anyone?
Yes…doing it this very second sitting on my chair in 2 feet of water on the sand bar at the lake! A margarita never tasted soooo good !;) cheers!
Jealous of @Cruiser. Don’t drop your internet device! It would be a shame if that caused you to spill your drink.
Now I want a beer. But I’m off to pick up my girlies, so I’m out of luck. Meet me later for a bit of drunken Fluthering?
Nope. I however shall make it one of my goals for the weekend now.
No. And I doubt that I ever will. I rather make it a personal policy not to type while tipsy. This policy is far more a reflection of poor typing than poor drinking habits, BTW.
Whether it’s called Flunking or Druthering, I’ve never FUI of alcohol, but I have done quite a bit of FWH on cannabis, which I guess could be called Flighing.
Its very rare im on fluther and not high. Ive also fluthered drunk (look for all the horrible misspellings) and have fluthered a few times while tripping. Thats when I write overly long overly detailed explanations for things :P
A few times, not really drunk, drunk, but yes, happily happy. lol
I just get get sillier and wittier.
Once in a silly moment I posted my phone number and had “Hellos’ and a brief chat with and from Pied Phieffer, Jude, Fiddle playing cre
ole bastard, and a couple of other friendly greetings. It was very fun! Infact, it was a Friday night, but, tonight I am not drinking, had a few in my cold hot tub last night. Got it outta my system. hahaha
No, but in the last couple of days, I’m quite certain that I was talking back and forth with someone who was clearly under the influence of something. Maybe it was just love, the most addicting substance on earth.
You mean fluther isn’t just a hallucination brought on by the drugs I’ve been on?
Never flunked; flipsed a few times, thinking of flipsing later in fact, out with friends early this evening, home early, possibility of having an extra glass or two of wine while I enlighten you fine folks… XP
Sometimes I fluther when I’m high. I don’t think it makes a difference on my normal fluther activities.
Of course. It can effect how forward I am, but that’s all. I can have serious conversations and keep up anytime, it’s the actual time I don’t have that is a problem.
I nearly always do it. Mind you, I don’t decide to get drunk and go, okay time for Fluther. I just always end my nights with booze, and either Fluther or watching movies is what I happen to be doing.
I don’t know if, while drunk fluthering, there’s more honesty, but I am definitely a lot more open and I express myself a lot more. It’s not so much that I ’‘get’’ anything more out of it, rather than the feeling I have when I’m tanked being the only thing I can find that gives worth to anything. No matter what’s happening, if I’m drunk, it has worth. Pathetic, but that’s how I be.
Anyways, I still watch what I say, and no matter how drunk I am, I never say shit I wouldn’t otherwise say. I may word things differently, but that’s about it. I’m also a lot cheerier, and usually just end up completely screwing around when the end of my drinking session is coming, since at that point I’m drunk enough to sway in my chair and have the room spin around me lol.
Nope. But I’ve fluther while others are drunk. Does that count? Contact high?
@wundayatta I wouldn’t be surprised – this is some really good shit.
About 50% of the time probably.
Rot neally, juts tyyps summertimes.
Never done it while under the influence. I can get off the wall while sober, imagine what I could do hammered. I’ll have to try sometime. Right now I’m fluthering while soaked. We had a gully washer.
95% of the time, I am intoxicated in some way as I Fluther.
The party never stops when you are in my shoes, I suppose. ;) and thanks, blue.
Just noticed all my typos in my above posting, sheesh!
NO, I am not drinking, that’s just my fast fingers trying to keep up with my even faster brain. Lord slow me down LOL
No, I haven’t. I’m a little bit of a social drinker only, and not even that either, so no.
I’m fluthering under the influence of anger right now. As for drunkeness. Nope, I can’t say I have.
Its only ok if the person can be clear minded when drunk.
For some people, drinking can help make them more honest without being offensive.
Some are offensive and drinking is not going to produce anything helpful. More likely they will only be meaner.
Some people know what not to say when sober and use being drunk as an excuse to be an asshole.
For some others drinking only makes them write nonsense.
It really depends on the individual.
Sorry you’re angry, go kick something! LOL
Well, as long as it’s not alive, wear shoes, don’t break your toe. ;-)
Well, gosh, I was going to admit to being a bit flipsy here, but in light of @Pandora‘s anger I’ll refrain. So, @Pandora , I’d be happy to go smack someone upside the head for you, I may be small but I’m feisty. Let me know. I am very protective of my fellow Jellies.
And I am grateful for a comprehensive spell-check.
Yes and Auggie has caught me :D Lots of fun when I have done it.
What… I don’t get a GA for correctly spelling “comprehensive”? And what time is it in Australia anyway? (Or should I say what “times”?)
Lol. Goodness, picky flipsy person :D It is 10.58 am. I should get dressed soon and do something useful! I am off to see Harry Potter today with my family.
Ok, I’ve had a shot of Jim Beam. Party: ON.
I used to know a guy named Jim Beam. He drank scotch. Go figure.
@augustlan Wow, one shot, slow it down you lush. Lol.
Heh, I’m a total lightweight. :p
I’ve been on my Mikes Hard Lemonade jag lately, Black Cherry flavor.
Girly I know, but, a nice little kick, not too strong, but, cold, hard, refreshing! lol
Im doin it now…. :P
@Coloma screw the whole “girly” thing if it tastes yummy, then that, imo, is just one more excellent reason to drink :)
Have moved on to the Rolling Rock.
Our fearless leader is such a good example :)
Well…I shoulda popped in last night, I was feelin’ pretty happy. Now I am just eating a bowl of blackberries. lol
I’ve hit the bong while fluthering. I do not drink alcohol.
I’ve definitely Fluthered high, but I don’t drink much.
Why, yes, several times, though not lately. That’s when I’ve checked and rechecked my posts with fanatical care to be positive that no hint of sloppiness escaped me. The challenge of making certain not to give myself away is part of the entertainment.
My husband used to say that he could tell when I was getting a little high because I spoke more slowly and enunciated everything with great precision. I guess it’s the same thing.
On the other hand, when I was on pain meds after breaking my arm…well, some of you remember.
@augustlan has whipped me a few times when I was Flipsy. ;)
I get very passionate when I’m tipsy. That can be good or bad for my Fluther experience, depending on my mood.
Yes, I may be doing it now.
I have real work to do when I am sober.
@Coloma Went to the gym and kicked my own ass. :( Three days later and still sore.
@JilltheTooth Thanks for the thought. LOL, I would’ve done it myself but it was one of those things where no one was really to blame. Just lifes little nasty turns.
It occurs to me that I’ve just admitted drinking while working. BAD MANAGER.
I want to work for @augustlan!
Now, please whisper, everyone. I had a late night of druthering/flunking… whatever
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