Does AOL stand for anything specific?
I always wondered what it stood for. Do you know?
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42 Answers
America Online or On Line
American Online. That’s it.
America, not American… sorry, LOL
Oh! well something like that!
Actively ovulating lizards?
Gee all this time I thought it stood for “Andorra On Line”. ;)
Abominable Orangutan Laughing. Really. Kind of stupid, isn’t it!
Maybe AOL stands for AOL On Line, which in turn stands for AOL On Line On Line, and so on.
Annihilating ogre lovers.
:)) Some are really good. I laughed over some a lot.
Afghanistan Outlawing Lingerie. Really. Kind of stupid isn’t it!
@filmfann Amen.
Amalgamated Ostrich Lickers
Argumentative ovulating ladies.
@aprilsimnel—@KatetheGreat already used ‘Ostrich’ and ‘Lickers’ in one sentence! I think that’s cheating even in a game where there are no rules!
Aardvarks Opining Loudly.
From my husband…American Orthopedic League!
Do African llamas have orgasms, Kate? Have there been any studies? Did they use Clyde?
Apprehending outspoken lard-asses.
Apple Occular Levitations
Aardvark’s organic liver.
Alarming octopus linguistics.
Autopsy Observation Lounge.
It’s Saturday. I slowly swam up through the mists of sleep toward wakefulness… something important was whispering in the mist…then suddenly it came to me. Full fledged and profound: And now I can’t remember what it was!!—- —Wait…....O…. Annoyingly Obstructive Leprechauns!
Yes, folks, that was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. I guess @blueberry_kid needs some sort of award for this Q!
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