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flutherother's avatar

Have you ever lit a fire that got out of control?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) July 29th, 2011

Kids, and sometimes adults, love to play with fire. Have you ever got into trouble through fire?

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27 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

Two words: mushroom cloud.

Technically it was my brother that lit it, and I guess technically we got it under control within a few minutes. But still…

flutherother's avatar

@incendiary_dan Well, with a name like yours…..

incendiary_dan's avatar

@flutherother Hey, you don’t get a name like this without having some degree of control over fires you start. :P

poisonedantidote's avatar

There was the time a firework went in to a dry pine tree forest in the middle of a dry summer, the time we played with matches, the time we played with gunpowder from bottle rockets, and all the other times that grown ups with buckets had to be called.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

As a young child, I thought it was cool to light my mothers nylon panty hose on fire. They shot up like flash paper and I would steal them from her any chance I got. My back yard was littered with little blackened spots of ash and it would drive dad crazy trying to figure out what the hell was going on. This came to an end one day when mom left for work, and I was to be on the school bus soon after. As she closed the door behind her, my delight found a pair of her hose draping from the back side of the doorknob. I couldn’t resist, and my parents were gone. So without missing a step, I pulled out my trusty matches and lit those thigh highs up. Little did I know that mom had forgotten her lunch bag and just as the flame arose, she came walking back in to catch me with a box of matches next to the flaming hot door she’d just reentered. She said “Get to school we’ll talk about this later”. That afternoon after school, she walked me outside, and armed with every sock in my drawers, she forced me to watch as she lit them on fire. I thought it was pretty cool. Little did I know that I’d have to live the next month without socks on my feet. Very embarrassing for gym class and quite uncomfortable for my sweating piggies after a few days.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Best story ever.

I’ve made a lot of messes of melted/scorched things, but never anything truly dangerous. I also accidentally melted my sunglasses once while toking up.

Bellatrix's avatar

I think fire lighting is definitely a ‘man’ thing. I have never met a man who does not relish the opportunity to burn things. Said joyfully. “Oh look, we have a pile of rubbish here. I will take it down the back and burn it”. We used to have an old bath down the back paddock and my husband loved putting rubbish that could be burned but was not suitable for composting in that bath and setting light to it.

I have never lit such a fire. I don’t light fires apart from in my wood burning stove. My neighbour (male) once decided to burn some grass that was overgrowing along the retaining wall and the whole lot went up and got way out of control. Thankfully it was contained but the looks of glee as all the men got in to ‘put that fire out’.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You may be right @Bellatrix. I evolved from mothers hose to sisters barbie dolls. Melting and scorching their bodies as the clothing seared into their plastic flesh made a sound like a screaming rodent. Then I found fire crackers where the way to go instead of matches.

Just pop Barbies head off, stick the dynamite down her neck, pop the head back on and run like hell before she blew to bits.

Then my sister told my mom that I was demon possessed and suddenly all my Kiss albums ended up in the dumpster. But not after sis got the pleasure of cracking them to bits in front of my weeping demon possessed sad little eyes.

Bellatrix's avatar

That is so funny @RealEyesRealizeRealLies. There would have been work for you during the Inquisition I think!

At least they didn’t BURN your KISS albums. I have to say… KISS? Really? I had you on a higher pedestal than that.. you are over that now aren’t you?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Every red blooded American boy worth his salt was all over the Clown Rock. Remember KISS had their own made for TV movie and loads of comics and stuff way beyond just the terrible music they made.

“Which KISS member are YOU gonna be for Halloween?”

Yeah KISS was the shit. And yes, I’m over it now. Just like I’m over my high school feathered hair and Jordash jeans ahahahahahahaha…

incendiary_dan's avatar

I don’t know. Every woman I know is equally enamored of fire as the men. Of course, many of the women I know can also start a bowdrill fire, so…

Bellatrix's avatar

I think that might make the difference @incendiary_dan but this question may sort the fire lighting women from the ‘Man! Why are you out there lighting fires again?” girls.

Cruiser's avatar

Yes…I accidentally set the tree on the side of our house with a sparkler on the 4th of july that didn’t catch till 2 in the morning…..almost burnt the house down too! I got in trouble….LOTS of trouble!

Mariah's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Darn, I thought at the end of that story you were going to say that your mom made you sniff her dirty nylons~

King_Pariah's avatar

Well it was in a controlled enviroment…ish

(Napalm and Nitro Glycerin dropped into a big old sinkhole)

rock4ever's avatar

Ah man do I love fire! I haven’t had any go out of control on me yet. I try to be a little safe. A big fire goes in a hole in the ground. A little fire stays little. Along with fire I love blowing up things like axe cans! Unfortunately the smell was impossible to control and just invaded my nostrils at will! Has anyone ever made a torch with a lighter and an axe can?

King_Pariah's avatar

@rock4ever who hasn’t I think is more of the question.

rock4ever's avatar

@King_Pariah It’s fun, huh? What about inside the house trying to get as close to the wall, without burning it, as you can?

King_Pariah's avatar

@rock4ever sounds like someone was bored. lol

rock4ever's avatar

@King_Pariah just a little bit…

martianspringtime's avatar

I like the way fire looks and it interests me to a certain extent, but not to the extent that I will light it unless necessary. In fact, I’m quite the opposite. I’m really neurotic about fire and am rather convinced that anything hot in or near the house will somehow catch on fire and set the house ablaze.
So in short, no.

ucme's avatar

Only in the wife’s passion, every single night…...grrrrr!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes, in a roundabout way. I once tried to warm a sofa cushion against an old victorian style radiator and it caught fire. I ran into the kitchen and stood beside my mother who looked into my eyes and knew immediately where the smoke smell originated from. I was 5yrs old.

flutherother's avatar

When we were kids we sometimes stole matches from home to light fires. A few of us cycled out to an isolated ruined house where we lit a fire in one of the derelict rooms. There were lots of pieces of timber lying around which we added to the fire until the blaze really caught hold and took on a life of its own like a nuclear reactor going in to meltdown. It was terrifying and out of control but fortunately it was in a remote location and no one saw us.

When I got back home my mother guessed I had lit a fire. I couldn’t figure out how she knew but she had noticed that the cheap plastic sandals we wore had partially melted.

FluffyChicken's avatar

@Bellatrix A man thing huh? Guess I must be a man. Oh boy, time for an identity crisis!

Bellatrix's avatar

:-) You would be one of @incendiary_dan‘s fire lighting chicks @FluffyChicken. Note there are not many women here saying “oh year, I remember that time when I set fire to….....”

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