Where do the crows (birds) go?
We have a tree outside of our house where tons of crows like to stay at night until maybe 5 in the morning. They leave for the rest of the day until they come back at dusk. I wonder where they spend there whole day?
I’m puzzled,
Any ideas?
This is a question that comes out of complete boredom.
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8 Answers
They have lives just like humans do! They probably go and eat, drink some water, and galavant for the rest of the day.
They most likely go out foraging for food. Crows are mostly scavengers, and like to go out scavenging for food from garbage, road kills, parking lots, etc. They also raid other birds’ nests. They are also out socializing with other crows——crows are very social birds with a high intelligence. Then they mate too and go looking for food for their young. At night, they go back to the trees to roost for the night.
Crows have a pretty wide range of territory compared to some smaller songbirds that may spend most of their lives in a few hundred yard radius.
Most birds and animals have certain ‘routes’ they forage on, especially if they know of reliable food and water sources.
I have a flock of crows around here that hang out down the road near a random stand of Eucalyptus (sp? ) trees for some odd reason. They are always there in the late afternoon and scatter when you drive by. I think they may be gleaning oat hay oats from the horses and goats that live on the property.
They are pretty nomadic in their foraging.
I have all kinds of birds, Jays, Towhees, Juncos, Titmice, house sparrows that clean up the spilled grains in my goose corral.
Some fat farm birds over this way.
I joke that all of the songbirds on my little mountain make their eggs on Purina Layena chicken crumbles over here.
My “pet” Raccoon has me first on her nightly rounds, she shows up every night right about now 9–9:30 pm for her peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat.
Revs her up for a long night of foraging. haha
Where ever they want pretty much.
I agree with @abysmalbeauty. There always seem to be heaps of crows around shopping centre car parks. I bet that’s where yours go too.
Did you know, crows are the only animal in Australia that has worked out a way of killing the cane toad? Cane toads were brought in to try to eradicate the cane beetle (someone forgot the beetles can fly so that didn’t work) and they are now taking over. They are horrible disgusting things and they are poisonous. So our native wildlife is being killed by these horrible things. Even very venomous snakes, if they eat the toads die. Crows have figured out that if they flip them onto their backs, they can attack their bellies and kill them without being poisoned (the poison sacs are on the side/back of the neck. So, crows are good!
Thanks for the input, why didn’t I think of the mall :p
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