General Question

JLeslie's avatar

How do I send a message to the inbox of all members of a group I started on facebook?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) July 29th, 2011

I created a group and it has been great! I need to notify everyone that a reunion is being planned. I am assuming they don’t all get notified if I post it on the wall? So, I want to send a message to all members.

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3 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

You can post it on the group wall, and it will go out as a notification to all of the members instead of a message in their in-box.

Our reunion coordinator sent out an Event Request with all of the information. If you are on the group page, look over on the right hand side, and you can see an icon to Create Event. Personally, this works out even better, as it will track those that accept or decline the offer. The event information goes into their Facebook calendar.

JLeslie's avatar

Are you sure about the group wall? I thought that might matter according to their own account settings. Someone already posted iton the wall, I was afraid not everyone would see it. I don’t get notified everytime something is posted ona wall of a group I belong to I don’t think? Maybe I will ask one of the other members if they received a notification to check it.

I can’t create the event yet, because we don’t have the date. We just want everyone to know about it, know we are going to plan something, because so many people showed interest.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

You are correct; there is a way to turn off notifications for a group, but a member would have to set it that way, as it doesn’t default to that. It is just a heck of a lot easier to post a pre-event announcement on the group wall then to send out a mass e-mail.

As for sending out a mass e-mail, FB limits the number of people on it to 20. See Help Link – ‘How many people can I message at once?’ Notice that it also mentions that if a group member is not on your Friend list, they will have to be notified individually. For example, we now have 85 members in our high school class group. Not all of them are on my Friends list. In order to send everyone a message, I would have to make a list of all members, figure out which are on my Friends list, send the same e-mail 20 people at a time, and then send the notification to the others individually. Yuck.

As for an event request, once you have the date, it will show up in their Events alert folder, whether they are on your Friends list or not.

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