Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have any tidbit of knowledge that might not be well known that you'd like to share with us?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47197points) July 30th, 2011

For example, did you know that when you call a cell phone and get sent to voice mail you can interrupt the voice mail message and get sent straight to the Beeeep by pushing the star key? Only one catch….once in a while, maybe 1 out of 10, the person you’re calling is with a carrier who has their network set up so that pushing star sends you into their voice mail preferences. It asks for your code. In that case, pushing the # key does the trick. Of course, if you don’t know that in advance, you actually lose some time because you have to call back.

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8 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

You can buy lemons when they’re cheap, or if you have a bunch of lemons on your tree that you can’t eat before they go bad, and slice them or quarter them and put them in a freezer ziplock bag and freeze them. They’re good as new (juice wise) when you thaw them out again. They aren’t as pretty, but if you’re using them for the juice (in recipes) then they’re totally fine.

I use a lot of lemon juice in my recipes. I think the next time I do this, I will zest the lemons first and them put the zest into small portions (wrapped in plastic wrap) and then put those small portions into another freezer zip lock or a tupperware container. I’ve found that I’m using lots of lemon zest these days.

Jeruba's avatar

In typography, “uppercase” and “lowercase” refer to actual cases—shallow boxes or drawers—where the actual pieces of movable type were stored for typesetting. Type was set by hand by placing the letters in a frame to make up a page.

Because type had to be set in reverse (so that it was facing the right way when inked and printed), compositors had to be careful not to mix up letters that were mirror images of one another. Some think this need for care with details is the origin of the expression mind your p’s and q’s.

Kardamom's avatar

Wow! First hodgepodge and now this! Sometimes I wish there was a little post it note section on Fluther so that I could keep track of some of these interesting pieces of info. Thanks : )

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

When you are at an evening event that is well lit, save your batteries on your camera, by setting your camera to none flash. The light from those flashes will never make it more than 6ft at best and do any good. Plus if you have the flash on and it hits the back of someone’s head it could cause the flash to wash out what you intended to capture.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When your bananas start to turn, freeze them, then use them for banana bread at your convenience. They’re totally black when they come out of the freezer but the flesh is just fine! The bananas are really ripe and make GREAT banana bread!

Mariah's avatar

If for any reason you suspect you might have a blood infection, the best time to go to the ER is Monday-Wednesday. They’ll need to do blood cultures which take 48 hours to mature, so if you go in after Wednesday, results won’t be available till the weekend when no one will see them and you’re screwed.

JLeslie's avatar

The most powerful earthquake recorded in the continental US happened in New Madrid, MO. The Mississippi River was said to have flowed backwards in some areas. It was reported that it was felt as far east as Pittsburgh, PA and parts of VA.

@Mariah I would have thought at a hospital there is always someone in the labs? Scary. There are people there on weekends doing blood work. They would start treating sepsis, and other accute infections prior to culture results anyway.

mattbrowne's avatar

Observing kindness creates a positive emotion.

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