Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If you have the money, would you pay $1.5 million for this dog?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29388points) July 30th, 2011

Kinda mind blowing that such a huge amount of money got paid to buy Big Splash aka Hong Dong. But it seems there are people willing to pay for his stud services for $100,000.00 a pop!

Oh boy, what a pop! I don’t think any human male could beat that price, do you? : )

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28 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I didn’t even bother reading the details, because the answer is already no. I wouldn’t even pay that much for a house.

martianspringtime's avatar

Definitely not. Not only is the price ridiculous, but I didn’t even buy the dogs I already have; I only ever take strays.

Blueroses's avatar

I can see huge stud fees being generated for thoroughbred horses with an eye toward potential purse winnings, but a dog? I love dogs, but what could a dog ever do to earn back a 100k stud fee?

I’ll stick to my “used” pets.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry But, but…people would call you and give you $100,000.00 for your dog’s breeding services, well, he’s not even two years old! The price makes sense! Lol.

SORRY GUYS forgot to put this with the question…

BIG SPLASH, the world’s most expensive dog.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Hell no.
The local pound is having an adopt-a-thon today, $49 adoption fees. That’s where it’s at, buddy.

rebbel's avatar

$1.4 million, maybe.

KateTheGreat's avatar

If I had that money, I’d open a small island for neglected dogs and let the roam free. Hahahaha.

jrpowell's avatar

Trickle down economics.

Blueroses's avatar

@KatetheGreat Somebody did that
I really want to visit!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Blueroses Umm, you know that’s fake, right?

downtide's avatar

No. I’d rather rescue a dog from a shelter that’s in desperate need of a home.

DominicX's avatar

No, but if I had that dog, I’d sell it for that much :)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think @KatetheGreat is right.
“By bringing your dog to Vacation Island, yes, you will be emotionally teasing your dog, however, what you are doing is supporting the freedom of so many other dogs, that we believe the sacrifice your dog has to make is worth it.

Your dog will cry as the helicopter takes you and him away from the Island, but his memories will live forever, and you will have helped pave the way to a better future.

If you are very rich, and think you might want to visit the island, please email”

And if it isn’t fake, then they just have no couth.

Blueroses's avatar

yeah, I know it is. This is their disclaimer but I still want to visit :)

chyna's avatar

No, but if I had that much money for animals, I would give it to animal shelters, animal rescue, and other places that can feed and shelter animals, not euthanize them.

Jellie's avatar

Yes I would first buy him, wait for his value to appreciate and then sell him at a profit. Hmmm… monies.

crisw's avatar

Geez, no. Look at the horrible watery eyes on that dog; looks like it has a massive case of entropion! Poor coat quality too, or at least not very well-groomed for such a price. Form the video here, these dogs are raised in puppy mills- look at all the little cages- I couldn’t even finish watching the video it was so horrible. The ones they show trotting around are so straight-hocked in the back like a badly-bred Chow and look dysplastic. And no one responsible gets rich breeding dogs.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ve always said that I wish I had enough money to buy an elephant. I guess it’s time to change that saying.

ragingloli's avatar

I would not pay that much for a human, much less a dog.
A cat however, is an entirely different story.

Blackberry's avatar

@ragingloli Nope, not really. I don’t care if it is an “I can haz cheezburger” cat, it’s not worth that much.

Hibernate's avatar

I wouldn’t. If I had the money I’d prefer making a shelter for abandoned animals then buying a crappy dog for that amount.

filmfann's avatar

“Hey, your dog keeps humping my leg!”
“Oh, that’ll be $100,000”

jonsblond's avatar

Never. All of our pets have been given to us free of charge (besides the vet bills) from local farms from owners who couldn’t take care of them any longer. Like others have said, that money would be more useful for animal rescue.

mazingerz88's avatar

@crisw Here is a better photo of BS ( Big Splash not Bulls%#$it ) Lol.


Bellatrix's avatar

No. No matter how much money I had.

YoBob's avatar

I’m partial to mutts myself. I think they make the best pets and are generally smarter and more affectionate than purebreds.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

When most of the world is struggling to survive…..and the people (children especially) in Somalia are dying in droves for lack of food and water…...this expenditure seems especially heinous.


I hope we get to have some sort of moral and social consciousness on this planet and soon.

Coloma's avatar

No. But he is a beauty.

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