What's the most embarassing thing you've said, or that's happened to you on Fluther?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
July 30th, 2011
Maybe you misunderstood a question completely and
posted something totally off topic only to realise what you did too late.
Or maybe someone said something witty and sarcastic ( all in good humour, of course ) and you made a really pathetic reply?
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64 Answers
The night of the Yarnpocalypse, I was so drunk and confused that it was embarrassing.
Warm milk with honey appears to be a good ‘medicine’ for people who can’t sleep.
Not long after I first joined I was going through my activity one day and noticed two strange posts I had supposedly made. They looked like this:
At first I thought my cat had walked across the keyboard. I then questioned my daughter who was 4 at the time and she admitted that she was messing with the computer. She apparently went to the computer when I left the room for a moment and started typing on the question I had last looked at.
When they asked me to be a moderator!
I’m fairly certain i’ve never felt in the slightest bit embarassed on these pages.
@KatetheGreat you were a riot that night…quite a few Jellies let their hair down that night! XD
@Cruiser I don’t know if you remember, but I was in a park, drunk, and chatting with you guys as I watched the squirrels. That was my favorite Fluther memory ever. Hahaha
Having Auggie PM
me as a MOD
Or completely misunderstanding a question while sober.
Or numerous posts of my own making, usually drunken. (id est Yarnladynight)
Or getting gang banged for using Courier New.
Or there are some PMs
I really shouldn’t talk about…
Or maybe referencing the size of my ___ in a post. Did I really compare it to a gun on a battleship? Really?
Which is the “most embarrassing” though? Dunno, too many damn contenders.
Strike all that, having people edit your school paper on fluther.
It’s like being naked in front of a doctor you know and see all the time.
Forgetting that all jellies are not from the U.S. when I asked a question. I apologized, but I still feel embarrassed. For all the traveling I’ve done, you’d think I’d be more aware. Tsk!
Actually I’m with @KatetheGreat I was fucked as shit on the night of the Yarnpocalypse, a bit more than usual…but every bit was worth it. Although the next day I was wondering if my account would still exist lol, and a little worried about how YARNLADY may have taken it. But since she’s awesome, it all went well. :)
There’s a lot of questions I read wrong, and gave an answer to that had nothing to do with what was asked. I was like, ooops, and sometimes flagged myself. Not embarrassing enough for me to remember any specific example though.
Once I think I said something about peeing in the tub, but maybe that was someone else. XD
I’ve misunderstood comments or typed things that “sounded funny” in my head, then the next day I realized were lame answers. shrug what can I do? I just move on to the next batch of questions :)
Another embarrassing moment was asking about the “new thing”—the “thank ___” button. Gulp. Obviously I don’t ask that many questions to know that I can thank my respondents. I flagged that to be taken down. Then crawled under a rock for 2 minutes!
@Symbeline Dude. We were smashed that night. I was in the middle of a public park drinking out of a paper bag like a hobo. I was really questioning whether we were going to be banned forever. Hahahaha.
Ha yeah lol. I remember staying up so late for hours doing this with you guys. Creating a shitload of questions and stuff about this lol.
Also; I was in the middle of a public park drinking out of a paper bag like a hobo.
That was fuckin epic lol.
I stayed up the entire night until I found out what YARNLADY’s reaction was. I was up for a longgg ass time after everyone went to bed. Hahaha. It was a good night, but did we ever find out what kind of yarn to use for that poor squirrel’s sweater?
We did…I think YARNLADY answered herself. Unless that was the scarf for a friend?
Hahahahaha I don’t even remember. I’m pretty sure Seelix screenshotted most of it, though.
Hopefully we get that drunk again next Easter. :D
Next Easter? Maybe next weekend!
I was up being the Easter Bunny in my home that night. Pretty sure I had a few eggs stuck up my ass. Sorry. No screen shots of that.
Hard to pick just one as most embarrassing but on might be this one, where in response to the question Word search puzzle books… are they screwing with your head on purpose? I commented:
Either Fox News, the Republicans. the Tea Baggers, the Left Wing Nuts, Aliens, or Target buyers are hoping to harvest whatever it is that’s in your ovaries or your testes, or in your backyard or your garage or your crawl space or your attic, they don’t care. They want it. Watch your back.
The other most embarrassing moment involved a certain question about a certain smell generated by my oven cleaner. The question was modded and exists only in memories and in the ether and in brief asides on other questions such as:
this one
this one
It wasn’t so much that the question itself was embarrassing as it was so unlike me to ask that kind of question that some people thought my account had been hijacked and made a fuss and that was embarrassing, to put people through that.
I may have been a little confused and had a little too much to drink that night, both nights actually, maybe.
Well, you asked.
And I totally missed Yarnpocalypse. I miss all the good stuff too.
Well you just posted some good stuff so thank you @lillycoyote. Fluther gold here.
After over a thousand questions and more than 10,000 posts – you’d think I’d know better. Nope. I got suspended like a little boy.
I once seriously asked Jeruba in a PM if she wanted to physically harm me based on something she said in a thread. That was kind of embarrassing.
I only have a few foggy memories of the Yarnpocalypse. If you can’t remember everything that happened, is it still embarassing?
And this, What was this mystery food I ate? Not my brightest moment.
Man, did I miss you guys. Thanks for answering everyone!
90% of my answers in one way or another.
I am extremely embarrassed when I say or do something really stupid. There have been times here where I asked a very dumb question (as in, if I’d thought about it or if it had occurred to me to Google, I’d have had my answer) and some occasions where I have said things that were retarded or totally unfunny (when I thought, in the moment, that I was hilarious). I get so embarrassed that I immediately banish all memories from my head, so I don’t have any examples.
There was also one time that I am supremely embarrassed of and which will haunt the annals of Fluther for time immemorial.. I was drunk and weepy and feeling really invisible and unwanted (after yet another depressingly disappointing evening at a bar) and I got excessively maudlin.
And no, I will not link it. I am too embarrassed. You can go hunting for it, if you’re so inclined.
I can’t even remember. I’ve said a lot of dumb, embarrassing things. I’m surprised some of you people still like me. Thank you, haha
Edit: after the gentle proddings of a friend (DO IT.) I’ve decided to reveal a horrifying embarrassing Fluther story. I was quite drunk and messaged a jelly on this thread detailing how I’d get all up on them and put eyeliner on them. Yup. I’m so sorry about that. You know who you are.
What was the Yarnpocalypse????????? Where the hell was I???
@lillycoyote Hey…you got in on Simones roast on Wis.dm! That beat all!!
Anytime I’ve been having a bad day, and gotten bent out of shape over something stupid.
I wanted to “impress” a certain jelly with some nude pics of myself – and PMed the link to Hawaii_Jake by mistake.
We’ve been friends ever since.
@zen that’s definitely the best story so far.
lol@zen impressive. @Hawaii_Jake strikes me as a man of taste.
I sent a bubble bath photo of myself to someone hear. And might have done worse while really drunk.
That photo should be your avatar @everephebe. Just a thought…
Seven… well if that’s all you can manage :D
Well yes I can manage more than seven but… really I mean how long do you want to hang out with me in the tub? You’re hands will get all prune-y….
Our poor little @everephebe has been turned into a sex object.
lol@KatetheGreat… I don’t see him complaining about being a sex object… prune-y hands .. shrugs…
I’m so glad I made it for the seven minute window.
:D me too @redfeather. I like the photo @everephebe and there is nothing, whatsoever embarrassing about it. I like the photo… (slaps @KatetheGreat for laughing….I was speaking from an artistic perspective!!)
@Bellatrix I wasn’t laughing, m’dear, I was thoroughly enjoying myself.
I missed it, dang it. Bring back the bubble bath!
You missed the 7 minute deadline Auggie… it was mighty fine while it lasted. :D
Well if the Community Manager wants me to bring back the naked bath tub picture of myself then who am I to argue?
OH!!!! I thought it was a gray towelish object in the tiny thumbnail. dense moment. Niiiiiiice. Good art-photography as well!
I’ll admit to looking, even drooling a little… seeeeeexxyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
This is partially why I used to be a pteropod.
The clione / sea angel / pteropod is a beautiful androgynous creature. It is a Jelly, or at least in the Jelly family…
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