Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

Can you vacation without staying connected to the outside world?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 30th, 2011

Do you insist on bringing your computer or phone with you when you take that much needed vacation?

Do you visit Fluther or Facebook or Twitter or any other site you normally frequent? Do you text your friends and family when sitting on the beach?

This is just an odd concept for me. When I vacation I like to disconnect from the outside world. Isn’t that what a vacation is all about?

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23 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I wish I could but I had to have connection to my business all last week on vacation and admit I snuck in a few answers here while sitting on the deck looking out at the sunrise over the lake!

naivete's avatar

It depends on who I’m on vacation with. If I’m on vacation with my parents, I usually bring my laptop, smart phone, two pairs of headphones (you name it). If I go on vacation with friends, I only bring my smart phone.

blueiiznh's avatar

On vacation, I dump the computer and use the mobile device only if need to find my way from point to point.
Having a job where I am on call a significant period of time, I really detox from it whenever possible. Even if it is not vacation. I tend to not get on over the weekend also.

Bellatrix's avatar

Like @Cruiser and @blueiiznh my job at the moment means I have to be at least in contact. I find it nice to just be away from the office and largely unavailable except when I choose to check in.

linguaphile's avatar

Depends on what I’m doing and who I’m with. Right now, I’m with family at a ranch in Kalispell, MT. It’s freaking gorgeous outside, but there’s not much talking going on, so I’m still E-connected. When I actually do something, like go to Glacier National Park or outside to work with the horses, no, but when I’m sitting in the house or in the back of the van going somewhere… I need mental stimulation!!!!
If I was with friends or talkative people, big difference. Phone and laptop would be stowed away.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

I only use the laptop if I need information…for the trip…venues that are open, sights, Google maps, museum hours, best places to kiss, etc.

(P.S. And if you are wondering….the best place to kiss is under The Bridge of Sighs in Venezia, in a gondola at sunset… the local legend states you will be granted everlasting love if you do that.)


blueiiznh's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus was that an internet poll or a suggestion :)

YARNLADY's avatar

A vacation is any change in daily routine. Some people climb mountains on their vacations, some people visit their relatives, and some people just stay home and sleep in late.

jonsblond's avatar

I guess I’m an old fart at 40 years old. I love our vacations in the northwoods with no phone and an old tv in the cabin with a VCR.

I remember road trips with my parents when I was a teen. We would travel hundreds of miles in the southwest and I would sit alone in the backseat with a book and a tablet of paper making sketches of the scenery. =)

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@bluiiznh…...How good do you look in a long-sleeved striped shirt? And more importantly, can you wield a very long oar? Oh geez…...I didn’t mean it that way @bluiiznh.

blueiiznh's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus biting my tongue on that question

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@blueiiznh…...Check my edit. I would have been better watching “Wizard of Oz” than writing so early in the am….lol.

MacBatman31's avatar

It all depends on what vacation I am taking. Although I do stay connected at all times to people, I like staying connected. Especially when I go on vacation to my Grandparent’s house, which is the majority of the time, I need that escape and ability to tell people about my vacation. If it’s a vacation with just friends, I tend to stay away from bringing my computer and just bring my phone for outside connection.

JLeslie's avatar

On vacation I do bring my phone and Ipad, but I can go for days without logging on. I don’t feel the need to check and see what is going on in the virtual world. I usually post a thing or two on facebook, since I am on their fairly regularly. More of a paranoia about not wanting people to know I am away. I rarely use my phone even when I am home, so it is about the same when I am on vacation.

tinyfaery's avatar

Sure, but not always. It depends on the type of vacation I’m taking. I love hotels, room service and local TV. I also love a B&B with no phone or TV and hiking in areas where there is no way my phone will work.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@jonsblond…...I remember road trips with tablets and books, too! awwwwwww Thanks for that great memory.

And the scratchy interference on the radio as it started to fade…just when you were about to hear your favorite song. <sigh>....your lovely reverie interrupted by your dad announcing rather loudly: “Why the hell can’t they make good music like the old days…they don’t make them like Sinatra anymore…” No dad, they sure don’t and I miss you too

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m on vacation right now, so to speak. I am sitting in a motel room in San Diego. We are here to help my MIL move to an independent living apartment. We have packed up a lot of boxes of stuff she will be donating to charity, and an entire trash bin full of bags of unusable garbage. My FIL passed away in February last year, and he was a pack rat. We will come back on her actual moving day, in a few weeks, with a rental U-Haul to take a lot of the furniture home with us.

I still have the same type of work here that I have at home, picking up after people, fixing meals. We are staying in a suite with a kitchenette. We usually stay at a beach condo, but it was already booked for this month. I’ve been here two days already and haven’t been to the beach.

Berserker's avatar

I can yeah, done it before. It is a nice feeling, but unless I’m watching horror movies or playing games, I don’t feel very comfortable with myself. So most of my vacations I see as an opportunity to do more of what I love. Fuck camping lol. It’s cool yeah, but not for too long.

Sunny2's avatar

I don’t even carry a camera, let alone a phone or laptop. I try to soak in what’s going on around me where ever I am and traveling, you can learn a lot just opening your eyes and ears. At the end of the day, I jot down notes to remind me of the day. 10 years later, I don’t really find it all coming back to me when I read my notes, so maybe that isn’t as necessary as I thought. But writing it solidifies the day for that day and I have bits and pieces in my brain to bring back the memories anyhow. Lovely memories.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have done that with no problem and am ready to do that again:)

john65pennington's avatar

On our latest trip to Aruba, we left our cellphones at home. We also did not watch the news on our room television. We were determined to be strictly alone and to ourselves.

It worked and it really was a stress-reliever. The sun in Aruba burned me to a crisp. A lobster would not described the color of my skin and the pain. Aloe came to my rescue.

Jude's avatar

I actually prefer it that way.

tranquilsea's avatar

I disconnect while on vacation. No computers, no phones, no tv. It is very relaxing.

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