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john65pennington's avatar

What do you say to a man that has just ran into the back of your new police car?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) July 31st, 2011

Yep, this occured to my brand new, shiny police vehicle. I was working a crash on a main city highway. A telephone pole has been hit and wires were across the road. When I arrived, I parked my new police car on the sidewalk, away from any dangers. The Fire Department had the road blocked of traffic. One lane of traffic eventually was opened and cars started to move. All of a sudden, I heard a loud crash. Someone had just driven their vehicle into the rear of my shiny, new police car. The frame was bent and my vehicle was taken out of service and sold to a tote the note lot. I only had the vehicle assigned to me for three whole days. When the at-fault driver emerged from his vehicle and stated he was sorry, so…............Question: what were my first comments to this driver? What would have been your first comments to this driver?

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24 Answers

tedibear's avatar

“Are you okay?”

ucme's avatar

“Now I do not believe you wanted to do that, now did you!?!” Would have been my response, said in a higher tone of voice than usual & laced with sarcasm.
As for what you said….do tell!

poisonedantidote's avatar

- Are you ok?

- Yea, I think so.

- Blow me or I’ll shoot you in the head execution style

- What!?

- I said do you feel ok, do you have double vision, are you hearing any strange things?

- No, I’m fine

- Good. I love you

talljasperman's avatar

Don’t worry It’s my supervisors car? Or… I have to write double the tickets for you to pay for the damage; Here good luck I have my backup pad; And you name is?

abysmalbeauty's avatar

“!” or “really?” or “I think its time for a breath-a-lizer.”

Judi's avatar

This happened to a friend. She was making a right on a red and didn’t see the officer coming. Totally her fault. She was shocked and amazed at how nice the officer was and that he didn’t site her. I think that the officer probably has to wait and let some other officer handle it as if he were an ordinary citizen since he was a party to the incident. Am I right @john65pennington ?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used agai…”

john65pennington's avatar

Judi, you are correct. A traffic officer makes out the accident report.

CWOTUS's avatar

Sir, have you been drinking?

linguaphile's avatar

You just had to check that one off your bucket list, didn’t you.

ragingloli's avatar

You are “sorry”? I’ll give you a reason to be sorry!

rebbel's avatar

“Well Mister, congratulations, you just earned a starring in a question that i will ask at my favourite website! ”

MacBatman31's avatar

“So, this is my new police car, and you just won yourself the first ride in my next one!”

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, I know!

What it do, playa?

Ron_C's avatar

Fortunately, the policeman can’t be blamed for the accident and doesn’t have t pay for the damage. I expect that he wouldn’t have to say much to the person that hit his shiny new car. The driver already know that he or she is having a bad day that is only going to get worse.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Jeez, accidents happen. Some of the responses here are downright mean.

“Are you okay?” was also the first thing to come to mind, for me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think you cried and ruined your mascara is what I think you did!

I still can’t fathom how a person can just run into the back end of a parked car….was he drunk? Was he texting?

Coloma's avatar

Right. People over things!

Of course, to go out on the spiritual/psychic limb here, the “there are NO accidents” mantra…well, maybe you were subconsciously fearing damage coming to your new cruiser and your energies actually attracted the accident. Hey, I believe this can be true! ;-)

Schroedes13's avatar

“Look, what I found… handy, dandy, billy club!” and then laugh maniacally.

john65pennington's avatar

Actually, this was an elderly man that was just a “long necker” as we call them. You have to understand my new police car was a good 30 feet off the road and on the sidewalk. I am just thankful that no citizen was run over by this driver.

He was charged with reckless driving and his auto insurance paid 100% reimbursement for a new replacement police vehicle.

Hibernate's avatar

I would have laughed or smiled [real smile not a sarcastic smile]. Even if I was to see a drunk young man coming out of the car instead of that old man.

Dutchess_III's avatar

30 FEET??? He should have had his licensed revoked.

Brian1946's avatar

Did this happen before you retired?

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