What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
Asked by
Joker94 (
July 31st, 2011
I’m quite partial to the JFK theories, myself, having researched them a lot for a school project this year. Even though I think a lot of conspiracies are fake, there is no denying there are eerie amounts of evidence behind some of the best. What are your favorites, and why?
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39 Answers
My favorite conspiracy theory is that we have had bases on Mars since the 1950’s thanks to a “Secret Space Program” and the exchange of technology with off-planet races. There are supposedly “JumpGates” or “JumpRooms” to Mars…where you simply go into a chamber and are teleported there almost instantaneously. There was a whole conference this past spring in Amsterdam devoted to this.
I figure that I’ve dated enough Martians in my life to know that this must be true. :) And they don’t offer to pick up the check when they invite you to dinner, either. (Rude, eh?) I thought they were just going to the men’s room…instead they were teleporting back to Mars! (The nerve.)
My second favorite? That the moon isn’t a big rock. It’s artificial and inhabited by an underground race…I imagine they would be “Moonies”? (Not sure.)
My third? That I was Amelia Earhart’s lovechild.
(Okay, well, I’m not ancient enough to be Amelia’s offspring….so that one can be discounted right off the bat…but it is still a personal favorite.)
That George Bush let Osama bin Laden escape when Rangers were about to capture him, because the bin Ladens are business partners with George H.W. Bush and the Carlyle Group.
The only flight allowed to take off when aviation was grounded after 9–11 was a flight from Logan Airport on which OBL’s sister (who lived in Sudbury, Mass). was leaving the country.
Don’t really have a favorite, but the one that makes me most angry in that the Holocaust never happened. I want a sit down meeting with old Mahmoud to see why he thinks that.
I get too upset by how much legitimate criticisms of existing power structures gets written off as conspiracy theory to have anything but ire towards actual conspiracy theories.
As a Canadian I have to say the cancellation of the Avro Arrow.
Eh, not sure which one’s my fav, but I don’t think humans have actually been to the moon.
Anything having to do with the Trilateral Commission, gold backed currency, Area 51 and HAARP.
Mind control, my friends. Mind control!
That Bush masterminded 9/11 and imploded the twin towers. The folks that say he pulled off the greatest conspiracy in US history are the same ones that make fun of him for being too dumb to find his way out of a motel ballroom without help.
My personal favorite conspiracy theory that the Women’s World Cup finals were scripted, and that USA was paid to lose to Japan.
All the crazy shit the Teaparty spreads about Obama.
@DarlingRhadamanthus I’ve heard the Moon-Portal theories before, they’re actually kind of neat, haha.
@tranquilsea I’m gonna have to look into that, actually, that sounds rather interesting.
@MilkyWay I’ve heard a few solid Moon landing conspiracies, but I still hold out hope that we made it there XD
One of my favorites, if it counts as a conspiracy, is the Solway Firth Spaceman for being extremely eerie.
Oh, man… Not to be rude, but where do you think all those missions went if not the moon?
Mythbusters actually did an episode on the common moon landing conspiracy stories and was able to dispel them. True, it’s a TV show, but they tested the flag waving in a vacuum chamber and all that stuff.
Okay guys, if we went to the moon, prove it!~
Who cares if we actually did? It’s boring up there anyway. Besides, this question isn’t about debating the theories.
Any theory involving Nikoli Tesla
, I’m all about it! That man invented everything!
Oh…that the holocaust never really happened….
@everephebe that’s my second favourite conspiracy theory!
The screwiest one around in my mind is about creating the amero, a North American curency to replace the dollar.
Oh, and Lyndon LaRouche.
I’m with @MilkyWay, why haven’t we gone back to the moon since?? eh??? ehhhhh?????
@Schroedes13 it’s a big hunk of rock, what else is there to see?
damn it. Dan beat me.
but science nerds don’t think it’s boring!!!!!
frig…......then I am not intrigued by any conspiracy theories…..sad story for me….
Good, now we can proceed with the plan…
I want to go to the moon. That’d be dope.
When I was in second grade I “invented” a electro-magnetic device go back to the moon cheaply. Of course my plan involved magnetizing the earths core and other silly notions. I was heartbroken when I learned about the Space elevatore. I wanted my friend Caroline to be the first woman on the moon. I was a ‘feminist’ growing up too. :D
The JFK assassination is my favorite. It is such a jungle, people spend their lives trying to understand its complexity.
That the bombing of Guernica never happened; or that the Republicans did it to their own town.
I think it might be the myth of the female Messiah—God’s only begotten daughter.
Also the Pac and Biggie conspiracies are good.
My absolute favorite…is that there aren’t any conspiracies. :)
We did not go to the moon!!
Prove me wrong :P
Ooohh just eat a moon rock.
Of course we didn’t. I know I didn’t, anyway.
I went to the moon once…in my dream. I flew there. The flying part was cool, but the moon WAS boring. What reason would we even have for sending humans back there?
^^ LOL!! Bring back any cheese? :D
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