Are you as excited about shark week as I am?
Asked by
redfeather (
July 31st, 2011
from iPhone
What’s your favorite part?! There was a show for a while with Paul Walker(random as hell) catching Great Whites on a platform and studying them, then throwing them back. I hope they show a few of those episodes.
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17 Answers
Nope, not at all, sorry.
I saw a show last year on Greek tv (it was similar to those Animal Planet/Discovery/NatGeo shows) where a bunch of guys (biologists, I am sure) had so much fun catching sharks, drill holes in their fins, attaching transsponders to them, (trying to) release them, that I got sick to the stomach.
They were more busy with the camera than with the wellbeing of the animals who were struggling to escape from the manmade release system which consisted of some ropes.
All ‘for research purposes’ of course…
I don’t speak “sharkish” but I was pretty sure that I could read the stress from their bodies (the sharks bodies, that is).
Wouldn’t be surprised if the ‘research’ results would be tainted by the stress levels of the animals (do they act the same with a transponder drilled to their backs?).
Shark week?
Help me out, somebody.
@rebbel not all the shows are like that, and animals are tagged all the time for research purposes and to help the species in the end. I’ve never seen any of them actually kill a shark. Sorry your view of shark week is so tainted.
@wundayatta Discovery Channel shows different shows about all different kinds of sharks, all week long. Kinda awesome.
It’s time for something different, why not beaver week?
@Blackberry is there enough about beavers? It might have to be beaver hour.
I vote for Bear Week! Plus, that’d give Stephen Colbert more comedic material.
@redfeather I’m sure there is, let’s head on over to Oregon and start filming.
Bear Week would be fun….
How bout squid week? There are squids with TEETH AROUND THEIR SUCTION CUPS.
@Blackberry fine, fine… We could make up “The Golden Beaver” and go on an expedition.
Or duck-billed platypus week…...
Moth Month. The subject of moths is just too rich to be covered in a week.
I agree with @Blackberry. There should be a beaver week. I would also like a clam week.
I have bought so many cases of beer and Little Debbies for this event.
Shark Week is fucking awesome.
Probably not, but that’s a statement about how sleepy I am, and not about shark week.
I’m watching a program on Discovery about the 10 deadliest sharks .
Number 3 is the tiger shark, and I just saw one get bitten by a sea turtle that it was stalking. I love it! :-D
Beer and Little Debbies? Ga. You and Clyde are a match made in heaven!
Hell YES! I did a shark Scuba dive in the Bahamas and it was incredibly NUTZ insane to see 30+ sharks schooling around you as they tore into the chum bait on the ocean bottom right IN YOUR FACE!! You couldn’t pay me enough to do that again but it was so damn cool at the time!
Oh I just love the part when they tell about the Ampullae of Lorenzini. I get the shimber me timbers up me leg!
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