How has your weather been for the Summer, thus far?
Asked by
Jude (
July 31st, 2011
This has to be one of the nicest Summers here, weather-wise. It’s flying by and I plan on savouring August. Pretty well every night these past two weeks, I’ve been at lake for a late night swim. :)
I’ve also been sucking back a lot of beer.
I’m in Southern Ontario. :)
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39 Answers
Not to shabby, kinda dry. We usually have more afternoon thunderstorms. We’re kinda in a drought. But because it’s dry, it’s not so humid so the heat is actually bearable. Goin to the pool later for a bit of a tan ;)
It’s been hot. Very wiltingly hot and humid. Me no likey.
Turn your oven on low and stick your head in. Then you’ll have an idea of what it has been like here in Memphis for the past two months.
April was nice then things fell away with a lot of rain in May/June, but it has turned very nice again recently and has been sunny and cool.
Miserable. Since July 1 or so , it’s been simply cold and often pouring down rain here. Last weekend, it barely got above 55 degrees. This weekend was only slightly better, maybe 65 today. But last night I walked to a friend’s house in jeans and a hoodie. On the 30th of July.
This unchecked aggression will not stand, mother nature.
The heat killed some of my plants. :(
Beastly hot, then every once in a while we get a cool day. Mostly it’s pretty awful. Oh, and don’t forget almost 100% humidity. What fun.
NE Ohio here and it has been mostly AWFUL. Hot, humid, and sticky. Blech.
Hot, humid, and miserable.
This kind of weather makes me miss the harsh Russian winter.
Miserable. We’ve had extreme heat warnings and heat advisories for over a month now with only an air conditioner in the master bedroom, that is until yesterday when my sister bought us an air conditioner for the main part of the house. Our thermostat in the living room has been in the low to mid 90s during the afternoon and early evening. My husband also has to work in this heat in working conditions of 110–117F in the middle of the night in the factory he works in. We have been very grumpy because of this. I’m over summer. Bring me some Fall please.
It is very hot and humid most of the time in my area and just yesterday I noticed the beginning of some gills forming on my neck to better adapt to the high levels of moisture in the air. Honestly, I am amazed we don’t have gills here in the south! lol
Pleasant, but a lot cooler than normal. Where I live it’s been getting into the high 70s to 80s, where I work (downtown San Francisco) I have to wear a sweater or fleece most of the day because it’s cold and foggy until about 1 p.m.
Very bearable.
My 12,000 BTU window A/C unit and 3 fans have been more than adequate this summer.
According to ABC weather reports, we’ve had several days over 90º, but most of them have felt at least 10º cooler than that.
Same as always here: disgusting. (south Florida)
HOT It’s broken 100 virtually every day since June…and August is usually the hottest month of the year and today is the first. Hot. And what pisses me off is, for reasons completely unknown to me, they keep sending us weather reports/storm warnings for freaking Nebraska. We’re in the extreme south central part of Kansas, about 15 miles from Oklahoma. They’ve NEVER mentioned Nebraska before. Why are they doing this?
Raining, in Bakersfield, CA. AT THE END OF JULY!!! That is sooooo strange. Ben here since 1985 and I don’t think I have ever seen that. Usually its dry and over 100 this time of year.
They’ll probably run a weather advisory ad at the bottom of the TV screen here in Kansas for Bakersfield, Ca.
Here’s a weather advisory at the bottom of your computer screen for LA, CA: Warning! Temps might get into the 80’s!
I have never seen this much rain all year long and my garden, bushes and trees are out of control crazy growing all over the property! The best has been the hot summer nights and chillin on the deck with a cold lemon tea and listening to all the crazed tree frogs!.
Not too bad, so far. It rained today and that’s weird. In So. Cal. August and September are usually the hottest months. There is still a lot of Summer left.
@tinyfaery Today, no humidity and it’s sunny and warm. We’ve been chillin’ at the beach and outside all day. I can’t wait for you to get here.
We’ve had record-setting rains, and the biggest hail storm I’ve ever seen. plus we’ve been averaging 90+ F for the past few weeks.
I’m biking a lot and feel like I’m sweating off all the extra winter weight. But I’m countering that with beer, nectarines, watermelon and blueberries.
When it was sunny, it was around 37–46 degrees, between 100–115 for the Americans. And on rainy days, it was around 30–38 or 85–102.
Hot. But not all that bad. Lots of rain earlier in the season. Just another summer.
We spent the first part of July with very cool and rainy weather. But the last week or so it’s been hot, hot, hot.
I think this will go down as the hottest, driest summer on record where I am. It’s been oppressive.
A great disappointment. Gray and rainy for the last three weeks. On some days highs in the upper 60s and lows in the upper 40s. It changed yesterday. Finally it’s sunny with highs in the upper 70s. The weather fairy finally turned off the air conditioning over Germany. Our vacation starts this weekend and we want to go hiking in the Alps. Let’s see how long the weather lasts.
It’s turned from beastly hot to nice. It gets a little uncomfortable in the afternoon, but all in all it’s not as bad. A high of 92 today, and thundershowers tomorrow. Yaaay!
Here in the south west of England we are having a fortnight of hot weather followed by a fortnight of rain followed by the hot weather again. I quite like it this way. Today is particularly boiling!
It is 105F/40.5C right now in Memphis. When I went out to wheel the trash bin in, I had to go back and grab a potholder in order to cart it back to the garage. And the grab bar is plastic, not metal.
It’d been so hot, we get hot water from both sides of the faucet now.
We reached 80. Finally. It feels great. Especially the evenings sitting outside.
@woodcutter It’s about like it was in 1980. I won’t forget that year. But…we got over it.
I think we’re finally getting a break. Weather forcast has us in the mid to high 90’s next week. Thank goodness.
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