Who first made you feel welcomed to Fluther?
Who sent that first “welcome” PM that really touched you? Was there an early interaction that made you feel like people were friendly and warm here?
FireMadeFlesh sent my first welcome PM. Followed soon after by warm messages from whatthefluther and Auggie. I was hooked on the site, but the warm welcome sealed the deal for me.
Do you remember who welcomed you?
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94 Answers
Dog was the first one to send a welcome pm, and we immediately started talking about dogs.
The next pms all relate to the [redacted] thread that is involved with the [redacted] award.
Augustlan brought me here. She found me on facebook, we went to high school together.
Daloon, pdworkin, and janbb were some of the firsts to make me feel at home.
I forget, it has been so long ago!
Actually I don’t think I had any official welcome from anyone, I feel so left out!
@rooeytoo check your pms and you will see for sure if someone sent you a welcome all that time ago.
@rooeytoo Actually I don’t think I had any official welcome from anyone
Same here. I think I recall ItalianPrincess sending me a PM a few months after I joined saying she loved my funny posts. Definitely didn’t get a “welcome to the site” PM from anyone though. Dalepetrie and DrasticDreamer were the first jellies to add me to their Fluther, but I believe I added them to mine first. I didn’t really understand the whole People in your Fluther thing at first, so I didn’t start following people til I had been here for 6 months or so.
Whatthefluther made me feel welcome first.
While searching for my earliest PM, I saw that one of the first PMs I ever received was from @FutureMemory pointing out my giant eyeballs.
I believe I said that the person who told you you had freakishly large eyes was a jerk, and that I was envious because mine are smaller than I’d like them to be :)~
Oh. I only skimmed the PMs. That is the conversation, I remember it now.
The first person to cordially interact with me here was chyna.
@Nimis did while playing peacemaker between @gailcalled and myself. I can’t remember what we were arguing about.
Muistan, että olin oikeassa.
@28lorelei . . . Olen pahoillani. Suomen lähettämistä on vain vitsi välillä @ gailcalled ja I. olen paljon tyhmiä oppia niin kovaa kieltä. Käytän Google kääntää. Sinulla on kaunis maa. Tervetuloa Fluther.
I just checked. The first pm I had from anyone was a note from someone who still pops in periodically to give smart ass responses. And might I add, it was not a welcome note!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am so hurt!
I believe it was @Dog, sadly no longer with us.
A moderator called The_Compassionate_Heretic
No one. I found fluther when there was an upheaval happening; older users were complaining about new users and how the site was changing. Most of my first interactions were kinda tense.
I think my first positive interaction was with gailcalled. She thanked me for helping her with Milo.
After lurking for a few days trying to understand the site, I answered a question by a “seasoned” jelly who took offense to my answer. Another jelly came to my defense, which made me feel welcomed. Later that same “seasoned” jelly PM’d me with a link to one of their questions that only said Answer this? (no I didn’t answer it). The next day I posted my first question and it was returned by a mod with an explanation, but no warm welcome to fluther.:( (sigh!)
Pied_Pfeffer welcomed me :)
It was EmpressPixie, Marinelife and Pandoraboxx.
@Cruiser forced me to come here.
HypocrisyCentral greeted me. I hope he was not being a hypocrite.
@tinyfaery . . . if it helps, i’ve always hated you in a welcome kinda way. :)
The first person to actually say “welcome to Fluther” was @jonsblond. I did receive some PMs before that from a guy that was just looking to hit on me and see if I’d talk to him about sex.
I had a ton of PMs last year while my husband was deployed and when he got home from people checking in on me or thanking him (and me) for his service. It was really touching considering I had just joined and people were being so caring.
The first PM I received was a lovely and warm note from @Marinelife (then @Marina).
I lurve that woman
Other early messages came from @Nimis (whom I’m happy to see poking around lately), @PnL (I don’t know what happened to her), and @susanc (whose not around here anymore, and I sadly lost track of her on Facebook)
My first PM was from HypocrisyCentral, followed by one from AustinLad. I probably had a few welcoming messages within the threads parallel to that. I appreciate all the friendly “voices” from the tidepool.
Marissa was the first to welcome me, I think. Back on August 9th, 2008, a day after I arrived. She was the designated den mother for the Askville crowd, of whom, only a few are left. She gave us a quick guide for Askvillers. Or maybe we were Askvillains. Hmmm. If I remember, I’ll bring back my old avatar for a day on August 8th. Or maybe I should bring it back for the month? Or a week? Any advice?
@Cruiser I refuse to eat a catsup covered cinderblock.I don’t care who made it.
No one really sent me a welcome PM. It seems like I was here for a while before anyone really noticed me.
I think my first PM was from patg7590. Then jbfletcherfan and faye sent me some messages.
@wundayatta: Bring back the ass, bring back the ass, bring back the ass…
@Coloma made me feel welcome here and since then @johnpowell has been extremely nice.
@cprevite For how long? Starting when? Ending when? They have shark week. How about bad-ass week?
Allie was one of the first indivduals that talked to me when I first joined Fluther so long ago. She was then and is now one of the friendliest and most likeable Jelly’s that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
@mattbrowne and @marinelife PM’ed me their welcomes.
I feel so bad but I can’t remember. Whoever it was, I’m sorry!
OK, I just checked my PM’s and the first welcome PM I received was by dynamicduo. She hasn’t been on Fluther since August 2010.
@cprevite beginning and ending when? A week before my anniversary? The week beginning with my anniversary? Or the week straddling my anniversary?
I did not receive a pm that welcomed me here which is better or it would have made me feel awkward. When people try to be nice and then turn up not be that way it’s awful.
But it felt good when a few people helped me see my mistakes better and that they had so much patience. Those know themselves :)
Oh my gosh, what a trip down memory lane! I had to go back like 300 pages of PMs (I have got to delete more often!) but the first couple of people to pm me were Kelly27 and Kenmc, both fellow wis.dmers since we just came from there and were discussing whether we like this new place. Then easiness asked me if that was my hiney in the avatar since my first avatar (and remains one of my favorites to this day) was me naked with my first son as a baby. Then someone name the-unconservative-one and I talked about philosophy and they too asked if it was my ass in the picture, lol! He then proceeded to objectify me, transgender people and a host of others in many other ways through the next dozen of PMs. MacBean was sweet to ask me my pronoun preference almost immediately after that. Likeradar and jonsblond wrote me PMs after that about polyamory and babies, respectively and I talked with the compassionate heretic a whole bunch (but we knew each other from wis.dm, too). PnL asked if I was being an ass in the chatroom or if someone was impersonating me (it was the latter). Doesn’t seem like anyone really welcome me. Cak was super nice to me. Miss her!
A friend who’s no longer here- Phillis.
Augustlan, cdwccrn & AlfredaPrufrock welcomed me and helped me through a difficult time when I first joined.
Zen sent me my first welcome message.
Blueroses. She was such a sweetheart and we immediately became friends.
Bluenoses is TOTALLY sweet. I remember her messaging me in my early days and becoming friends.
@redfeather you’re on your iPod, right? My iPod tried to correct blueroses to bluenoses as well. Hahaha, seems like you didn’t catch it!
@KatetheGreat totally didn’t even spot it. I feel like I should leave it but for the record I mean BLUEROSES
‘Twas @jbfletcherfan who is no longer with us.
I got stung first by a jelly that’s still here… then welcomed by Jonsblond, Augustlan, then later Blueroses :)
I don’t know if I would’ve stayed if I didn’t get a PM from Jonsblond… I was really smarting from the sting since this is my first Q&A site and didn’t know what to expect!
I really appreciate the friends I’ve made here.
It’s bad but I can’t remember who my first was. That’s a first. I think it was lucille or chyna.
@Ben and @Andrew first PM’s.
The one that made me feel good was @Judi.
It was @dog and the @jonsblond who first welcomed me.
Augustlan and delirium were the first jellies to welcome me and talk to me, and delirium was my first jelly crush as well.
It was @filmfann, almost exactly one year ago.
Pearls, Filmfan & Phillis & not forgetting HungryGuy :-/
After meeting these guys I felt right at home, albeit a part time one ;-)
I don’t remember if anyone did or not…I’m pretty sure Auggie sent me a PM, but I’d really have to go back and look. :/
But when I first joined, most people interacting with me made me feel pretty welcome.
Looked through my PM’s, it was Dog who welcomed me, along with teaching me the ropes about properly asking questions, when one I made had been pulled for editing. Also, someone named POLICE.
I sure remember. I had a bumpy landing when I arrived. Some people thought my first question was a request for homework help and got all snarky with me. First @KatawaGrey and then @augustlan wrote me nice messages of welcome that quite smoothed my feathers and induced me to stick around.
Going back through my pms, I found some old one from Grisaille. :) Makes me miss him.
Jonsblond was the first to greet me. Drastic Dreamer was awfully helpful via pms when I first started here. And, AlfredaPrufrock. :)
I believe it was sleepdoc.
It was Bobo1946.
I miss that guy.
dpworkin and Captain Fantasy.
Not sure but it may have been Dr_C.
I belive Augusltan, Symbeline, and Blueroses made me feel at home.
A little bit of KatetheGreat and bob_ as well. (Can’t forget JilltheTooth)
@wundayatta and @sleepdoc were the first ones to welcome me.
Wow, I just looked through all of these and didn’t see anyone mention mine.
Makes me feel special! The first one for me was @JLeslie.
I had actually sent the first message, with a question about the chat system.
The response was helpful and warm, and so they also became the first person I followed.
For me, it was @augustlan, @Coloma, @ANef_is_Enuf and @iamthemob. But I think it was the Yarnpocalypse that made me feel like I was no longer a newcomer.
That was also the first time the power-hungry-Nazi-socialist-dark-wizard-vampire-control-freaks-with-no-lives ever moderated one of my posts. I hate them forever! ~
@janbb and @jillthetooth brought over the Welcome to the neighborhood muffin basket on my very first day, making me feel all warm and fuzzy about the site. Shortly afterward, some stupid-head meanie invited me to “get lost” and the zencarnation of the time soothed my ruffled feathers and gave me an avatar to use.
My first pm was from @seekingwolf, not quite a week after I joined. They told me that they’d been enjoying my posts and commented that they’d noticed I was new and hoped that I’d stick around. :)
@ninjacolin was the first person I feel like I developed a rapport with. We had a knock down drag out fight about determinism early on (as is his wont), and we’ve been friendly since.
I already answered this question but would like to point out that today is my official 3 year anniversary on Fluther. F-yeah Christmas!
I came from wis.dm. Daloon and RedPowerLady were the first Jellies to quit hitting me with a stick! Rarebear and I, and a few other Wisdmrs, banded together for protection, though, so we survived.
Gosh….It’s been so long. Sometimes I get shocked when a long time Jelly tells me they came over from Wisdm. I’m going to ask a question. Hope it doesn’t get modded.
For dxs, @lucillelucillelucille. She was here recently, and I wish I had responded to her PM sooner because she’s gone again now.
Wow, I just realized this thread is 4 years old.
It came up on my Questions for You just today, May 12th, 2016. Isn’t that odd?
Same here @dxs. It was fun to look at the thread again. I previously answered it as jonsblond.
I asked it again, but for some reason it seems that it directed people to the old one.
This thread is 4 years old?? Holy crap….it is. Look at all the people. There’s Addy. Come back….
In fact, the new question never posted? Maybe you can’t re-ask the same question anymore? I thought that you could.
Ask the mods. It will flag you that the question has already been asked, but you have the option of posting it anyway.
That’s what I thought. Hmm.
I kind of like that it’s attached to the old answers :) Though I was initially surprised at how many answers there were already to a “new” question, haha
I was 16 and completely lost when I got here, so most of my questions reflected that, and I found myself feeling welcome (to my own surprise) by the collective as a whole… @astrochuck was the first to welcome me. I should’ve responded—but I don’t think I did—the place was unfamiliar and I’d never spoken to people I’d never met before on the internet….. And then, a few particular shout outs: @JLeslie, @Jeruba, @Dr_Lawrence, @Silhouette, @daloon/wundayatta
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