Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

What is something you hate with passion?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 1st, 2011

I absolutely hate avocadoes, birds, ignorant people, bugs, and really lame movies with passion. They all make me mad.

What do you hate with passion?

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111 Answers

Hibernate's avatar

If you were to hate that much ignorant people then you must hate stubborn people too. [you can blame it on me if you want]
I dislike beyond what seems to be normality people who do not want to pay attention to me when I tell them NOT TO CALL ME HUNDRED OF TIMES when they see I do not want to respond to the phone. I keep telling this to a lot of people but there’s a category that doesn’t want to comply to my request. They call once, then twice .. then they keep calling all day if I don’t reply. I do not care they think something bad has happened to me, there are times when I don’t want to answer the phone. F’in call once then wait for me to call back IF I feel like it. [and if you somehow get 2 persons to call at the same time then they think you do not want to answer and they get frustrated and call even more… I can’t really take any other calls that day because it’s impossible to do anything because I have to look who’s calling first]

I hate this !

OpryLeigh's avatar

Beed Specific Legislation. I’m very strongly in the “deed not breed” camp.

Coloma's avatar

My strong dislikes are pushy, controlling, narcissistic people and passive aggressive, sneaky, manipulative types.

Pickled beets, cooked spinache organ meats, any meat that is bloody, like Prime Rib. Gah!
Barking dogs, people that speed on my little winding mountain roads and ride my ass, people that don’t use their turn signals, ticks, the little sticker burrs that my cat picks up in the woods this time of year, really hot weather and when my boss is in grumpy old man mode. Bah! LOL

Blackberry's avatar

Roman shutters.

ucme's avatar

Wasps & shit music.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I hate ideology, dogma, and laws that keep me, a gay man, from living a fulfilled life as an equal among equals.

redfeather's avatar

oh my. I love birds and avocados.

I hate onions, meatloaf, ground meat, slugs, a lot of classic rock yeah, yeah, whatever, and baseball.

Mariah's avatar

Out of curiosity, what do you hate about birds, @blueberry_kid?

I hate ignorance, disrespect, and intolerance.

Judi's avatar

Really bad customer service and driving slow in the fast lane.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Well, I should be more specific. I don’t like seagulls. Seagulls are always flying low to the ground, trying to steal all your food, and if you park your car by the beach, it gets pooped on everywhere, and it’s gross! One almost attacked me. I hate seagulls with passion.

OKAY! I AM MAKING A CORRECTION! I don’t hate birds, I hate seagulls.

Coloma's avatar


I think Seagulls are crafty and funny! Last year at the beach a mob of them stole our bag of lunch, they were really good, managed to get into the bag and take the chips. hahaha

I have a series of pictures and they are hilarious, one seemed to be the ring leader, just sitting there waiting for the other ones to uncover the goods.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

brussel sprouts
Adam Sandler movies (except Happy Gilmore)
dog poop
parents who don’t teach their children good manners

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs
Oh, and the New York Yankees.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Junk mail, be it spam or most of the fliers that show up in the mail box. For example, why in the world would a dentist office in Florida send a very expensive brochure to me when I live in Tennessee?? What a waste of their money, not to mention the resources expended in making and delivering it.

everephebe's avatar

Another vote for onion hate.
Although I love the onion, avocados and birds.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Macaroni and cheese, balloons, and feet.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

People who don’t like chocolate. :P

Vunessuh's avatar

Cardboard tampons.

redfeather's avatar

@Vunessuh I got the worst goosebumps just from reading your answer. Those are awful.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@redfeather @Vunessuh I was thinking ugh as well. Had to be conceived by a man.

MacBatman31's avatar

I hate ignorant people, organized religion, spiders, doctors, dentists, old people who think that because they are the age of a dinosaur everyone should bend over backwards for them, people who call rugby a “gay sport”, referees, and a woman’s “time of month”, it really gets in the way.

rock4ever's avatar

I hate people!

redfeather's avatar

Oh, Mariah Carey

Blackberry's avatar

@redfeather There was a clip of her on youtube running her mouth on HSN. Even the guy sitting next to her had a look of, “I know it’s Mariah, but someone get her out of here…”

redfeather's avatar

@Blackberry ugh. She even ruined Nick Cannon. I used to love him when he was on All That.

Blackberry's avatar

@redfeather I’m a dude….She’s a dude…He’s a dude, and we’re all dudes! Hey!

redfeather's avatar

@Blackberry was that Nick or Kel?
I just remember them dressed as girls working at the quickie with super long nails and dancing saying, “it’s time to get our groove on!” but now, as the father of Mariah’s babies… I can’t even look at him!

MacBatman31's avatar

@redfeather That was from Keenan and Kel. Kel did that part. Nick Cannon was the one that was the drummer-boy that had one good movie then made a horrible “Giggilo” song with R. Kelly.

Blackberry's avatar

Oops. Keenan and Kel, and All That were on almost back to back, though. Got confused lol.

MacBatman31's avatar

Happens to the best of us haha

redfeather's avatar

I was in love with Kel back then too. Hmm. Where is he?

MacBatman31's avatar

Lost his career while Keenan moved onto Saturday Night Live. “Who loves orange soda?” Best thing ever!

Blackberry's avatar

@redfeather He’s been doing some random acting and production. He’s also done some voice work too, but nothing that went anywhere :(

redfeather's avatar

@Blackberry too bad… He was funny :(

TexasDude's avatar

Politics, rapists, and authoritarians.

cazzie's avatar

Bevis and Butthead, hard butter, drivers that drive in the left lane when they aren’t passing, cod roe, cod livers, lutefisk, anchovies or rotting food in the fridge, unsolicited phone calls from sellers or census takers and the smell of rancid oil. I won’t get into personality types because I’m bound to offend someone…. OK, add that to the list, people who are easily offended.

fundevogel's avatar

@incendiary_dan misanthropic much?

I hate it when my floured surface moves when I roll out dough. Thankfully I’ve switched to a grabby silicone baking mat. There is now 100% less cursing when I bake.

Blackberry's avatar

@cazzie Lol @ Hard butter. I’m going to add that to my list as well, and the same with hard cream cheese.

Tay122's avatar

I hate haters.
It makes perfect sense. :p

King_Pariah's avatar

Humanity, emotions (especially love), myself, Steppenwolf, Oligarchy, Anarchy, EVERYTHING MUST BURN.

TexasDude's avatar

@fundevogel he’s not actually misanthropic, he just despises the idea of modern commercial/authoritarian civilization, as a re-wilder. Ask him about it. He could probably explain it better than I can.

fundevogel's avatar

wait for, wait for it…Hitler.

Blackberry's avatar

@fundevogel Get with the times, it’s Bush now lol.

fundevogel's avatar

@Blackberry Still? I wonder who the next big thing to hate will be? Wouldn’t it be awesome if we hated them before anyone else?

TexasDude's avatar

When did bush kill almost 21 million people as an act of democide? I must have missed something.

@fundevogel lol, so you want to be a “hatred hipster,” so to speak?

King_Pariah's avatar

Well if my hometown is any indication of who the nation is going to start hating next, it’s Obama.

Ayesha's avatar

Celine Dion.

King_Pariah's avatar

@Ayesha Take that back! lol

flutherother's avatar

Litter. It is so unnecessary.

Berserker's avatar

Sunlight. Ew, get it off me.

linguaphile's avatar

I get riled up by duplicity, being toyed with, mind games, cruelty, malice, venomous people, strong smells, abuse, people who attack teachers, and ridiculous and pointless hoops (or paperwork) that the establishment pulls out of thin air for us to jump through to make themselves feel like they’re doing their jobs. What a waste of time.

And worst of all… I hate, hate juicy, just puke up hair balls.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Squash <shudders just typing that>

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Tomatoes, cruelty, feces, and brats. [As a personality trait, not as it bratwursts.]

fundevogel's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard “lol, so you want to be a “hatred hipster,” so to speak?”

Exactly. I’ll devote most of my hatred to people you’ve probably never heard of. Herman Webster Mudgett? Walter Freeman? George Washington Plunkitt? Hate em.

I used to hate Mel Gibson before he went hatestream.

Ayesha's avatar

@King_Pariah Haha. Very different tastes. Let’s just leave it at that.

redfeather's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf rub tomatoes all over meeee

fundevogel's avatar

In other news I hate Devendra Banhart in his face.

MacBatman31's avatar

Whitney Houston for smoking her knee caps off.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Agh. Internal conflict.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

That phone call when she says she’s late.

redfeather's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf hahahahaha ;)

@Adirondackwannabe awwww! That’s so sweet

AshLeigh's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar


For me it’s separate from the argument whether or not humans are meant to be monogamous. For me it’s as simple as being able to live by your choice and having the balls to say up front to others where you stand and what you are capable of. There’s no evil in not being able to be monogamous but leading someone else on, or lying to yourself and others, wasting other people’s time and lives because you think that’s how you should try to live is stupid and inconsiderate.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d like to see Chandler bleeding…

Blackberry's avatar

@fundevogel Lol, yeah, I’d like to say we start hating Obama, but many have beat us to that :(

gondwanalon's avatar

Evil doers.

MilkyWay's avatar

I hate people who force their veiws on me.
I got nothin against your veiws man, but don’t even think about talkin me into it.

King_Pariah's avatar

@MilkyWay views not veiws.

everephebe's avatar

Hey @MilkyWay are you going to let @King_Pariah force his veiws on you like that? :D

MilkyWay's avatar

@everephebe Nope XD
That’s why I didn’t change it lol!

King_Pariah's avatar

@everephebe actually I’m forcing my views upon her veiws

cockswain's avatar

Jeff Dunham

Blackberry's avatar

@cockswain Definitely. If one more person tells me to watch him because he’s so hilarious…....

cazzie's avatar

I have one to add. Far right fascism and blind Zionism and people who shoot other people and blow up buildings and the people who think that is justified. I really hate that.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@AshLeigh Bite your tounge! Lol

cazzie's avatar

A mosquito in my room at 3.30am. I’m currently really hating that.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I can’t give @cazzie any more lurve for hating mosquitos but she deserves it.

woodcutter's avatar

crackhheads…and methheads, I hate them too.

DominicX's avatar

Hypocrisy, homophobia, and screamo.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Did I mention I hate Justin Bieber? OH! The squirrel irritates me so much. I hate him with passion.

cockswain's avatar

The Minnesota Vikings

woodcutter's avatar

whats wrong with Justin Bieber?

Kardamom's avatar

Besides the usual stuff like people that lack compassion for other people and animals and the elderly and the disabled amongst us, I’m not thrilled about:

Smug people. They just make everybody feel like shit.

People that use sarcasm as their only form of humor, because they can’t figure out the subtleties of other types humor, which can be uproariously funny without being mean spirited or rude or vulgar.

People that are always cynical and think that cynicism is a sign that they are intelligent. Rather than using cynicism to debunk incorrect information or ideals that only serve to “help” one small group of people, but that harm other innocent groups of people.

Most of the judges on most of the food network competition shows. I love to watch people cook and see what they come up with, but most of the judges base their criticism on unrealistic goals. Anyone that was a real chef in a real restaurant would not be put on the spot to make a dessert out of avocados and chicken livers and to do it with style in less than 15 minutes. If you were a chef in a real restaurant, you would try out all sorts of menus and recipes, then you would figure out which ones were tasty, and workable within the contraints of the type of kitchen that you have, and affordable and accessible enough to the clientele you would be catering to, and then you would learn how to make those recipes (and do it well and with as much speed as is necessary). A lot of great cooks and chefs are humiliated and disheartened on those shows even though I’m pretty sure that most of them are excellent cooks and probably thrill their family and clients (if they already work in a restaurant) on a regular basis.

Eggplant. Even though I am a vegetarian, I just can’t stand eggplant and I’ve eaten every way from fried to baked into an eggplant parmesan and grilled on the barbecue and I just can’t stand it. Well, that’s not even true. I have had baba ganoush and enjoyed it quite a bit. But in general folks, please don’t serve eggplant to your vegetarian friends unless they specifically request it. It’s like the wet soggy corrugated cardboard of vegetables.


Not real thrilled with people who can’t drive without tailgating or who can’t use turn signals and who speed up and screetch their tires when speeding up to red lights. The same red light that I got to at the same time, because we’re both waiting.

People (mostly men, can’t say I’ve ever seen a woman do this, but it probably happens) hock up cr*p from their throats and spit it onto the ground.

People who push their shopping carts into my back. Sorry Mrs. whatever your name is, but I’m standing at the register, running my card through the slot and waiting for my change. My back is full of bruises thanks to you! BACK UP AND WAIT YOUR TURN!

People who can’t even acknowledge that there is a person in their midst. You know, the angry, sullen, depressed, holier than though co-worker who can’t even look up to nod or smile or give a “Mornin’” back when you say hello or good morning or how’s it going? or Hi Betty. It’s not like I’m giving her the 3rd degree. I’m just acknowledging that there is a human being approaching me. I’m not real thrilled when this same person lets the door slam in my face when she goes through first and I’m carrying an arm load of boxes. Also don’t care for it when she comes to a work related potluck empty handed, butts into line and then proceeds to chow down her enoroumous plate full of food whilst standing over the garbage can and not thanking anyone, then leaving before the guest of honor (for whom the party was thrown) gets up and makes a speech or gets his/her award.

Sales clerks or other people in service oriented jobs that say “I don’t know” instead of saying, “I’m not sure, but let me go find out for you. Now wait right here and I’ll be right back.”

Any kind of music (but usually rap and heavy metal or punk rock) that is played so loudly so as to make my car shake, my head hurt or make me have to close my doors and windows on a hot day. I get it that different music is enjoyable to different people for all sorts of reasons, but I wouldn’t even think of blasting my Strauss Waltzes and choir music or Xmas songs at 3 in the morning, at full volume or so that anyone outside of my own car or home could hear them.

Not real thrilled with people who use vulgar language a lot of the time, instead of reserving it for when they are literally fighting injustice. Especially when they use that kind of language around little kids and older folks. Know your audience people!

People (mostly men) who don’t find regular women attractive, but prefer instead, anorexic, waiflike creatures or women with fake implanted boobs to be more feminine.

People (mostly women) who don’t even consider dating a guy if he is shorter than, or at least the same height as themselves, or a man who makes less money than they do, or a man who is in one of the more traditionally female jobs such as nursing. Ladies, you’re passing up a lot of terrific guys with your stupid stereo types!

And today, specifially, being way too hot and not being able to find any air conditioning!

MacBatman31's avatar

@cockswain as a peson who lives in Minnesota, I must agree.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Someone’s filled with hate! :)

King_Pariah's avatar

Note to self: avoid @Kardamom

AshLeigh's avatar

@blueberry_kid, why? I just think cutting him would be a fun little experience… I didn’t say I was gonna do it… Even though it’s completely called for.

cockswain's avatar

Focus on the Family

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom Let me give you a big fucking hug and a GA.

blueberry_kid's avatar

The little boy just irritates me. He’s such a joke. And his music sucks. I personally don’t like him, but half my friends do.

mattbrowne's avatar

I dislike greed.

DominicX's avatar

@cockswain Really, I can’t stand any of those “family” organizations where “family” really means “anti-gay”.

cockswain's avatar

I really see them as just a shade better than the Westboro Baptist Church. I live in Denver and catch lots of local tidbits about them all the time. A really contemptible organization led by a really contemptible man.

tinyfaery's avatar

People full of hate.

flutherother's avatar

Tin openers that don’t work.

Jude's avatar

Those who hurt animals, children and the elderly.
Grown men who act like little boys.

mattbrowne's avatar

I also dislike the word hate. And the idea of hate.

MilkyWay's avatar

Okay, I take it back. I don’t hate people who force their veiws on me, I dislike them.

woodcutter's avatar

Hate and passion in the same sentence or idea is a serious concern. I have to believe most of these examples ^^ are really just strong dislikes with those two words chucked in there for effect.
edit: the fact is question received no less than 5 GQ’s is telling.

cazzie's avatar

Some of us are trying to be a little humorous. It was just a mosquito, doing what mosquitoes do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bad Drivers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Kardamom Even Bob Seger’s “Come to Poppa”?????

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