@DarlingRhadamanthus I wonder if the woman in the story would agree with you that deception hurts the most. Without deception, she never would have had those years with her husband that she came to value. Her pain was confined to one horrendous period instead of being drawn out over a long period of time.
I suppose if he had not deceived her, she might have told him to go have a good time with the floozies so long as he didn’t take any time from her, but I seriously doubt that would have happened. This woman might have come to think that deception is fine, as long as you don’t get caught. Maybe she regretted catching him, especially since it was after he died.
They say that you always get caught. So I guess that’s why using deception is not the preferable solution to the problem.
People who have been cheated on have a choice. They can kick the cheating spouse’s ass out the door, or they can try to work on the relationship. I’m always surprised at how many people are willing to work on the relationship. Our couples counselor said that these people don’t have a very high success rate, even if they do go to counseling. My impression was that maybe one in five couples were able to stay together. But they try. They surely do try.
I have to disagree with you on “men can’t tell women the truth.” What men don’t seem to realize is that if they told the truth from the beginning….“I need to be intimate with you more often, because I am feeling the need to go elsewhere…”
It’s hard for me to imagine a man who understands his emotions enough to be able to say this. Maybe there are a handful, but for most men, the stereotype rings true. You ask what they are feeling and they look at you blankly. Feelings?
I am 55 years old and I’m not that dumb, but it has taken me most of the 55 years just to figure out my own emotions. Just to be able to link a name with a feeling. I had no vocabulary for my emotions. I only knew what I was feeling in retrospect, and that only after years of therapy.
I think most people act instinctively in response to the urges they feel. They don’t have any love and don’t think they are lovable, so they accept sex, instead. They rationalize it because they are two consenting adults. Men and women both react instinctively when they’ve been cheated on. It is gut-wrenching. It destroys your trust in the human race, in some cases; and in all of the opposite gender in other, and only a few seem to be able to keep the trust destruction to the individual who destroyed it.
Half of marriages end in divorce in the US. There are a number of surveys about how much cheating is going on. The highest says 70% or men cheat and 60% of women. The lowest is something like 15% of men and 12% of women. In all the studies, the men cheat more than women, but not by much.
I think that the myth that marriage is just two people and that it lasts forever is tattered and moth-eater. Yet most people continue to act as if that is the way it is. In the same studies that show how many people are cheating, it is pretty consistent that 85% of people think cheating is wrong.
What’s wrong with this picture? Are people all hypocrites? Do so many of them shame others for what they are doing, too? Obviously.
But do we see any kind of dialog out there to discuss this situation? Maybe. I know there’s a lot of discussion about the divorce rate, but I don’t know of anything useful that has come out of these discussions. They lead to public policy debates that go nowhere, except when various politicians make a coup here or there.
Saying that cheating is wrong when so many people do it doesn’t help. Saying that people shouldn’t deceive when that is the first instinct also doesn’t help. We are not getting at the underlying problems. Either there is something wrong in many people’s psychologies, or we are trying to contravene the laws of nature or something else equally global.
What I know is that none of these issues will get dealt with when so much shame is involved. What I also know is that that will never change, and so people who cheat will almost universally do it secretly. I would love to see some realistic, doable solutions to the problem, but don’t expect any as long as I’m alive.