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fundevogel's avatar

What are your $10 dollar words?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) August 1st, 2011

Haleth asked question earlier about vocabulary size and it just made me want to have a bigger one. So could you all post you the craziest, most obscure, or archaic words you know? Pretty please?

I give it 15 answers before that word shows up. You know the one.

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67 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Boobies, you mean?

everephebe's avatar

Don’t know about $10, it’s maybe $6.66.

poisonedantidote's avatar





i’m dumb

fundevogel's avatar

@everephebe Zounds. Are you sure the word doesn’t have a subject and a predicate?

Sunny2's avatar

When writing to impress someone, I like to use albeit.

Pandora's avatar

I don’t know how much they cost, but if you are assigning value by how much time it cost to clarify the meaning of these words, than I may have some 5 to 10 dollar words that I sometimes use.
gregarious (no other word can really communicate a gregarious personality)
Love the sound of Loquacious It sounds like an endearing word but isn’t really.
vivacious (no other word equals the meaning to me quite the same)
vigorous also has no real equal
and flaccid is just all around amusing. (but then I’m not a guy. LOL)

Pandora's avatar

Oh, wait multieloquent is a great word.

TexasDude's avatar

Filigree is one of my favorite fancy words.

koanhead's avatar

By that word do you mean antidisestablishmentarianism?
I’m surprised that one hasn’t shown up yet, along with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or Transsubstantiation.

Personally, I’m a fan of transesterification and it’s fun bonus companion word, “interesterified”.

And, of course- where would we all be without deoxyribonucleic acid?

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t know. I never think of them in those terms. I just reach for the word that seems most apt under the circumstances.

rebbel's avatar

I know one, I know one: Apt.

tranquilsea's avatar

@koanhead this is how geeky me and my siblings were when we were kids: We spent a bit of time learning how to say and spell antidisestablishmentarianism.

@Pandora loquacious is one of my favourite words.

fundevogel's avatar

@koanhead Actually I was thinking of this one which I think is the collective’s favorite obscure word. I’ve never heard anyone use it (aside from myself) off of the site.

But antidisestablishmentarianism is pretty bodacious as well.

FutureMemory's avatar


(when I want to sound smart)

snowberry's avatar

OK, I’ll bite. Interfenestration is an architectural term meaning the space between windows. So there!

MacBatman31's avatar

Clusterfuck. That is my personal favorite.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


CWOTUS's avatar

What it do, playa?

An when I lay that on ya I want mo’n a sawbuck, homes. Bitches bettah have ma benjamins.

Kardamom's avatar

Pavonine means to act or look like a peacock, like some type of fancy person that is showing off.

Encaustic is a type of painting that involves mixing warmed beeswax with pigment. It can be applied with brushes but is more often applied with metal instruments that are used to move the “paint” around to “sculpt” it, as the wax gives it a thickness or depth. This Icon was done with encaustic.

Ramekin is a small sized (usually round like a cylinder, but also sometimes oval) ceramic (most often) or glass dish that is used for serving certain foods and/or cooking certain foods directly in the ramekin, such as custard. Here one. This isn’t exactly a ten dollar word, except with the case of your average guy. If you send him into the kitchen to get a ramekin, this is more likely what he will think you meant. This, of course does not apply to @Josie and @incendiarydan and some of the other cooking fellows on Fluther. LOL.

I have no idea what the mystery word is that you guys keep betting on, I hope it wasn’t one of mine, somebody PM me and let me know what it is

mrmijunte's avatar

Castigate. Everytime I listen to Kesha ( Keysha? ), my ears are castigated.

Jeruba's avatar

That’s the one I thought you meant, @fundevogel, and I was going to say you lost—it showed up at post #`13—until I realized that you’d put it there yourself.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious isn’t a real word.

linguaphile's avatar

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.

And cwm

Cruiser's avatar


filmfann's avatar

I love the word Eponymous.

woodcutter's avatar

Ubiquitous. Whenever I say it I can’t believe I said it.

TexasDude's avatar

I just realized that I use the word “ostensibly” a lot… especially in papers.


@woodcutter Birch trees are ubiquitous in this part of the country where I live. Lol.

My ten dollar words:





ETpro's avatar

I’m so glad you asked. Homunculus is definitely my $10 word for today. This is the first day in years that word has popped into my head for use and fit perfectly in the sentence TWICE in a day. Is that worth $20, or does that require a complete set of homunculi?


@ETpro You find a lot of homunculuses at the mall. ;)

ETpro's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Grammar Nazi attack—homunculi is the plural. :-)


@ETpro Duh, er, choke. My bad. ;)

See, that’s why it’s not MY ten-dollar word! lol

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES I learned “Ubiquitous” when reading a book about a particular rifle and it stuck. Guess which rifle…for ten dollars.

everephebe's avatar

@woodcutter What is the AK-47? Popular Firearms for 100 please Alex.


@woodcutter A .22 calibre. Gottcha!

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES If you mean a .223 AK then you would be correct.

Berserker's avatar


I love how such a big word is needed to define hucking shit through a window lol.

woodcutter's avatar

@Symbeline Whats hucking shit mean?

Berserker's avatar

Hucking is a slang for throwing. And shit isn’t a slang for feces in that particular context, in my case it just means stuff. Throwing stuff/things out of, or through a window.

FutureMemory's avatar


CWOTUS's avatar


I’m excited. Not only that you know the name, but that you spelled it correctly. I’ve spent nearly 50 years sailing on that lake.

koanhead's avatar

@ETpro You’re sure it’s not humunculoides or maybe humunculodes?

I read recently that the correct plural of ‘octopus’ is not octopi nor octopodes (the term for plural clades within Octopodia iirc) but octopuses!

I don’t know if I believe it though. I read it in an Orson Scott Card story.

And now I calculate I’ll hitch up my knickerbockers and perambulate.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@woodcutter I agree with ubiquitous! I learned it in 9th grade English then the other day I used it in a sentence, totally out of the blue. Cool!

augustlan's avatar

Some of my favorites are actually pretty short, but people never seem to believe they’re real words. I’ve used them in Scrabble, and always get challenged on them.


snowberry's avatar

@augustlan Did you know there are scrabble die-hards who refuse to use any words except the ones in the scrabble dictionary? Life would be boring indeed if we could speak only using words authorized by the scrabble dictionary. Those words are…so puny…so thin…so uninspiring. Yaay for tossing out the scrabble dictionary!


@woodcutter Um, er, yeah, that’s what I mean.

woodcutter's avatar

I thought so

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m particular to cacophony recently.

woodcutter's avatar

Last time I heard that one was in a “Gorillaz” song @tranquilsea
sorry it was “castrophany”

tranquilsea's avatar

@woodcutter my kids have got me actually liking Gorillaz.

fundevogel's avatar

@snowberry I refuse to play Scrabble with anything short of the OED. Can you believe of the print dictionaries I’ve checked “treacle” was only in the Oxford? It’s absurd.

@mrmijunte For a more loquacious take on Ke$ha you should check this out.

My most used $10 words are probably pseudoepigraphical, bacchanal and sisyphean. But I’ve got a soft spot for silly sounding terms like boondoggle, jiggery-pokery and gobsmacked as well.

Kardamom's avatar

I’d like to add sycophant (which is not a crazy elephant, even though it sounds like that)


and pusillanimous

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Love jiggery-pokery, use to use that twice a day about ten years ago.

TexasDude's avatar

@Kardamom I like preternatural. I first learned it from a rock song, actually. Along with discarnate, somnambulate, and exsanguination.

Kardamom's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I like the look of exsanguination. What does it mean?

I first heard pusillanimous in a song by The Rutles, which was a Monty Python-esque spoof on the Beatles (Eric Idle and Neil Innes). I’ll have to look it up and post it for you.

TexasDude's avatar

@Kardamom it means “to drain a body of blood.”

Not as pleasant as the word itself appears, amirite?

woodcutter's avatar

@tranquilsea Gorillaz, they are different, and there is no such word as “castrophany” but it is used in the song “Fire Coming out of the Monkey’s Head” where the vocals where done by none other than the late Dennis Hopper.

fundevogel's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard ‘it means “to drain a body of blood.”’

And yet it’s root word’s lead definition is “cheerful”. I just mean bloody when I use it.

Saccharine is good too. Like “twee” and “precious” I can’t say it without a touch of venom.

Poser's avatar


TexasDude's avatar

@Poser that word always makes me crave breakfast.

fundevogel's avatar

@Poser I love that word. In my brain it’s grouped with “navel gazing” and “doe eyed” because it just sounds cool. Bonus points because it’s spelled weird as well.

MacBatman31's avatar

Pussy-footing is another of my favorites.

As in: “Stop Pussy-footing around over there! Get over here and do some work!”

linguaphile's avatar

$10 word for our current political climate: gerrymandering

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar



Parangaricutirimicuaro (small Mexican town destroyed during the formation of the Parícutin volcano in 1943)



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