Social Question

woodcutter's avatar

Do really rich people listen to music or watch TV?

Asked by woodcutter (16387points) August 1st, 2011

This mystical 3 or 4% that holds most of the wealth. What entertains them when they aren’t busy getting richer? Or is that their entertainment?

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33 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, I think they do. And they listen to music on really high end sound systems and watch t.v. in big, elaborate, expensive home theatre set-ups. Or maybe they just sit around in their counting room counting all their money. I really don’t know.

NightStalker's avatar

They are normal people, just lucky or holding enough willpower/fortitude to not overspend.

woodcutter's avatar

@lillycoyote That is what I was thinking, but what kind of music? Opera? Somehow I don’t think so. Toby Keith? maybe the rich rednecks. Do they let their minds just quit tycooning long enough to be entertained by anything?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

My guess is yes, they do listen to music and watch television. Of the two richest people I know on a personal level, one built a house that included a viewing room with lounge chairs and a massive movie screen. The other had hidden speakers installed throughout the house with a remote controlled system for turning it on and off in various rooms.

woodcutter's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer But are they in that upper 4% income level? The people the Republicans worry so much about. Really i don’t want to turn this into a political thing. I don’t believe our congressmen are in that top group of people although some may be.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I think the uberrich watch TV. They have some sweet setups in those motorcoaches. I think for the most part they are out at the symphony, the theater, or jet setting after their favorite band. If I were that rich I am sure I would still like TV, but I know I would be out at the theater and such because I could afford to.

woodcutter's avatar

I can picture Bill Gates at a theater, just guessing. But Jack Welsh, Forbes?


They probably don’t have the time to do so, which means they basically don’t have a life! lol

Aethelflaed's avatar

I think it depends on the person. Are they a Nashville tycoon or a Texas oil tycooon? Probably some country. Is it the younger guys rich off of technology, like Steve Jobs? Probably some Rolling Stones. Owns an insurance conglomerate? Classical, jazz, swing, big band, opera…

YARNLADY's avatar

probably yea.

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Exactly. It is a lot of work to be that wealthy. it doesn’t just happen and wonder if they maybe sort of envy the regular guys who’s lives are simpler and possibly more fun?

everephebe's avatar

Ok, I don’t know any billionaires but…
The millionaires I know, watch movies and tv, but prefer other things for the most part. It’s kind of a treat, and they don’t tolerant low quality tv. Also, they work their butts off for their money during the day so they do kick back in the evenings. I don’t know anyone who is ridiculously rich, but I would imagine they are ostensibly the same way.

woodcutter's avatar

@everephebe It’s hard for me to wrap my head around what that really means, but I’ve heard so many times of this special group of people in the upper 4% of earners. So these are the people I’m looking at here.


@woodcutter The ridiculously rich are so lost in their wealth and how they spend it, they probably take a very frivolous and mindless view of music and t.v. For example, if you asked one of them what their favorite t.v. show was or who is their favorite music artist, they’d probably look at you with a confounded stare and say “I don’t know, I like anything. They’re all good.” Sheesh.

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES Like they are on a different mental level that network TV / cable or popular music would seem just awful or stupid.


@woodcutter Exactly! Or it’s just too “common” for them, too trivial to even really take pleasure in.

woodcutter's avatar

I could not see any of these people on a site like this one or really using the internet unless for business or to purchase things. I don’t know why I think that but it seems there would be many more things that would be below them.

woodcutter's avatar

Does anyone here know one of these people and maybe hook them up with their own account? If they could find time to answer.

everephebe's avatar

I doubt anyone on Fluther is a billionaire or knows one personally.

woodcutter's avatar

I would imagine they would be pretty hard to get close to.

everephebe's avatar

If I ever become a billionaire we are so having annual fluther get-togethers/parties/orgies and I’m fronting the bill for travel and everything ok? Yall hold me to that. :D

woodcutter's avatar

That would be cool, except the orgies that would get weird

FutureMemory's avatar

I can see a rich person not having time to park their ass in front of the television for hours on end, but music is portable. Why would they not have time for music on their car stereos while they’re driving to make that daily bank deposit? Or when they’re working out with their personal trainer?

chewhorse's avatar

Why do you think reality (?) TV is so popular? (They think that’s the way the rest of the world exists).

Bellatrix's avatar

A TV show here sometimes features wealthy people and their homes. They definitely watch TV and listen to music. In one of these homes they had multiple TVs (like rooms full of them!). The wealthy are after all just people. People who want to relax and tune out like anyone else. I don’t think having money means you will only like a particular type of music or won’t want to watch reality TV or the like.

Cruiser's avatar

They listen to TV while they surf the internet on their laptop on the deck of their Mc Mansion! ;)

ucme's avatar

Good lord no, rather they utilise the village idiots to perform some ghastly peasant fare.
Dance mother fuckers dance!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I just don’t know you well enough, @woodcutter , to determine if this Q is tongue-in-cheek or not. I may have to ameliorate that situation.

iphigeneia's avatar

There is a local really really rich guy who created a free public music and arts festival, and a museum, just for the fun of it. Going by the acts, he likes very modern, ‘edgy’ sounds, accompanied by pyrotechnics.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Is the assumption here that the uber rich belong to another species?

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, but some might be constantly annoyed by suboptimal sound and quality of picture. There’s the need for perpetual upgrades. An even more expensive system might sound better. They hope. Welcome to the hedonic treadmill.

woodcutter's avatar

I suppose the idea is they have a huge disconnect with working class people that they don’t want to know what they do, for fear they may actually empathize and that right there would be bad for business. The kind of media that most working people find entertaining would be telling as would the things the uber rich find entertaining.You have to admit, with all the power at their disposal they make decisions every day that effect us all and some of those decisions may not be in the worker’s best interest but they do it anyway without thinking about it. I’m inclined to believe the bottom line thinkers have different wiring upstairs than ordinary people even though they are technically the same species of complex intelligence.

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