Does he still think about me ?
I think about him so much we went through so much and I am wondering if you think he still thinks about what we went through ? We would go to the movies, mall and so on . We fought but only about liddo things . He was my bestfriend and we dont talk at all anymore is it because he is trying to do what i am [distancing myself to see if I can forget] but for some reason he is always on my mind. I try to destract myself to not think about him but it’s way to hard not to . So do you think he is thinking about me or he at least thinks about the old days ?
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8 Answers
This is why I never wanted partners that were best friends for me. Because if the relationship doesn’t work all that was before is gone. I don’t know how others can “remain” friends after breaking up.
He might think about you a bit but it doesn’t necessarily has to be true. If he found someone else he definitely is over you. And since you barely broke up it’s normal to miss all the goiod things.
When guys think about the X, they do come to moments of remembering the good times. But that doesn’t happen until they’ve gotten over thinking about the insecurities in the person, the clinginess, the constant “are your ok”?, and the total disrespect for that person not having come to be whole unto themselves rather than needing someone else to base their self worth upon.
Best to forget about him and instead of longing for or looking for the perceived right person, consider taking the time to become the right person. One who is whole and secure with themselves.
Yes, I’m sure he still thinks about you. But that doesn’t particularly mean he wants you back. And you thinking about him doesn’t mean that it was a mistake to break up or that you should get back together. It is just a natural step in the break up process. I’ve read that it is best to go sixty days without seeing or talking to a person after a particularly bad or heart wrenching break up to give your heart time to get over them. It has always worked for me. And, although rebound relationships are demonized, they are actually really helpful. Go out. See other people. Don’t let the moments of weakness convince you that it is best for you to be together.
For me, the particularly difficult parts of break ups is forcing myself to not try to get the person back. I have to constantly convince myself that it is called a break up because it is broken. There are lots of little sayings like that that are trite, but helpful.
Did he end it or did you? If he did, he may think about you but I suspect he will be focusing more on moving forwards and he won’t be dwelling on your relationship. If he ended it, he decided it didn’t work and he wanted out of it.
If you ended it, perhaps but I some how think he was the person who called time. When I have broken up with someone, I have usually felt relief. Not in a mean and nasty way but all the ‘should I, shouldn’t I?” is over and I have said what I need to say and now I am free. I can’t say I have ever spent a lot of time thinking about the other person probably because I felt bad about hurting them.
If we all say yes will you feel better? We wouldn’t know otherwise.
Based on what you said my guess is he is thinking about you. Or he could be busy thinking about someone else. Call him and ask.
Chances are, he isn’t thinking about you. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh and trust me, I know how much it hurts when you care a lot for somebody and you don’t understand why it ended. But, you’re only torturing yourself by trying to put your feelings into his head. If he wanted to preserve the friendship, he would be doing it. Hearing nothing means he’s gone. You have to start believing that. It sucks. Sorry.
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