Are there unwritten laws or tacit knowledge that we keep from the opposite sex?
Are there just some things that we know would be so devastating that we don’t reveal them to keep our loved ones feelings intact? An example is women really lying about how much their SO pleases them compared to a past lover.
What do you think? The same applies to same sex relationships too, of course.
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30 Answers
It’s your ass making the jeans look fat, not the other way around. Plus we do know how to change the toilet paper roll.
Yes. Lying to a guy when he asks you if he’s “the best sex you ever had”. This is the mens version of “Do I look fat?”. Which is to say that it’s both annoying as hell and only has one correct answer for those not looking to have a screaming match for the next 9 hours.
Yes, of course and I’m sure it goes both ways.
“No love, your hair isn’t receding.”
“I like your cute (little) belly.”
“No one has loved me better.”
“You’re by far the smartest.”
“I love your cooking.”
“All my friends think you’re the best gf/bf I’ve had”
“You’re a lot more fun than so-and-so.”
@Aethelflaed I meant that in jest, but my keyboard was just faster than my brain. My apology to anyone offended by that.
Men over a certain weight they have boobs.
Yes, never tell the opposite your really like something a lot, unless you want the same gift for years.
Never ask a woman before going out are you going to put some make up on? Especially if she already has some on.
Never tell your partner male or female to start getting ready because they always make you late when its time to go out, unless you are prepared to sit and wait an extra long time.
Never tell your partner that they have no idea what they are talking about in front of company. Unless you are prepared to hear the following for a long time.
I have no idea!
Go ask someone who might know.
How would I know?
I’m way too stupid to know that!
Your smarter than me. Figure it out yourself.
@Adirondackwannabe Not at all offended. Just making an observation (that people who aren’t prepared to hear the truth should STFU and not ask the damn question).
Oh, last night, I faked it!
I think it is just a matter of good manners.
If one feels the need to be insulting,it is best to do so at a distance of 100 yards or more.
“Of course I mean that, you are way more pretty than Angelina Jolie…”
“Nah, I don’t even think that Penelope Cruz is very beautiful.”
Really.. When I say that I am not thinking about anything I am being honest.
Yes, when she asks if her arse looks big in a particular dress or whatever the answer MUST ALWAYS BE NO!!!
Another example would be when having sex, sometimes, on occasion, I may ponder, just for a moment, in between strokes, yesterday’s football results.
Sometimes, we just want to cuddle and kiss and don’t need sex.
@wundayatta I was waiting for the Heman Club to come after my boys.
Hahaha, because you don’t believe it, hé, @wundayatta? ~
I do. Usually only when a guy feels really, really sick or is hung over.
One of my roommates worked in a bookstore and he was always leaving books all over the house. I’m a pretty voracious reader so I’d pick up and read everything when he was done. One day he left out The Game by Neil Strauss and I sat around reading it, thinking it was a work of fiction full of surreal humor. When he came home he was like, “NO! THAT IS SECRET KNOWLEDGE FOR MEN ONLY!” and I laughed my ass off.
Only men know the proper etiquette for multiple men using multiple urinals in a public place.
@zenvelo Isn’t it, don’t make eye contact, don’t look at each other’s junk, no small talk and use alternating urinals? I’ve also heard, any more than three shakes and you’re just touching yourself.
@zenvelo I accidentally broke the code when I was wasted at a club. I really did like the guy’s shirt, and I asked him where he got it. He probably though I was a flaming homosexual, but whatever.
Sometimes you don’t tell your SO that they’re crazy and should see a psychologist.
I think generally, yes. For me specifically, no. It all seems like a game, and I’m not really interested in that. I try to be honest in a kind way, though. “Do these pants make my ass look fat?” “Well, they aren’t the most flattering pants for you. Why don’t you try these?”
“Why don’t you try these?”
“Why, do those magically make me lose four kilo’s?”~
An untold truth is worst than a lie. keeping it hidden won’t help anyone.
In your given example, if the woman would tell him what to do or how she likes certain things their relationship will bloom and she might be surprised by the change. Though most don’t say this because they think they will hurt their feelings. But not everyone is the same so a man can be a better lover than another while this one can be more understanding then the first. If one compares persons will end up with just STATISTICS.
@Haleth Yes, that is close. But there is advanced knowledge on what to do if, for instance there are five urinals and two men using them, or if there are troughs like at a sports stadium, or special circumstances like after a movie. It is all very complicated but most American men over the age of 18 know it instinctively. It is never taught, never discussed, just known.
oh my god troughs are the worst. Ive only seen one once when I was a little kid. Nothing like peeing into a giant bath tub and instead of having a wall to stare at there is another guy directly across from you… Like seriously who the fuck thought this up….
@uberbatman Standard at the Oakland Coliseum and Candlestick Park.
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