Meta Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

How do I earn "Question of the Day"?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 2nd, 2011

I have been wanting to earn the “Question of the Day” and have no idea how people earn it.

How do you do it? What are the rules?

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16 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ask a thought provoking question.

Blueroses's avatar

Send a muffin and cookie basket to Augustlan. She chooses the QOD.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Augustlan chooses the Question of the Day, so she can better answer your question. In the meantime, do you have a Facebook account? If so, go to the Fluther site on Facebook, and take a look at the ones that make it there. It may provide guidance on what types of questions are worthy of the acknowledgement.

jonsblond's avatar

Ask a sincere question and keep your fingers crossed.

blueiiznh's avatar

1) Think of a question to ask.
2) Make it current, though provoking, inspires similar conversation. Read other QOTD.
3) Post your question.
4) Follow the thread and interact with it if appropriate.
5) Hope the Moderators like it.
6) Hope there are no better questions asked that day.
7) Repeat for a total of 3 Questions each day.
8) Repeat daily
9) Shout with glee when yours is chosen.
10) Enjoy your newly fulfilled life.

Mariah's avatar

Ask questions that prompt a thoughtful, interesting, and active discussion.

bobbinhood's avatar

According to @augustlan:

There’s no set criteria for picking the QOTD, and I choose them for different reasons. Whether it’s a fantastic question I’d never thought of before, or one that prompts a terrific discussion, one that’s about something that’s in the news at the time, or a timely question (like, “What are your best Thanksgiving leftover recipes?” right around Thanksgiving), they all just seem to jump out and yell “PICK ME, PICK ME! I’m the QOTD!”

Don’t feel bad, those of you who haven’t gotten it yet. It’s all on my shoulders, and sometimes I don’t even see every question asked in a day. I don’t actually post one every day, either… I miss days, usually at least once a week. Occasionally, there are several awesome questions in one day, too, but I can only pick one. :)

If you would all like to get involved, it would be a great help to me if you’d flag the questions you’d choose as the Question of the Day. Just choose the “something else” reason for flagging, and write “QOTD?” as a note. That way, I’d (hopefully) see all the great questions. Thanks!

wundayatta's avatar

Read Augustlan’s mind.

bobbinhood's avatar

If you want to check out former QOTDs to get an idea of what qualifies, here is a link to the facebook page that lists them.

rebbel's avatar

Avoid these: boobies, dreams, tumblr, Palin, orange tree, 10k, _____, BP, and 2012.

bob_'s avatar

Fifty bucks, I talk to a guy, no questions asked.

Ask a good question.

AshLeigh's avatar

Just ask a good question, I assume.
I didn’t even know there were “Questions of the day” until a few days ago.

augustlan's avatar

What @bobbinhood said I said. ;)

Flag those great questions, please!

Hibernate's avatar

I’ma help you there flagging your question. Hopefully others will bump it too and you can get it with this one :)

redfeather's avatar

Ask us if you’re pregnant.

AshLeigh's avatar

Hahaahahahahhahahahahahahhaha. @redfeather.

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