Meta Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

How is everyone over 3,000 lurve, and I'm not?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 2nd, 2011

How does everyone get so much lurve? I’m stuck in the near 2,500.

How do you freaks get such high numbers?!

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232 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Type informative, witty, and comical answers….more often, lol.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Considering I’ve been a jelly since 2008, my number is comparatively low to other jellies that have come in well after me.

picante's avatar

I’m lurve-challenged myself. Participating in the 10/20/30K parties seems to move me off a plateau. But we want your clever answers, Blueberry, not your high score.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Get over to the fluther store and buy some.

snowberry's avatar

@SpatzieLover and @picante Me too. I’ve been a member here about 18 months, and I’m only now approaching 10,000. I’ve watched many others roar past me in lurve, while I just paddle along. I’ve been watching my score and fluthering for hours now, and it hasn’t moved a bit.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Look at my answers. Over half of the ones that are my highest rating aren’t serious, and only a couple are ones I spent a long time composing. There’s little correlation between the depth of answers and lurve.

Mariah's avatar

I’m “lurve challenged” too. I feel like I’ve been here forever and still haven’t gotten to five digits.
One problem we may have is continually writing answers that only appeal to a small group of people. Those people get “maxed out” on us (you can only receive up to 100 lurve from any given person) and everybody else disarees with us and doesn’t give us GAs (just a theory).
Or, do what I do and just don’t worry about it!

rebbel's avatar

You want me to click you a GA, @snowberry?
Edit: I did it, didn’t help much, it’s still 9068.

Blackberry's avatar

Starts passing out GAs….......

Blueroses's avatar

Be very active on the threads. Send PMs to people when you appreciate their answers. Keep being your adorable, random self, lil’ blue and the lurve will come.

bobbinhood's avatar

If you look at the people with really high scores, you will see that they have many, many more responses than you. Just give it time. The more you participate, the more your lurve will grow.

@incendiary_dan I’ve noticed that, too. It’s kind of unfortunate that the our best answers often get the least notice. Fortunately, most of us don’t see lurve as some ultimate objective, so we keep giving some deep answers anyway.

redfeather's avatar

Quit your complainin, ya weenie.~

snowberry's avatar

I remember that YARNLADY says she’s very liberal with the lurve. There are days where I just click on questions and add lurve because I can.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Maybe it means you have a life.:)

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Do a barrel roll.

redfeather's avatar

Tits or gtfo.

wundayatta's avatar

Take mine. I don’t care.

blueiiznh's avatar

You really need to stay on it 24×7. It is the only way!

snowberry's avatar

Try answering TBMJ questions. I’ve picked up quite a bit there, as with other fluther games.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Case in point, look at how many GA’s I got above.

snowberry's avatar

Yaaay One more GA and I’m over the cliff!

incendiary_dan's avatar

@bobbinhood I like to think that the well thought out answers we put just wow people so much that they forget to give GAs, but it’s probably more along the lines of TL:DR.

snowberry's avatar

Yeah, every once in a while I get a lot of lurve for an excellent answer. Then there are other times when I give awesome answers and nobody lurves me.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Also @blueberry_kid, back in the day, we didn’t have “sections” for questions. Many people were snarky or replied with one-liners to all questions without being modded. That allowed for quite a few jellies to get to the 20K level quickly.

bob_'s avatar

Ask yourself the question, “what would @bob_ say?”

redfeather's avatar

@bob_ would say something boob or sandwich related.

SpatzieLover's avatar

<gives @bob_ the evil eye> Watch him get 20 lurve for that

sakura's avatar

Hey is this turning into a lurve fest party?? I LURVE parties!!! I’ll bring the soft cushions to sit on, the home made cheese cake and of course something of the alchoholic variety!!

On the lurve gaining front, I too paddle along in my canoe as others whip past in their speed boats, but hey life is better lived if you take time to smell the roses! Have fun and be yourself, the lurve will start to grow :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I gave you some lurve. You’re welcome. Though I don’t think it made a difference, exactly.

rebbel's avatar

Although, @incendiary_dan‘s tactic Case in point, look at how many GA’s I got above does not always work.
As I will prove here, with this answer.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey let’s get out the munchies and make it a real party.

snowberry's avatar

OK, now this IS a mystery. Just a few minutes ago I was approaching 10,000. I watched it climb to 9,996 Now I’m 9,111. I’m thinking there is a bug in the sytem.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@snowberry Someone is messing with your lurve to see if you’re paying attention! ;P

snowberry's avatar

Noooo! I don’t wanna do it all over again!

whitenoise's avatar

@snowberry… I think it was your saying you’d go over a cliff. :-)

snowberry's avatar

I meant I had one foot hooked over the top. Sigh*

snowberry's avatar

OK, how do I get this resolved?

SpatzieLover's avatar

Contact Auggie via PM.

blueiiznh's avatar

@snowberry it really sucks when they bring you to the edge and pull it back.

Enjoy the ride!

snowberry's avatar

What, has this happened before??? And I tried to find Auggie’s profile and couldn’t bring it up? Would someone please post a link? Thanks

Blackberry's avatar

@bob_ deserves the lurve though, only a few jellies make me actually laugh out loud lol. I even remember his jokes sometimes.

Blueroses's avatar


That stinks @snowberry I swear I saw your lurve higher this morning. You aren’t losing your mind.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@snowberry I was certain it happened to me waayyy back. But I never told anyone, cuz I thought maybe I was seeing things ;)

snowberry's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

@snowberry it might have been a hung chad

sorry that was Hung, Chad

jonsblond's avatar

If I complain can I get sympathy lurve so I can finally reach 30k? ;)

snowberry's avatar

Hey @jonsblond, I’m not asking for sympathy, I want my lurve back! Not the same! The highest it got is 9,996. Then it shot down to 9,111. :’(

redfeather's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

Check with Auditing!

jonsblond's avatar

@snowberry So sorry. I was being a bad Flutherite and didn’t read the previous responses. I was really just trying to gain sympathy lurve. It worked! teehee

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Chill out.
I got this.

Lightlyseared's avatar


or game the system

Lightlyseared's avatar

Actually don’t game the system. They’ll know and you’ll be banned.

snowberry's avatar

I have a request into @Augustlan. @jonsblond And yeah, I’m handing it out right and left at the moment. Come one, come all.

snowberry's avatar

I haven’t a clue how to game the system. (Is anyone listening out there?)

blueiiznh's avatar

OMG let the Lurve-Fest begin!
Sympathy or not, it still feels good.

snowberry's avatar

Hey, having fun is more fun than being in the 10K mansion anyway

redfeather's avatar

But not really.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@snowberry I don’t know the 10k mansion was nice

snowberry's avatar

@Lightlyseared I wouldn’t know…..

blueiiznh's avatar

@snowberry you seem to be growing before our very eyes.

redfeather's avatar

that’s what she said.

Blueroses's avatar

I was just gonna say that’s some impressive recovery time @snowberry. I know I didn’t influence the restoration cuz I’m maxed out on you.

blueiiznh's avatar

If we all focus on @snowberry and she clicks her heels 3 times, she will be home at the mansion soon.

Haleth's avatar

Fluwer…Fluwer is what bwings us togewer today… GAs, the bwessed awwangement, that dweam wiffim a dweam… ... Ven wurve, twoo wurve, wiw fowwow you fowever.

Lightlyseared's avatar

What really makes me laugh is questions like this turn in to lurvefests with free lurve being handed out like we’re all at Woodstock back in the summer of lurve and helpful, thought provoking questions and answers get no lurve at all.

snowberry's avatar

You all have me cracking up! Teee Hee! And thanks for the extra un-lurved for lurve.

blueiiznh's avatar

The Summer of Lurve at FlutherStock Just stay away from the Brown Acid

Haleth's avatar

@Lightlyseared I gave you a GA for that, nyah nyah :p

Blueroses's avatar

@Haleth got a GA from me for being #69 response on this thread

blueberry_kid's avatar

Okay, I think I lurved everyone here.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Haleth well that’s just so petty I’m gonna have to lurve you back

Blueroses's avatar

Petty lurve stroking. This might belong on the orgy thread.

Haleth's avatar

@Blueroses I think your freudian slip is showing. You might want to adjust your skirt. :p

augustlan's avatar

Whoa. Weird. I have no idea what’s going on with @snowberry‘s lurve. I’ll check into it right away, though!

Cruiser's avatar

Riverdancing for lurve has worked pretty well for me!

blueiiznh's avatar

hurray for @augustlan checking into it.
hurray for petty stroking
hurray for orgies.

snowberry's avatar

Yaaay! @augustlan to the rescue! Do I get a recount just like the politicians? How about a little extra lurve or a nice cappuccino for my pain and agony?

blueiiznh's avatar

@snowberry I have the steamer on now for the cappuccino

SpatzieLover's avatar

Thanks, @blueiiznh. I’ll take a warm up on mine ;)

AmWiser's avatar

Wait a minute dammit!, am I late for the lurve party. I need some too. I have seen where I get 7–8 great answers and my lurve don’t move a bit. I know, I know everybody has maxxed out on me. Yeah right. :D
Don’t worry @Blueberry, you’ll get there.

snowberry's avatar

Did I just get insulted? Blueberry? Really? Ah well. I’m gonna get my lurve back, so it’s all good.

snowberry's avatar

Anyway, the next question is how often does this sort of lurve glitch happen anyway?

augustlan's avatar

I’ve never heard of it happening before. Very strange. I’ve sent an urgent email to the founders/tech guys, and I’ll let you all know when I hear anything (or maybe they’ll post here).

bob_'s avatar


blueberry_kid's avatar

God love yah @bob_ .

blueberry_kid's avatar

@snowberry I didn’t insult no one!

blueberry_kid's avatar

So the lurve-fest is over? NOOOO!

Blueroses's avatar

It’s not the end of Lurvefest, it’s just a break between acts while @blueiiznh gets his steamer on.

MilkyWay's avatar

Guess who’s here?

blueiiznh's avatar

Ok, steamer is ready for orders.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Oh balls. I miss all of the fun around here.

blueiiznh's avatar

“Balls said the Queen, if I had two, I’d be King!”

MilkyWay's avatar

Yo @blueberry_kid I’ve been here for almost a year now. I’m still under 10K.
You should ask @KatetheGreat , she must have broke a record for being the most lurved person the most quickly!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@snowberry You do realize if they find your lost lurve, the 10K party should have already happened, so everyone missed it including you.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@blueiiznh I am the queen!! Bow down, ye flutherities!

@MilkyWay nope, didn’t break a record. Almost did, though.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@blueiiznh Rub my feet and bring me vodka! and serenade me, my dear!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You two had better get a room.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@blueiiznh I’ve known about him forever. I love Vitas!

snowberry's avatar

I’m back. The way I see it, maybe I already had my party, but if not, we’ll all do it again and have ANOTHER LURVE ORGY!

Judi's avatar

It starts to slow down after the people who really like you max out. You have to get new schools of jellies to swim by and lurve up to you. You also have to not have a life and spend most of your day checking your computer looking for “new queations for you.”

zenvelo's avatar

Wow, giving out lurve like a stripper at a bachelor party! I come in at the end of a party. That’s what I get for working all day.

snowberry's avatar

@Judi Hmmmm. But this question wasn’t about me. And I’m not looking, but I’m guessing that the majority here don’t follow me. (grinning) but it was/is fun.

AmWiser's avatar

WoooBoy! @Judi hit the nail on the head. GA
Can I find some new jellies!? Pleeaassse!

BTW did the BlueberryKid call us Freaks!??

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t…. I’m getting there though. :D:D:D

tedibear's avatar

I’ve been here since August of 2008 and just hit 10K. Yes, I took a break – though unintentional – but it still took a while after I came back for me to get there. I look at lurve as a fun thing. Though I will say that this mansion rocks.

PhiNotPi's avatar

I’m not.

Hibernate's avatar

So many gave a great question :D

Reply more often and people will lurve you. Interact in different questions and you might get more lurve even if the answers are not the best responses.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@AmWiser Yes, I did call you 10k clubers freaks! And I embrace it! XD

KateTheGreat's avatar

Don’t call us freaks, just call us addicts!

blueberry_kid's avatar

Addicts it is! :D

Jude's avatar

Just here for the free lurve and the “happy ending”.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m here because I love blueberry ice cream.

snowberry's avatar

If the happy ending is that I get my lurve back, we’re still waiting. I’m thinking this problem has been going on a long time, but maybe in my case it just showed up as I was about to top 10,000 lurve, so I noticed it.

Brian1946's avatar

What happened to the blueberry ice cream? ;-( No probs, however: unadorned blueberries are way more healthful without the sugarized cow fat.

Bellatrix's avatar

Damn, I seem to have come in at the tail end of a lurve party!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

Sheesh, feels like the 60s I just gave away so much free lurrrveeeeeeeeeeee…..

snowberry's avatar

We’ll git ‘er going agin’ just soon’s Andrew or his friends can fix my lurve.

snowberry's avatar

They owe me about 900 lurve. Now that’ll be a first for any jelly. Wooo Hoo!

redfeather's avatar

Well they owe me a thousand… Sooooo….

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I hear sucking up and brownnosing works.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I’ve given up on lurve, seriously. I’m not pessimistic but there’s no hope for me to reach the ‘honorable’ 10k, and I don’t even care about it. It’s just that my competitive habit and personality aren’t compatible with the how the point/lurve system work in this particular site. I was so aggressive about lurve, however. I’m more cynical about lurve now.

I wish you luck on your efforts! It’s inevitable that point system will eventually contribute to hierarchy and popularity, although many people will not admit it.

augustlan's avatar

I heard back from Andrew, and he says there’s no code that can subtract lurve. I can do it manually, but I assure you I haven’t. I’ve only ever used that function for people who were gaming the lurve system, and @snowberry isn’t one of them. I double checked the log for manual changes, and none have been made. Are you absolutely certain about the number you saw? Maybe it was a trick of the eye or something?

bobbinhood's avatar

@augustlan That’s such a disappointing answer. Are we sure it isn’t internet magic?

snowberry's avatar

@augustian Absolutely it isn’t. And in the last week I was not paying close attention to my score, but I kept being surprised that it was not higher than it was. I mean, I’d think, “OK, only 220 more lurve to go to get past 10,000”, and I’d look a day later and find I had another 100 points or so dropped off my score, and I had to make up points I’d already made. That happened twice. But I didn’t write it down.

I can see how this could be abused, but hey, I have witnesses for crying out loud, and it’s all in print on this question! I couldn’t have very well orchestrated this either by PM’ing people and telling them to say this stuff. You could check my PM’s. @spatzielover mentioned a similar thing happening a while back to them as well (it’s in writing right here). My point is, it did/does happen, and we think it’s been happening for a while.

Now tell the truth @augustian. Does Fluther capriciously harvest lurve as taxes, sort of like our government does? Is there a rogue lurve IRS agent somewhere?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@snowberry Yep, I believe mine happened all the way back when I was almost at 8K. I saw it going up & I was thinking, “Not too far from 10K”...then it dropped back to 7K when I hit 7,999. I thought I went crazy. And I didn’t think of talking to anyone about it…Who’d believe me…BUT YOURS, I SAW HAPPEN RIGHT HERE!

Blueroses's avatar

@augustlan There’s definitely something weird here. I ran into @snowberry on a different thread before this one posted and she was less than 100 points shy of 10k. here she was still up there but 3 posts later @rebbel comments that she’s at 9068. I saw it drop too.

Judi's avatar

did @snowberry ‘s lurve point just go back up?

bobbinhood's avatar

@Judi I don’t think so. She was at 93?? when I looked earlier this morning. From what I’ve seen, she has gradually climbed there. Perhaps we should all riot to get her lurve back.

Judi's avatar

I thought it was down in the 500’s earlier.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Two words; alien abduction.

snowberry's avatar

Yesterday the only thing I didn’t think to do is a screen shot before 900 points disappeared before my eyes. Then everyone on the thread gave me a lurve party and I got well over 300 points in one day.

What’s irritating is that apparently Andrew says it’s impossible. That’s not true, because IT HAPPENED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Andrew, is it impossible, or is it that you don’t want to believe it happens because you don’t want to deal with the work that admitting it would create?

Please send @augustin links, comments or what you yourselves have experienced regarding lost lurve.

@augustin and Andrew, I think we’d all be happy to give up our lost points if you just fixed it already and stop screwing with our minds by ignoring this problem!

Maybe we ought to turn this into a question open to the community.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@snowberry Ask the question. I will answer it.

Mariah's avatar

I got the sense that @augustlan was merely ascertaining that you definitely lost lurve before going to great lengths to troubleshoot a minor error in the site. It seems rather odd and so I don’t blame her being skeptical, but now that she knows it definitely happened, I’m sure she’ll get to it. No need to get angry…

augustlan's avatar

Yeaaahhh… I wasn’t ignoring anyone or anything. I was sleeping, silly. We will definitely be looking into it, no question. Thanks for all of the input, folks!

AmWiser's avatar

Maybe someone (in authority) should do a manual count. Like at the polls when a politician thinks the count is bogus. Yeah! And I want mind counted manually too. I can’t believe that many jelly’s have maxxed out on me. BooHoo! I received 100 lurve and my lurve count only went up by 5. I demand a recount!??

Bellatrix's avatar

Lol @AmWiswer. Who do you want to nominate to do this count :D

snowberry's avatar

Hey, I’ll do the manual count. If you paid me, I’d have an income too.

Now there’s an idea

AmWiser's avatar

@Bellatrix, I’m honest, I’ll do the count….no problem>D (evil grin)

Mariah's avatar

I don’t think a manual count would work. How can you prove which GAs should receive lurve, if you don’t know who gave them and if they’re maxed out on you? Unless there’s a record of who’s giving who lurve.

andrew's avatar

I’ll say it again, here, there isn’t any code to subtract lurve. I really don’t see, at all, how it could happen. We’ve had reports like this, but have never been able to reproduce it. I’m 99% sure it isn’t a bug.

If you are convinced there’s a bug, though, take a screenshot of one of your responses each time you visit the site so if there is a bug, we can look into it in the limited time we have to work on the site.

MilkyWay's avatar

Lurve all around :)
How come Zen isn’t here??

blueiiznh's avatar

If there was an anal probe involved it was certainly an alien invasion or sumpin like that

snowberry's avatar

@Andrew At one point I was 5 points shy of 10,000, and suddenly it went down to 9,111. This thing you said “doesn’t happen” happened. Although it was joked about, I never thought that you have a program of some sort to subtract lurve. However we do believe that for whatever reason, sometimes lurve disappears.

I could not possibly have cajoled a zillion other people that I don’t know, to cooperate with me to create the illusion of 900 lurve disappearing, and then document it on this thread! If you’re 99% sure it isn’t a bug, what do you say to all the people who saw it? Do you really believe we were all hallucinating?

Andrew, It’s almost like you are telling me “It’s not my problem, it’s yours”. Obviously it’s not a common occurrence, and so to catch it happening again as you suggest, I’d have to sort of know when it’s going to happen, or I’d have to take one hell of a lot of screen shots. The first is impossible, and the second is impractical, although I’m willing to try a bit.

I’m not even asking for my lurve to be replaced (although that would be nice). All I am asking for is that you acknowledge that somehow, you don’t know how, but somehow it happened. If it happened to me with numerous witnesses, maybe it has happened before and could possibly happen again. To do anything less is sweeping the whole issue under the rug, that’s all.


CunningLinguist's avatar

@snowberry I don’t see “a zillion other people” corroborating your story. I see a few other people who have said that they think they might have possibly seen this happen or are pretty sure that they think you were higher before. But we also have a person who specifically identified you as being at 9068 before you noticed any sort of loss. Then you say you’re four points away from 10K later that day. Finally, you claim to have been dropped “back” down to 9111.

Which is more likely: that you gained 928 points in a few hours only to lose them a few hours later, or that you misread your score and gained 33 points in one day thanks to all the pity lurve you were soliciting?

bob_'s avatar


snowberry's avatar

@CunningLinguist My score was slowly going up. I moved maybe 20 to 80 points a day. The night before this question was posted, I stopped at 9945 lurve. I remember because I was so close to the 10,000 mark, and I triple checked my score! But nobody told me I had to take a screen shot of it to prove it. The next morning it was still 9945, and (I thought) it would be a short spurt to 10,000. I know what happened. I don’t make stuff up. I was not hallucinating.

You are right, it was not a “zillion” but I said that because I knew it was a bunch of us, and I had no way of telling how many were lurking. There were witnesses, but I do not know how many.

So until I can come up with a screen shot (in case it ever happens again to me) I’m “lying” or “imagining” (maybe even trying to “scam fluther”) -or whatever! I get it.

everephebe's avatar

Is it too late to get 10+ GA’s for no apparent reason in this thread? Just ☑ing I have to get to 10K sometime. :p

Mariah's avatar

My, my, my. Such drama.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Mariah Over something that doesn’t even matter anyway.

jonsblond's avatar

but if it doesn’t matter, then why the big to do over party threads? lets just get rid of the mansion and island and all the other places nekkid pancake parties are thrown because someone hit a magical number

just a question. I’ve never known @snowberry to make a stink over anything. I believe you @snowberry.

KateTheGreat's avatar

It’s all good fun, but why should someone argue with snowberry about it? I don’t think that she would lie about it, so why should it be a problem?

jonsblond's avatar

@KatetheGreat I completely agree with you =)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@CunningLinguist I think you missed that @rebbel said he saw her number after the drop was at 9068…he wasn’t saying that’s where she was before the point drop.

I saw her almost at 10K. I checked Meta twice to see if anyone else had already typed the 10K question for her. I type slow, so I was preparing to post a 10K question. Now I wish I had posted it a few points early just to prove she was there. But, hindsight is 20/20.

She didn’t gain 33points in one day. It went up over 300 points…which also makes zero sense to me. I watched her lurve rising by hundreds on this thread. I, along with others maxed out on @snowberry long ago.

@Mariah No. No drama. A legitimate question from a few members of the community.
@KatetheGreat Lurve only seems to not matter to those that already have reached their 10K, when you haven’t reached yours yet ;)

KateTheGreat's avatar

@SpatzieLover I didn’t mean for it to sound that way, pardon me. I was trying to get to the point that the arguing and shit about the whole lurve didn’t really matter because we all know that snowberry wouldn’t lie about something like that and they should just fix the problem.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@KatetheGreat Sorry I misread/misinterpreted it that way :( I agree. It’d be a dumb thing to complain about if it weren’t true

snowberry's avatar

Thanks @SpatzieLover I had hoped you’d chime in. Nobody knows how frustrating and yes- crazy making it is when nobody believes you!

Now I wish I had typed in my OWN mansion party question. Maybe I’ll do it next time….

SpatzieLover's avatar

@snowberry Then people would have believed you were crazy if they hadn’t witnessed the lurve drop. What’s that crazy berry lady doing throwing a party with 9068K?!

jonsblond's avatar

I bet @blueberry_kid can’t wait to reach 9000 now. :P

blueberry_kid's avatar

@jonsblond Oh, you bet your ass I can’t!

snowberry's avatar

@SpatzieLover There are some here who have already said or implied that I made it up, lied, or somehow hallucinated the whole thing. With a reputation like that, there’s no place to go but up!

However, I’d say it’s more a reflection on their characters than mine.

there’s a difference between having character and being a character

Mariah's avatar

@SpatzieLover Yes, it’s a legitimate question and everything, but I really don’t think it’s necessary to be criticizing the creators of this site due to this issue, considering they’re kind enough to let us use their site for free and they don’t really owe us anything.

jonsblond's avatar

@Mariah I think the only people who are criticizing are the people giving @snowberry a hard time.

CunningLinguist's avatar

@snowberry I haven’t said that you are lying or anything else. What I said is that you are overstating the evidence in your favor and that there is countervailing evidence available to all of us looking in from the outside. You very well may have lost lurve, but you are acting as if @andrew and others are being unreasonable for wanting more than “I’m pretty sure she might be right” to go on—especially since the alternative scenario is much more likely.

@SpatzieLover I don’t see where @rebbel said any such thing. First, @snowberry said that her score was stable. Then @rebbel said that his adding a GA didn’t change a thing—it was still at 9068. Shortly after that, @snowberry said that she was one GA away from reaching 10K. It was only after all of this that the lurve loss supposedly occurred. So @rebbel saw @snowberry‘s score as 9068 within hours of @snowberry saying she was one GA from 10K. Possibly less time, but the timestamps aren’t that specific. So either there was a loading error which caused @snowberry and @rebbel to see different scores (and somehow @snowberry didn’t register the fact that @rebbel had stated a lower score than she was seeing), or @snowberry gained 928 points in very short order. There may be some sort of error involved, but it’s not clear that the error is to be found in the site’s code or that anyone has lost lurve that was actually earned. Maybe that’s what happened, but it’s not obviously the case.

P.S. I don’t think lurve is all that big a deal, and I’m nowhere close to 10K.

jonsblond's avatar

@CunningLinguist Why do I have a feeling you’ve been here much longer? Not that it should matter, but I have a feeling you are a former user with a new name. You wouldn’t be the first. :)

laineybug's avatar

I have two things to say. @snowberry, @augustlan wasn’t ignoring you, like she said, she was sleeping. She sleeps at weird times. I believe you that it happened, and I understand you would be mad for thinking you’re being ignored, but please don’t take it out on my mother. @blueberry_kid you started after me, and you’re ahead of me for lurve by 315 points.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@laineybug Well…I have no life right now, it’s summer vaca and I’m really bored, so I’ve been on alot lately. All of my conditioning camps are over. The only time when I’m off is when I’m a counseler at my bible camp.

don’t bite me!

laineybug's avatar

@blueberry_kid my summer life is basically just starting. I started band camp on Monday and it’s from seven to five. It takes up most of my day. But there’s no camp on Fridays. So I can be on until someone else wants to get on the computer today.

CunningLinguist's avatar

@jonsblond I may have wandered through here before. Or maybe I’ve just got one of those typefaces.

Berserker's avatar

Eh, you’ll get there. Lurve is bullshit though. I thought you were awesome when you barely had any, and I still do now.

Mariah's avatar

I wanted to make it clear that I am embarrassed by my petty behavior in this thread. Sorry about the dramallamaz. @snowberry and I have kissed and made up via PM.

So. Uh. Is it too late to ask someone to slap on one last GA to my first post up there so I can get my first Jules Verne?

bob_'s avatar

Kissed, eh? Hawt.

snowberry's avatar

Aw, @bob_! (blushing)

laineybug's avatar

Okay, I just realized, with the help of @blueberry_kid, that I started after her, not before. I was just having a stupid moment.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@laineybug Not stupid! Just a blonde one!

Sorry to all the blondes out there!

laineybug's avatar

@blueberry_kid more like a ginger moment, seeing as I am a ginger.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@laineybug That makes more sense! I just say blonde moment because my friends call me blonde when I do something stupid.

Blueroses's avatar

@Mariah Lurve means never having to say you’re sorry :)

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve mistooken an 8 for a 9 before. A little schmutz on the screen or on my glasses and I’m thinking an 8 is a 9. Just saying.

tranquilsea's avatar

Good god the amount of lurve being thrown around here is obscene ;-P

blueiiznh's avatar

nothing better than obscene lurve!

tranquilsea's avatar

I concur :-)

everephebe's avatar

@MilkyWay I see your less than three symbol and raise you these heart symbols:♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥
xoxoxo ♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥♡ ♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥ (That’s see and a raise.)

MilkyWay's avatar

Aww. :D Teach me to make those heart signs? Pleeeze?

everephebe's avatar

Copy and paste hun.

MilkyWay's avatar

♡♥ Kay.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Did someone say “coffee in the place?”

snowberry's avatar

I want coffee too. Where’s the pot?

tranquilsea's avatar

@snowberry Where’s the pot? I hear British Columbia grows a nice crop

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Crop the shot? There is a Lurve photographer here making a Masnion Scapbook? shall we get everyone together for a group shot?

snowberry's avatar

@Hypocrisy Central and @tranquilsea Sure. I need to document my lurve nowadays anyway. Click away.

Blueroses's avatar

And now the OP is over 3k. This is how it’s done. :-)

MilkyWay's avatar

Congrats on the 3K @blueberry_kid !! :D

snowberry's avatar

@blueberry_kid do you know that everyone who tops 3000 lurve has to bake the rest of us a pie? But of course you get to choose which one. Come on. We’re waiting.

blueiiznh's avatar

@blueberry_kid waiting on my pie. I will make it easy, Make it Blueberry !

snowberry's avatar

If you don’t hurry, we’re gonna make it two pies. My stomach’s growling.

Bellatrix's avatar

Tapping fingers waiting for pie. @blueberry_kid, you appear to be over 3000. Bring on the pie!!!

blueberry_kid's avatar

Okay! Okay! I made 200 blueberry pies! You better like it!!!

snowberry's avatar

Mmmmm slurp slurp…Hey @blueberry_kid did you bring ice cream too? My favorite is pie a la mode. Please?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Now that you are over 3k, how much sucking up or brownnosing you had to do? ;-}

snowberry's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central None as far as I’m concerned, but as soon as she went over 3000, I started sucking up to get pie a la mode. @blueiiznh slipped me the ice cream on the sly, and I already had the pie, so now I’m golden…Thanks @blueiiznh and @blueberry_kid

Hibernate's avatar

23 GQ. GG kid ^^

Lightlyseared's avatar

Good grief is this lurve feast still ongoing?!

everephebe's avatar

I’m never ever going to get a Jules Verne. I’d buy one for 3,000 lurve though, just sayin’.

MilkyWay's avatar

Hey, how about a blueberry muffin? For me? Pleeeze?

snowberry's avatar

Hmmmm. That’s not my department. You need to ask blueberry_kid.

MilkyWay's avatar

@blueberry_kid Pleeeze??
(I’m being nice here, don’t make me force you into making one)

blueberry_kid's avatar

@MilkyWay Okay! Muffin’s done!!! It’s made with love!

@snowberry I brought back ice cream!!! Vanilla with blueberries on top.

You’d better love it!!!

snowberry's avatar

LOL I love milking the lurve here.

snowberry's avatar

@blueberry_kid How’s about a lurve cream pie? Let’s try that. Yeah.

SpatzieLover's avatar

On 8/21/11 @snowberry has 9876 lurve just for the record

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Someone is putting the final touches on a very pale mansion Hee hee hee

snowberry's avatar

Thank you @SpatzieLover I appreciate it.

smilingheart1's avatar

Even if the very Antichrist and his martial law team stripped you of every lurve, you would still be you. Even your missing lurve limbs would still produce a sense of feeling as if they were still there.

CunningLinguist's avatar

Okay, but if @SpatzieLover‘s declaration counts as evidence, then @rebbel‘s should as well. Just saying…

snowberry's avatar

THIS time I have a screen shot of my lurve.

28lorelei's avatar

@snowberry now it’s 9920, if it drops below that you can call on me to testify that it was that high…

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

Lurve is overated! I prefer actual love. (and lots of it)

28lorelei's avatar

ok now its 9968

28lorelei's avatar

@snowberry congrats on 10k! The party is here.

blueiiznh's avatar

I second the motion

bob_'s avatar

I just stumbled upon this question. Man, it was fun.

blueiiznh's avatar

it was the balls

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