Do guys fall for girls who are drama queen or very emotional?
So is it true that guys fall in love with drama queen rather than someone who is calm and on the ground?
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67 Answers
Good god, no. How much time have we spent getting the message across that those are the women we hate. Yes, I said haaaaaaaaaate! Lol.
haha… I thought guys love drama queen!!! ;)
The vast majority of guys I know wish more girls were calmer.
I like a little drama here and there. So long as it isn’t a constant or baseless thing. I don’t like drama for the sake of drama. But drama for important stuff is cool. What about women. Do you want a man to be a drama queen?
Since there are like 3+ billion guys and 3+ billion gals people like all sorts of different things.
@wundayatta Drama is like skunk spray – I avoid it when I can, and run the other way when I experience it. Equally sickening.
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Wundayatta: personally, I don’t like drama king, I like guys who are also fragile with emotion but not drama no.
Un-integrated psyches are attracted to their own missing/un-integrated parts.
The stoic guy that likes the females overly expressive emotional side is a guy who is out of touch with his own emotions. The high strung female is often attracted to the rational, calm, logical guy, as he represents the missing and un-integrated parts of her psyche. Namely the ability to balance logic with emotion.
The healthier and more wholly integrated ones total personality is, the more they will attract a balanced partner.
The “opposites attract” mantra is true, and often for the worse, not the better. lol
No, only for drama queens they fall.
100% of all men.
No man has ever fallen for a calm woman.
Coloma: I like that answer :)
rebbel: Sorry are you saying men don’t fall for calm woman?
Some guys like drama queens, some guys don’t. Some guys like short/tall/chubby/thin/blond/brunette women, some guys don’t. Some guys like shy/outgoing/quiet/talkative women, some guys don’t.
Heck no!
In fact it is totally the opposite for me. I find nothing to be more of a turn off than the overly excitable drama queen.
I am attracted to intelligent, confident, highly capable women who opt to use their time doing something useful rather than creating more drama to exacerbate a situation.
Most of the guys I know like gals that aren’t “being” anything but themselves.
I guess it depends on the guy. Jill’s right. Personally I’d rather stick knitting needles in various parts of my anatomy than deal with a drama queen, but that’s just me.
I am just thinking usually guys are so logical and less emotional, may be they will be attracted to girls are emotional, so that they can express and experience emotional…
@wundayatta Not a fan of drama at all. Not in guys or girls. Drama is exhausting and a waste of time and energy. I run the other way as fast as I can when I spot drama coming my way.
I’m sure it was my mom who invented the term drama queen. She is an expert in how to turn any normal, simple situation into drama.
I agree with @rebbel, I think deep inside men love drama. I’m too straight forward and a lot of men don’t know how to handle that.
@Londongirl: “I am just thinking usually guys are so logical and less emotional, may be they will be attracted to girls are emotional, so that they can express and experience emotional…”
I do not even talk to anyone – male or female – who is a drama queen. I don’t look at them or acknowledge their existence. They are a cancer.
One thing I love hearing is people bitch about why they have so much drama in their lives, but also talk about things like what they’re going to do to someone who has been “talkin’ shit”. That’s the universal phrase a drama queen or king uses lol. Better not be talkin shyt!
This girl wouldn’t (I dig chicks).
I used to be a bit emotional drama, but I purposely control my feelings and drama…
@Londongirl Good job, I believe this is aptly termed, “maturity” :)
Yeah I used to be very bad.. I got a nickname from my first boyfriend as ‘monster’ as I am totally drama. Then after a few falls with guys, I start to learn to keep myself calm and control my emotion, though deep inside I’m burning but I try not to show it…
@Londongirl most of your questions are these huge, gross generalizations about guys and dating. There is no simple answer to these questions because people are individuals. Some guys fall for the drama queen, yep. Some guys like to feel like they can swoop in and save the day. On the other hand, a lot of guys are put off by drama.
No one goes around saying “I love drama queens,” but at the end of the day, we are all individuals and we are all drawn to different things. That goes for men and women.
Simone: how about generalisation of guys? I’m talking about most guys of course… everyone is different…
Most guys have a penis.
Personality really isn’t determined by what you have between your legs.
@Londongirl : Are you asking all these Qs because of one particular guy that you like? You need to be talking to him; getting to know him; we can’t really help because we don’t know either of you.
Seriously… If women didn’t have boobs I would be banging dudes.
Jlitthetooth: it is a very general question, not particularly towards a guy…
@johnpowell We have much to discuss :)
The straight guys that I have known tell me that the “drama queen” type is something they avoid at all costs.
DominicX: I like that straight forward answer and no muddy about…thanks..
@DominicX lots of people say it, but that doesn’t mean they actually do it. ;)
Good Lord NO to the drama queen! My gal has to have their feet firmly planted on the ground and good wrestling moves!
Life it too short to waste on dramatic nonsense. I’d avoid her.
I want someone with her head on straight.
@Londongirl, @rebbel was kidding.
I guess I get older and get more control with emotion and don’t like too much drama in life…
My boss is a drama KING, I just secretly laugh to myself. There was a time I felt he might be testing me to see if I might be interested in him. God forbid! lol
He is rather amusing as long as I don’t allow myself to react to his petty dramas. For a man I’d have to say, he seems really high maintainence, emotionally.
Maybe that’s why his last girlfriend only lasted a month and he is in his 50’s!
After she broke up with him he started wanting to hang out with me.
He piped up with ” Soooo, when are you going to invite me over to sit in your hot tub, my backs really been hurting lately” awhile back…...OMG!
Uh, when hell freezes over dude!
Run Coloma, RUN! haha
I’ve known a couple of guys who dated plenty of drama queens but in the end they ended up married to a girl who was calm.
I think guys or girls may be attracted to the drama queen because it makes it easier to dump them in the end. The drama queen can be have an explosive nature, so its easy to get that big blow out and leave without any guilt.
The calmer girl or boy will usually be a more reasonable person, and friends and family may question why they left that person.
Of course there will be those that will be attracted because they feel like a super hero whenever they are able to calm the person down or make them happy.
And some that secretly want to have an exciting life any way they can get it. Like bungie jumpers. Nothing really great about whiplash and yet they will take the chance.
Coloma: OMG, you boss was seducing you!!!! I’m surprised you still at your job when you refused him!!! haha
Pandora: yeah I like your answer thanks!
He’s a pushy one he is, I didn’t really take it as harassment, you just have to know him. He is a classic narcissist, all puffed up with a HUGE sense of entitlement. Not attractive! At least not to us girls that have smartened up over the years! haha
The only guys I find them drama kings are the egolistic ones at work… they want to show people they are the boss, annoying!
Yep, that’s my boss. The bossy boss, but, he knows he can’t push me around, but, once in awhile he ‘tests’ me again. haha
I am SO ON to him! Wiley they can be, but not as wiley as SHE, as in, ME! lol
Gosh I don’t like drama king of boss!!!
Most men I’ve known have deep fears of what they perceive to be overly emotional women, even the high drama men.
Neizvestnaya: I don’t like high drama men too I think I’m lacking of energy nowadays…
I think it all depends on the guy and his own personality.
Deep fear of what? That the overly emotional woman is going to pick up a gun and start shooting someday? Often enough, I see comments about this fear that men have towards some kind of woman or another, and I never know what the basis of the fear is. Is it violence in this case? Or just the noise?
Josie: I guess overly emotional people may find it difficult to control their actions ie violence when the emotion is high.
Don’t get it wrong sometimes I felt so bad that I really didn’t know what to do with myself, but I ususally hide it…
@josie: The guys don’t want to have to work at a relationship, in general. Those that want a gf or partner want someone who’s always ready to go when they are and unintrusive the rest of the time. The guys don’t want to know the girls’ friends, they don’t want to know or be involved with the girls’ families, they don’t want to go any place that’s not their idea to begin with.
“Some girls don’t like boys like me, ah but some girls do!” Sawyer Brown.
I’ma have to say sorry before replying. Anyone who’s an attention w**re won’t be liked by people around be them boys or girls.
I know that guys choose girls who are in the center on attention or those who make themselves noticed but smart guys know who’s who. When the chips are down .. well the Buffalo’s empty.
Hibernate: So you are saying guys would go for Drama Queen as long as they attractive?
Proriffa: I agree with you. I think most guys run away when girls get too serious and emotional…
@Londongirl Yeah, like @worriedguy already stated…, I was kidding.
It sounded like a generalisation, the way you worded your question, so I replied with one myself.
Sometimes here there is no way of telling when people are joking.
It can be difficult sometimes, I agree @Porifera.
But the longer you hang around here, the more you will get to know the members and their antics.
It gets easier to read someone’s replies, the underlying message, in my opinion.
My thought is some guys always want to be the white knight. With a drama queen there is nearly an emergency every day to swoop in for.
@sleepdoc So are you saying Guys do like drama queen to save her?
So guys like to be the white knight and save the princess. If the girl is in distress everyday it is easy to feel that way.
I thought guys don’t like to deal with drama Queens or someone too emotional???
So does independent girls scare guys away?
It depends on the guy. How secure with themselves they are.
I think so. If you’re comfortable in your own skin you don’t need to go looking for someone in constant need of attention.
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