Social Question

flutherother's avatar

Are eyebrows sexy?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) August 2nd, 2011

We think of a woman’s eyes as being sexy and so with her hair and lips but what about her eyebrows. Eastern cultures praise the allure of a lady’s eyebrows but rarely does this happen in the West. I think eyebrows are sexy, don’t you? And ladies, what do you think of eyebrows in a man. Do sexy men have attractive eyebrows?

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35 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Yep. I love eyebrows.
I had an ex that was almost fascinated with my eyebrows, he used to tell me that they were sexy all of the time… and I liked that he noticed.

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes, I think they are.
I wouldn’t wanna go out with a guy who has mega bushy eyebrows.

wundayatta's avatar

I flipped a coin, but it landed on it’s edge, so I can’t say.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes and they are one of the first things I notice on a person’s face.

picante's avatar

I think they’re very sexy—they are the frame for lovely eyes. I hate that “they”—whoever “they” are—keep changing their minds as to whether thick, bold brows or skinny brows are the latest craze. I’ve kept mine the same for decades. I like them, they like me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, mine certainly are! <wiggles fabulous eyebrows>

ucme's avatar

As long as she’s not named Monica Monobrow then yeah, they can be.

Jude's avatar

IF they’re well taken care of.

A beautiful woman with unkept eyebrows is a huge turnoff for me.

Pluck your damn brows! :)

Jude's avatar

Oh, and men with nicely kept eyebrows is a turn-on. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like eyes so much I’ve never really noticed.

stardust's avatar

Yes, they really shape the eyes

ddude1116's avatar

They vastly contribute to all that’s sexy about a woman’s face, so yes, I would say so.

gottamakeart's avatar

A well-groomed brow can make ANYONE look better. Although over-plucking can have the same negative effect as the “Cave-person” brow….

everephebe's avatar

Eyebrows are sexy, but each of us have our own taste in eyebrows right?
I believe eyebrows are more necessary than hair on the top of your head. No offense meant to the cancer patients out there.

Cruiser's avatar

Yes…and nothing is hawter than the unibrow! WOOF!

Coloma's avatar

Unibrows are disgusting. Otherwise, yes, some eyebrows are sexy.

I have always been a natural light blonde and my eyebrows are virtually invisable. Since I have bangs I never do much with them, they are very light and the way the light banks off of them makes it almost impossible to pluck. They are a non-entity on my face. lol

The few times I have used eyebrow pencil I look like a hooker. I look best with very light makeup and prefer the more natural look, which for me is light foundation, powder, a little blush, and lipstick. I rarely use eye makeup, again, the hooker effect for me! ;-D

redfeather's avatar

Yes, I always notice eyebrows. Especially after waxing tons of them at the salon. They frame the eyes.

jonsblond's avatar

I can’t say I’ve ever thought “wow, those eyebrows are sexy”.

Sexy eyes do it for me, but not the eyebrows.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Some women have eyebrows that contribute to their visual appeal. Beyond good grooming and upkeep, I don’t go for extreme neglect or excessive and bizarre modification of eyebrows.

While I recognize it when a man has extremely strange eyebrows that may benefit from some serious grooming, I usually don’t notice attractive eyebrows on men, unless someone asks me specifically about a certain individual.

Hibernate's avatar

If the women knows how to take care of them it can be good for her look.

AshLeigh's avatar

Everyones forhead would look huge if we didn’t have eyebrows. :)

plethora's avatar

@rebbel Oh Yeah!!!!

Great eyebrows are very very very sexy on a woman!!!

Pandora's avatar

Depends on the eyebrow. Those drawn in skinny high arched brows are a joke. The ones that make them look like they are competing with McDonalds arches.
Or the low serious ones that look angry.
My point is it really depends on the expression they give your face.
A well defined, manicured brow with a soft arch is sexy on a woman.
On a guy, I really like a thick straight brow that isn’t a uni brow.

fundevogel's avatar

Some eyebrows are super sexy. They’re definitely a feature that can hold a lot of allure for me. Lee Pace has killer eyebrows.

I don’t pay as much attention to ladies’ eyebrows but I am sometimes quite impressed by a nice pair. I really don’t like over-plucked eyebrows so I love it when I see girls with bold beautiful eyebrows. Of course most girls couldn’t grow eyebrows like that even if they never touched the tweezers.

Hibernate's avatar

@AshLeigh not true. You can’t make the distinction between the forehead and the upper head when someone is bold :)

Take a look HERE

That guy looks great !

rebbel's avatar

@Hibernate He looks like he starred in the SF series V.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Hibernate his hole head looks like his forehead to me. :D:D:D

Hibernate's avatar

That means you can’t see the forehead.

martianspringtime's avatar

I don’t think it’s the eyebrows themselves, just that they usually have a huge impact on what the face itself looks like.

Unbroken's avatar

Eyebrows do wonders for facial structure. A well done eyebrow highlights and accentuates far more then make up can.
I know a couple of women who have extremely dramatic eyebrows. While they are groomed almost to look like ^ or ~ and in view borders on comical the attention it pulls to their face and them is quite astounding.
Men could benefit from eyebrow grooming at least the unibrow but I am relatively low maintenance so if a guy is higher maintenance then me I can find it slightly offputting.

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filmfann's avatar

Anne Hathaway with no eyebrows

extremely_introverted's avatar

A nice pair of eyebrows can definitely make a girl’s face more attractive. I noticed Western women usually have naturally nice eyebrows even before applying makeup and they usually have long thick lashes! -

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