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Jude's avatar

Curious as to how many women and men here choose to pluck their brows (eyebrow maintenance, if you will)

Asked by Jude (32210points) August 2nd, 2011

I got the idea from this.

Well groomed eyebrows are indeed sexy.

Have you ever seen a beautiful woman with unkept brows and thought “pluck your brows!!!”? I have.

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49 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I wax mine.
As well as the ones that belong to most of the people I know. I have a reputation for making beautiful eyebrows, so I get a lot of requests.

FluffyChicken's avatar

I do not. I think plucked eyebrows are hideous, if you can tell they are plucked.

SpatzieLover's avatar

If I didn’t pluck…Well it’s just too scary a thought!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Nope and I wouldn’t add to the policing of another’s eyebrows either. I happen to love women with unibrows that carry it off because they didn’t give a fuck like Frida. Even Madonna (who many consider a sex symbol) made bushy eyebrows sexy in the 80s. It’s all made up, these preferences anyway.

Judi's avatar

eyebrows, upper lip, chin, and most recently cheek. UGGGGGGG. Usually try to wax about once a month.

Jude's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir It’s a personal preference for me. I just find women more attractive with well-groomed brows.

I get mine waxed.

blueiiznh's avatar

They are done everytime I get my hair done.

Vunessuh's avatar

I get my eyebrows threaded once every few weeks and pluck them in between that time.

Judi's avatar

@FluffyChicken ; I wouldn’t expect a fluffy chicken to be a fan of plucking. :-)

picante's avatar

I pluck and trim mine regularly—they are long, thick and fast-growing. I occasionally have them threaded.

Frankie's avatar

I pluck mine. I get compliments on them all the time; they are nicely shaped and not over-plucked. They require upkeep, definitely (a few minutes every day or every other day), but I don’t mind putting in the effort because I refuse to get them waxed or threaded – I absolutely do NOT trust anyone with my eyebrows except for me!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I put mine in ponytails during the hot summer months.
It says that I am a fun-loving cookie monster.

AmWiser's avatar

No more plucking or waxing for me, I get them threaded. I love the clean look and they don’t grow back as fast. My threader also does my chin hairs if any are visible.:D

SuperMouse's avatar

I do not pluck my eyebrows at all. For me it is laziness rather than any kind of political statement. I do have to admit that if I had a unibrow a la Frida Kahlo vanity would trump laziness.

AshLeigh's avatar

I saw this girl today. She was a freaking babe.
Everything about her was beautiful. But the eyebrows… HUGE! She has freaking wolfman eyebrows. I was like… Damn. Pluck those.

Cruiser's avatar

I’d rather see a woman with unplucked eyebrows than some of the pluck jobs I have seen where the eyebrows are super thin and half way up the forehead! Eyes like a barn owl!

Aethelflaed's avatar

I pluck a few stray ones to give it more shape, but otherwise I leave it alone.

jonsblond's avatar

I have one hair that gets all crazy funky that I pluck now and then, but other than that, no I don’t. My eyebrows are so blond and light you can barely see them, especially during the summer.

chyna's avatar

Apparently, I don’t get out much. What is threading eyebrows?

jonsblond's avatar

@chyna lol. don’t feel bad. I have no idea myself.

shego's avatar

I shape my own by plucking. I’d rather do my own than have somebody else do it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@jonsblond & @chyna Go to any mall and the threaders I call them something else will pounce on you if you’re eyebrows look like they need work

chyna's avatar

Oh my, no way in hell would I have that done!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Like @Aethelflaed just a pluck here and there to get rid of the wonky ones. When I was a teen, I came down with chicken pox, and one of the scabs took out about a fourth of an eyebrow. It took years for that area to regrow. Call them caterpillars, but almost au naturale is fine with me.

tedibear's avatar

I have had mine waxed in the past, but I don’t do it regularly. Most of the time I pluck the strays and the random really long ones. I do this about once a week.

Haleth's avatar

I hardly ever do mine, but it’s more out of laziness than wanting to make a statement. My beauty routine is pretty much just shower and head out the door.

stardust's avatar

Yep, I do pluck my eyebrows. I prefer full eyebrows so I tend not to get too tweezer happy.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I pluck to maintain whatever shapes the waxers give me now and then. Eyebrows are a pain in the arse but I agree some of them look fantastic. I’ve seen women’s faces transformed by just getting their eyebrows shaped… which also makes it scary when considering a new or modified shape.

mrrich724's avatar

26 year old male here. I only wax the middle so as not to have a unibrow… I’m hairy enough and it’s a simple effort that keeps me from looking completely caveman.

IMO, some women look good tweezed, and some women look good natural. I think it depends on the type of brow she was endowed with, and her other facial features.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I am lucky that my brows are generally well behaved. If that changes as I age to some extreme extent, I might have a professional reign them in.

josie's avatar

Since you asked…

My eyebrows grow together in the middle. I have one eyebrow, if you will.

I had a girl who cut my hair (Shelly) tell me that I should wax the center above my nose.

She said it would make me look more sensitive. At the time, sensitive sounded good.

So I did it.

It looked like shit.

Never again.

creative1's avatar

I have what I call my catapillers waxed to keep the little buggers under control.

jca's avatar

My eyebrows are light brown and kind of sparse, so no, I don’t touch them.

Mariah's avatar

I don’t pluck. I like the way mine grow in naturally. I probably would pluck if I weren’t lucky enough to have naturally decent looking brows.

My sister, in my opinion, over-plucks, and I don’t like the way that looks.

Supacase's avatar

I wax them and maintain through plucking in between. I have a friend who keeps hers pencil-line thin and it freaks me out.

My stylist waxes my brows when I get my hair done sometimes. She trimmed them once with a comb and scissors – wtf? I thought that was just for crazy old man eyebrows. Mine lay flat. I told her that was weird and never do it again.

abysmalbeauty's avatar

I generally say that everytime I look in the mirror…. but plucking hurts and mine are not bad enough to make me look less attractive :)

Facade's avatar

I pluck mine because I don’t trust anyone else to get the shape right. Eyebrows are important!

Brian1946's avatar

For those who have it, perhaps the hairy part in between one’s eyebrows could be called a nose brow.

I don’t have a nose brow, but I do occasionally comb my brows to train any errant hairs that don’t conform to the arches.

I have a single hair that grows between my brows but I don’t pluck it. I just cut it off with some cuticle scissors.

JLeslie's avatar

When I was 9 years old my mom sat me down in her yellow master bedroom bathroom and plucked a few of my brows. Ouch! I was not happy about the pain, but she said I needed to. LOL. I have done electrolysis a few times over the years on my eyebrows, and I still pluck and cut. My eyebrows are very coarse, and I can only imagine how thick they would be if I had not done the permanent hair removal a few times. I notice when women have beautifully shaped eyebrows. Mine are more arched than most people I think, which is not my favorite. When men are overly plucked; rather, obviously waxed, I don’t like it. Waxing cleans away fine baby hairs, and the very clean naked skin along with an unnatural shape is very odd on men.

Sunny2's avatar

In high school I had some hairs in one eyebrow that looked like they want to make a connection to the other eye brow. I pulled them out repeatedly until my mid twenties when they gave up and stopped growing. Now I pull an occasional wild one and that’s all. What are they good for anyhow?

Bellatrix's avatar

I get mine waxed and pluck in between. I don’t have particularly hairy eyebrows! Can’t honestly say I notice other people’s eyebrows. Perhaps if they were really unkempt I might.

My husband has almost no eyebrows and they are very fair too.

My dad had HUGE eyebrows. He used to twirl them at the ends so they stuck out like little horns.

augustlan's avatar

I used to get mine waxed, until I got burned bad enough to scab and scar (overly sensitive skin). Mostly I just pluck the errant ones, but I just recently plucked for shape. My main brows are red, and the surrounding hairs are invisible blond, so it’s not a major deal. I have a genetic bald spot in one of them, too, so I have to be careful around that.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I pluck mine. I was once told by a customer at work that my eyebrows were a great shape. That is the most random compliment I have ever received. My eyebrows are black but I like to keep them full so when I pluck them I am just tidying up strays.

martianspringtime's avatar

I do occasionally, but mostly just to get rid of any extra hairs that have appeared too far away from my actual eyebrows.
I only really notice other people’s eyebrows if they have really spectacular eyebrows. I love really thick eyebrows (like Brooke Shields in this photo) on most people, and I hate my own eyebrow shape, so I’m really keen on nice eyebrows, but not very critical of ‘bad’ eyebrows.

jca's avatar

I know some people that have them plucked to an overly arched shape, which looks ridiculous (trashy, in my opinion). I see their photos in my FB and they just look silly. The eyebrows are shaped like a “C” on it’s side, like a half circle. I think the one girl did the other girl’s brows, and that’s why both of them have the same type of shaped brows.

Berserker's avatar

I pluck mine, otherwise, in their natural state, it’s actually a unibrow. :/

JessicaRTBH's avatar

I have sadly had to tame my cray cray brows since age 14. They are like Brooke Shields only way bigger. I don’t go crazy thin or anything. I’ve also recently switched to threading. It hurts a bit less, is cheaper and is far less irritating to me than waxing. I often think people need to pluck or even on the flipside – pluck less. The shape of your brows can really make or break your entire face. (I’m not as shallow as that may sound) the two looks that bug me the most are when people (maybe shave?) between their brows making the space between them too wide. Not past the corner of the eye is a good formula. The tadpole on steroids is another bad eyebrow look in my opinion.

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