Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

What is the best age to start dating?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 3rd, 2011

A couple of my friends have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. A few guys have a crush on me and I actually like one of them. But, I don’t want to ask them out yet because, honeslty, I don’t know what the “right” age is to start dating.

Is 13/14 too young to start dating? Or should I wait a few years?

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31 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

It’s up to you, just make sure they are under 18 so you don’t ruin their lives, and be safe (sexually).

zenvelo's avatar

15 for meeting at a dance or social event, 16 for the boy to pick up the girl at her house.

rOs's avatar

Date when it feels right, and on your terms. Don’t feel obligated to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

Cruiser's avatar

Dating as in going out on a date would be 16 in my book. Just hanging out with a guy or girl at 13 and 14 is ok for doing that.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It really depends on when your parents are going to be willing to let you actually go out on dates and when you are comfortable with it.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Whenever the right time comes. I’ve also been wondering of this same thing. I am 17 and never dated. It’s frustrating sometimes but if you are 13/14 I would say its a little too early so I suggest maybe waiting till 16 or so. There is no rush actually its good to be single because you get to d what ever you want and there isnt anyone nagging in your back.

tranquilsea's avatar

It really depends on the kid. At thirteen or fourteen you can “date” but usually that amounts to hanging out together with your friends which I think is perfectly reasonable. One on one dating usually starts anywhere from 16 to 18 or even 19.

Hibernate's avatar

You can date as soon as you feel like. If you are up to it then it’s all good.

danzmarvs's avatar

dating? nah, it is suppose to be starting at age 13 because it is for teenagers and it is their freedom because when they grow old more problems will come!

ucme's avatar

57 ½….......ish ;¬}

wilma's avatar

16 for going out, 15 for hanging out together.

JLeslie's avatar

16+. Nothing wrong with waiting until later. I see many young people make stupid decisions about college and life because they are influenced by the person they are dating in high school.

christine215's avatar

When you graduate from college.. oh wait, you’re not my kid are you?
before I can answer your question I have to know what exactly is your definition of “dating” at 13/14 years old?
I have a kid who’s 12 and she has friends who are “going out” with one another and I giggle, because they’re not really “going” anywhere, they’ve just pretty much professed to everyone that they really like eachother and they hold hands whenever there’s no adult present.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

When you reach the point you can accept the consequences of unplanned/accidental pregnancy.

AshLeigh's avatar

Well, 13/14 is like eighth grade, correct?
No one really “Dates” in middle school. It’s more like “You get to hold my hand for a week.” and “Sit next to me.”

lizardking's avatar

As a father ” NEVER ”. as a man that pays attention, I would think it would depend on you and your date, maturity level, what are the intensions etc. My daughters both started at 16, but I had them bring the boyfriends to family gatherings to kind get to know them several times before going alone.

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nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@Love_Story Lol I am just joking. When I read your response thats what came to mind. Regina… mean girls :)

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nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I feel your pain.

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laineybug's avatar

Are you talking about actual dating or “hang out in the school hallway and hold hands” dating? Because for actual dating I’d say it depends on the person. Personally, I think you should wait a couple years for actual dating, but that’s just my opinion. For the other kind of dating, you could pretty much do that whenever.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@danzmarvs I’m guessing you don’t like this question?

danzmarvs's avatar

no, but actually I am just questioning what he said about those two types of dating!

danzmarvs's avatar

Why don’t day make babies so that no more problems for dating (joke) :p I’m Not that one!

danzmarvs's avatar

sorry suppose to be they not day ehheheheh

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