16, crunched my new boyfriends Camero into a bridge wall late at night. Not partying, luckily! Nobody was hurt, but ruined his car. I felt so guilty, he still wanted to date me and was very forgiving, but, I couldn’t face him. :-(
18, Other boyfriend rolls his van It was the 70’s, and yes, this time we were partying
Nobody hurt, van creamed. lol
19–40 a big, fat, ZERO.
40–42 Had some personal issues with my own gate, my garage wall and a stubborn tree that always got in my way. These were ongoing occurences in my own driveway. lol
42, Backed over my pet goose Maybelline in my driveway. Very sad.
She was napping along the side of the garage and I never even saw her. Waaaah! Awful!:-(
44, Teenage girls comes flying off her freeway exit and careens into 3 cars, including me, sitting at a light. She was zig zagging across the road and sideswiped me and then hit two other cars. Nobody hurt. More body work on my cars rear wheel well area. :-/
46, Rear ended some tourists who braked suddenly while sight seeing. My fault, undoubtedly, and, most of the damage was to my car. haha Replaced a headlight and fixed a small dent. Nobody hurt.
49, Backed into boulder on fountain at a restaurant. Minor scrape on my bumper. Humiliated.
50, Scraped white post at gas station, minor, buffed out. Whew! lol
51, Bumped into fence backing out of my garge, minor, no issues. It is a wire field fence so, it just sort of stretched. Stretching fences are good.
Notice that my accident rates has gone up in the 40–50 zone. Midlife dementia is coming. haha