What makes you really, really mad?
Human life is not a bowl of cherries, we all know this. But some incidents come along that make us see red. Like, trouble with a bf or gf, losing your job, the car breaks down, your income tax refund was held for reasons unknown, your unwed daughter becomes pregnant, someone breaks out your car window with a baseball. These are but a few of examples of us seeing “red”. Question: so what in life really, really makes you see red and mad? Anything goes.
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19 Answers
When a friend breaks my trust.
People throwing empty soda cans, wrappers and such on the street.
Use an ff-ing bin.
When people leave you hanging as in blowing you off! Nothing lower and makes me see red!
I usually try not to get too mad over things I cannot control. I will be annoyed at litterers, people in the left lane going slow (and not getting the hint that there are people behind them looking to pass). As far as people leaving me hanging, it doesn’t happen too often thanks to cell phones. If someone did it to me once, I would maybe or maybe not give them a second chance, depending on our history and their reason. With cell phones, there’s no excuse, really.
Probably, as people put more reasons here, I will be reminded of other things that make me annoyed, but as far as “really, really mad” I usually don’t get that way.
The only thing that makes me mad is when some people repeatedly accuse me of being mad.
Politicians who rely on simplistic slogans to mesmerize and incite gullible folks.
Racism, intolerance and prejudices.
Cruelty and systemic exploitation.
People who treat others without empathy or compassion. Lack of humanity really pissess me off.
I would usually include asshole drivers, but considering I did 2 really stupid things because of my own inattention on the road the last few days, i’ve relaxed on that and realize the possibility that they may not be assholes, but just friggin’ idiots.
When people pretend that they are so so nice and meanwhile they are stabbing you in the back. Then everyone judges by appearances, the person they like the most is so sweet and so kind, and you end up looking like an angry bitchy person and you have no way to defend youirself. __But then, this never happens to me, never. Thank god.__
Silent treatment is the worst possible thing and infuriates me beyond belief.
When people call me a liar! I also hate it even worse when people think they know what goes on inside my mind. They think they know me, but they only know bits and pieces. It irritates me so bad beyond belief when they insist they what’s going on inside my mind even when I say it’s not! Like seriously I’m pretty sure I know what going on in my own mind!
-Handwringing, whiny people who are offended by and/or afraid of nearly everything.
-Dull, incurious people whose horizons end at the wall behind their TV or computer screen.
-Men and boys who hurt girl after girl in their neverending quest to satisfy their own lusts.
-People who frame American politics as though it was Star Wars, where one party is made up of spunky underdogs who have our best interests in mind, whereas the other party are an evil Empire lead by deranged authoritarians.
I second the silent treatments and handwringing.
I also get really mad when I find out about people who are nice to my face, but laugh at me behind my back.
Gamma rays, enter….... The Incredible Sulk.
Ruined so many pants that way.
Disrespect of myself or people/things that I care about. Kinda broad, but there you have it.
Then there are offenses that just make me angry. Like insisting on fresh chicken when you have a perfectly good one sitting in your cart that you’re going to put back, that I’m going to have to throw out because of Da Rulez, which would have flown out of the store if you’d just left it in place, you selfish wasteful bastard.Or showing up at 7pm and throwing a hissy fit because the 15 birds that you never told us that you wanted aren’t ready for you.
I second the inane televiewing. Go read a book, you lump! You can read, unlike so very many people before you! You can be educated! Cultured! You can have some of the best things in life, free of charge at your library, if you would TURN OFF THE HELL-BOX! But no, instead you degrade those who like their books with phrases like “you read too much!”
I get really mad [but I don’t show it] when I keep asking people not to threat me like someone who doesn’t know anything. When I have to keep repeating I’ll understand things as time goes. I have a lot of people [in real life not here] that try to “help out” and eventually do more harm than good.
I get annoyed when I hear about or know about people ripping off the government, by lying or cheating, and getting services and money they should not be getting.
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