Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Ladies, what's the shortest and longest time before you said yes to a relationship and Men, what's the longest and shortest time you got a yes?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29343points) August 3rd, 2011

And what are the specific reasons and unique circumstances involved why entering into a certain relationship took a long time time while the other was much faster? Thanks.

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12 Answers

Haleth's avatar

Do most people ask someone to be in a relationship? Nobody has ever asked me that and I’ve never had “the talk.” Casual dating just gradually grew into spending more time together.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@mazinger88…....I agree with @Haleth. Most relationships start organically not with “Will you be in a relationship with me?”

Well, actually there was a time…but that was junior high and high school when I was asked to “Go steady”...did you mean that?

Can you clarify what you mean a bit?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Longest? Never. I’ve spent most of my life avoiding relationships or anything remotely resembling commitment to another human being.
Shortest? A couple of weeks. I met my husband, a few weeks later we were dating, a few weeks after that we were engaged, and a few years later we were married. Something just clicked with him.

Londongirl's avatar

There is no fixed time frame… Some guys take longer and some very quick. But the best way to find out is to ask!

My last long term relationship was starting off as platonic friends and took 3 months to break the ice. Then if I meet someone I really like, then it wouldn’t take too long may be a few weeks then I know whether we click.

Londongirl's avatar

Though very rarely I like the guy on 1st date, if I do, still I will hold back to a few more dates before jumping into a relationship.

mazingerz88's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus Yes, I maybe talking more about those times when there seemed to be a formal commencement of a relationship between a man and a woman as in going steady, boyfriend, girlfriend thingy. Guess even in adults, there is that moment when a couple goes exclusive, give or get the keys to someone’s place…

Just wondering how long and how short a time it took before that happens. I’m assuming a man pursuing a woman for a few months to a year is no longer done and he moves on to another interest rather quickly? And a woman never dawdles these days as well and says no right away instead of giving herself a chance to warm up to a certain guy she is unsure of being attracted to?

Londongirl's avatar

I think it really depends on how both people feel about it. It is best to discuss about it and come to a common ground. If someone I really like I would like to be exclusive quickly even after a few weeks if the the feelings is right. But for get the keys to someone’s place then it is more serious committment, then may be it takes longer time, but then again if the feelings is right, then there shouldn’t have any time frame.

downtide's avatar

Why are you making the assumption that it’s always the man who asks and the woman who gives an answer? What if it’s the other way round? What if it’s a same-sex relationship?

To answer the original question the shortest time for me was about three seconds. I asked, he said yes. We’d known each other for about a month before that.

MilkyWay's avatar

The longest I’ve said yes? Nil. I haven’t said yes.
For the guys that came in my life: The longest time ever. She still hasn’t said yes.

YARNLADY's avatar

My first husband and I married two weeks after we met. Our son was born just before our first anniversary, and I was widowed by a car wreck two months later.

My second husband and I were introduced by my sister, who was dating his roommate. We decided on our second date to marry. He adopted my son.

After 9 years of marriage, he fell in love with our live-in nanny and filed for divorce, but when he discovered he had terminal cancer, she disappeared. He moved back in with me and my son, and died a few weeks later.

I met my current husband at a convention, and moved into his beach house two weeks later. We married about six months after that. We will be celebrating our 36 anniversary next month.

My oldest son considers him to be his father, and we had another son 5 years after we married.

lemming's avatar

Well for me, I’ll take my most serious relationship as an example, at first, straight away, it was a very small, ’yes’ and as time went by the ‘yes’ got bigger and bigger.

Sher_King's avatar

Ten days. ;p

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