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mazingerz88's avatar

What would you do with a dozen ostrich eggs?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29388points) August 3rd, 2011

Say you got Fedex delivery from Fluther, a huge box with a dozen ostrich eggs. What would you do with it? Try to hatch it or cook it right away? Poach, fried or boiled?

What I really wanted to ask is does an ostrich egg taste like chicken egg? But this question is more fun and so…I mean, I would really love to see a huge sunny side up egg in the morning! But would I like its taste?

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9 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

I’d try to find out who the hell at fluther thought I would want a dozen ostrich eggs dropped on my doorstep. Augustlan, what were you thinking?

Coloma's avatar

No thanks! I just tossed an Emu egg that had been in my fridge for TWO years, almost 3! haha

It was beautiful, deep bluish green, almost black, but…to drill it out and do something with it never happened. It came from some neighbors a few years ago, I thought I’d do something with it, and I finally did.
I pitched it deep into the woods a few weeks ago. lol

ragingloli's avatar

1. Hatch them.
2. Grow them.
3. Sell their meat.
4. ???

rts486's avatar

Carefully open them so I could eat them while saving the shell, then save the shell for Easter so I could paint them.

Pele's avatar

Make a large batch of huevos rancheros.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would drill it out and do something with it.:)
Pysanky eggs are fun.

syz's avatar

Something like this or this.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Make a really big omelet. But save the egg shells and don’t paint them. They’re a really beautiful color. A turquoise green shade.

Coloma's avatar

I used to make deviled goose eggs at Easter from my dear departed Babby Goose. Her eggs were huge!
Some VERY impressive deviled eggs!

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