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JLeslie's avatar

Do you enjoy travel in the moment? Or, only in retrospect?

Asked by JLeslie (65896points) August 4th, 2011

Sometimes travel can be stressful. Planning, packing, catching the plane, long drive. Even once there it can be stressful, where do we eat, directions to the next attraction, wrong turn, more expensive then you planned, forgot something, sunburn, clothes aren’t warm enough, hotel is dissappointing, so many things.

Then you get home, look through some of the photos smiling in front of some tourist attraction, recount some funny story, realize you have to go back to work tomorrow, and suddenly the vacation was really good. Even better than while you were there. Does that happen to you?

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13 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

In the moment for sure! Even with the best video and pictures you will never bring home the feeling, smells, sights and sounds of actually being there and away from home!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

In the moment.:)
That is how I like to live my life

cookieman's avatar

In the moment. I love the adventure of travel, even the unexpected hiccups.

I can never enjoy it after. With the exception of uploading my photos, I can never make the time to make albums, or scrapbooks and such (despite my best intentions).

Blackberry's avatar

Travel is never stressful for me, but I imagine it can be with kids, or people that take it all too seriously. Yeah you want to plan, but you ruin it if you plan everything. People who plan where to eat will have a hard time enjoying themselves opposed to the people that simply take a walk and choose to eat somewhere just because. Making a plan implies that you can’t stray from the plan no matter what, so you’re stressing yourself out if you’re under the impression everything is time sensitve like you’re still at home working.

Relax on the planning and just figure some things out when you get there. Ask locals where you should eat and go.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry If you are adressing me specidically, not to worry, I enjoy my vacations at the time.

Blackberry's avatar

@JLeslie Nope I wasn’t. I just notice some people do this when vacationing.

janbb's avatar

I am often very anxious in anticipation but for the most part, once I am on the plane or in the car, I am on vacation .

OpryLeigh's avatar

What @janbb said. I am never happy until I am actually on that plane/train/boat/car.

jonsblond's avatar

Yes, but then I don’t fly. I hate flying. Too stressful

I’ve always been a road trip kind of girl. I love every minute of the trip.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jonsblond I LOVE a road trip.

muppetish's avatar

I am usually more stressed about day trips (going to Disneyland, for example) than traveling. The little things like “where are we going to eat?” can be cumbersome especially since I am such an indecisive person. Usually, I am with someone else who will make the decisions and if not then I try to step up and guide things along. If I am with someone else who does not like traveling in the moment—such as my younger brother—then it can get on my nerves after a while. My friends and I would travel far more if our pocketbooks would permit such a thing.

Right now I am planning a trip to Virginia in October and I can’t wait :)

martianspringtime's avatar

I like traveling in general, both in the moment and in retrospect, and sometimes even the before, but I think the before stresses me out more than anything else. I hate going through the whole pre-boarding process before traveling by plane. I love everything about traveling by car except other cars. I never pack until the night before I leave which comes with its own obvious problems.
The worst part about traveling for me is that I get homesick for my cats by the second day I’m away.

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