Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 22!
Asked by
AmWiser (
August 4th, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
786 Answers
TJBM has posted on all 22 TJBM threads!
False. I didn’t even know they existed.
TJBM has webbed feet.
Yes.I love the look!:)
TJBM plays rugby
No way, I would be dismantled in rugby.
The Jelly below me is a shuffleboard master, though.
LOL! I have KSA on the shuffleboard court.
TJBM cuts their own hair.
I actually do cut my own hair. It’s pretty easy, all I do move the clippers over my hair until there was less than before lol.
But the jelly below me goes to a salon.
False, I shave mine to within an inch of it’s life….sometimes I let the wife do it coz it tickles.
TJBM still has a cake with candles on their birthday.
Yes,I do! I love birthdays
TJBM loves Shakespeare
Yay, me too….although it’s getting harder to blow those suckers out.
Shakespeare is okay, in small doses.
TJBM is a cowardly pussycat when things go bump in the night.
Why would I try to be a hero when I could let the cops do that instead .
TJBM likes to go bump in the night.
TJBM is going to have a good day today
@Blackberry I was thinking more of a total wimp cowering under the covers begging his wife to go take a look…, in other words.
Usually not.
TJBM has worn a heart monitor.
not really.
TJBM has heard about Bubba Smith.
How do you “not really” wear a heart monitor?
TJBM hates tomatoes.
False, love them.
TJBM is too slow.
LOL! Apparently so!
TJBM owns a firearm
TJBM still lives with their mother.
False. She lives with me.
TJBM can’t find their car keys.
False. We keep them on hooks on the wall so I don’t lose them.
TJBM loves to dance.
True but I am really not very good at it.
TJBM likes TicTacs
I really do, but sometimes I wish they did something different like put gum in the center lol.
TJBM loves haggis.
True. But she left me for a younger man.
TJBM loves manscaping.
Not so much.
TJBM still climbs trees.
I did about a month ago so that would be a yes.
TJBM likes skinny dipping.
False. Was true a few years ago.
The Jelly bellow me likes oranges.
False. They are much too healthy, and whenever I do take one it is tasting sour.
False again. Our royal family is called “van Oranje” and if it was on me they could move out tomorrow.
TJBM feels sorry for the loser of a boxing match.
I do; the multiple blows to the head can not be good for the brain.
TJBM has been punched in the head.
TJBM has something fun planned for today
Yes. I am picking up a dog that I shall be looking after during the next week and it just so happens to be my favourite dog of all the dogs I look after which is quite a lot.
TJBM knows someone that is pregnant at the moment.
Not anymore, she had her kid last month.
TJBM has dark hair.
TJBM has seen me around Fluther before.
Yah, you’re the “Blue guy”.
TJBM has relatives visiting soon.
False. Most of them are dead! Fine with me, the ones I really love are alive. It’s worked out well! haha
TJBM stayed up late last night, just kicking around and lost track of time.
False, last night was the only night I went to bed early.
TJBM is excited about something.
Ya, the last question I responded to.
TJBM is excited to see installment 22 of TJBM
I almost forgot about this question the last week or two.
TJBM likes to indulge in pot brownies now and then That’s why I stayed up so late last night, having a blast being high and re-arranging my house! lol
I would love to indulge, but my job won’t allow it :(
The jelly below me also can’t indulge.
False (thank god) but it’s been a while since we don’t get weed here :(
TJBM has a doctor’s appointment coming up
True! I’m photographing a doctor next week.
TJBM is plotting a diabolical takeover of planet earth (after my doctors portrait), and will enslave all of humanity in a hypnotic trance to do their bidding as they see fit, which most likely includes licking toe jam from their feet and converting into a renewable energy source.
True, (and oddly specific).
TJBM will try and foil my diabolical plan to takeover of planet earth and enslave all of humanity in a hypnotic trance to do their bidding as they see fit, which most likely includes licking toe jam from their feet and converting into a renewable energy source.
False, because this sounds like a pinky and the brain kind of plan.
TJBM is going on vacation soon.
Yeah, going to Oregon for my friend’s wedding.
TJBM has been to Oregon.
False, i’ve never gone to Oregon.
TJBM enjoys colouring in with crayons & stuff.
Abso..positively do Crayola is a friend of mine!
TJBM Is an awesome cook! :)
It’s totally true! I make a great Hot Pocket!
TJBM is a rabid “sexter”! (as in sex texting)
No, but if it’s phone sex that you want well…
TJBM has partaken in, and enjoys, anal.
Fuck that shit!…..actually, that’s precis….false!
TJBM has eaten dinner already.
Yep, I ate another Hot Pocket.
TJBM enjoys spoiled milk.
True if its in the form of sour cream
TJBM is lactose intolerant.
TJBM has a job interview
TJBM is not living at their usual accommodations.
TJBM enjoys listening to Lisa Hannigan… and probably wouldn’t mind banging her.
False. haven’t a clue, and have a husband
TJBM plans to put their feet up and relax at some point today.
Sort of. I’ll be going to bed in a while. Well tired.
TJBM cooked their own meal today.
True, I do most of my cooking from scratch.
TJBM loves meatloaf the food, not the creepy guy
True. Well, I like my own anyway.
TJBM hates going to the movie theatre.
False. I love watching first-run movies in the theater.
TJBM has had a professional photo taken in recent times.
@shego Meatloaf is awesome! Who doesn’t like paradise by the dashboard lights?
Too true, and I hate photos taken of me, especially when they end up is some publication… grrrrrr….
TJBM is in denial
False. I deny, deny, deny.
TJBM has a laugh that always draws attention.
Maybe true.
TJBM never uses coupons.
False. I wish I was better at organizing them though. I wish I used them more often.
TJBM Strikes up conversations with strangers all the time.
I use to, until I realized most do not want to, and that I also do not care what some people have to say. Lol
The jelly below me likes a BLT with a fried egg.
False. Never tried it that way, but, I love BLT’s!
TJBM is hungry!
I’d love a BLT sandwich, but not the egg.
Damn! False, not really hungry.
TJBM loves geese.
I do! We feed the Canadian Geese that come to our yard…and protect them as best we can.
TJBM has a few pets.
True. 2 geese, one cat, and maybe a new kitty soon after losing my Marley 2 months ago.
TJBM is enjoying a magnificent early afternoon, perfect temps! ;-)
True finally the dew point is lower!
TJBM knows bliss.
True. I am in extreme relaxed mode at the moment, just flowing along in bliss. ;-)
TJBM has a garden?
Yeah… more like a mini orchard though.
TJBM got wasted last night
False :/
TJBM is having a crap weekend.
False. Because the weekend ain’t here yet.
TJBM will work for chocolate.
Nah, body is somewhat allergic to chocolate.
TJBM has taken part in truth or dare shots.
True XD
TJBM likes to choose dares instead of truth
TJBM hates going to parties
False… ish. I hate going to a great big party only knowing one or two people, but I love going to something small and easygoing with friends.
TJBM has a great recipe for sangria, and would like to share.
I don’t know what that is, sorry :(
TJBM hates going to weddings
@MilkyWay Sangria is a type of table wine.
The only wedding I plan of ever attending again will be my daughters, if she marries her live in boyfriend. haha
TJBM is feelin’ groovy today!
TJBM has a shoulder that hurts whenever they try to lift their arm :’(
False, but I do have muscle trouble that makes me unable to lift my arms for a long time.
Sangria is wine with fruit in it basically. It is served chilled, even when using red. Common in Spain and Portugal.
TJBM wants to lose some weight.
True, well at least lose the remaining fat, its doing a Nancy Pelosi, it justwon’t go away no matter what I do.
TJBM would love to take a nap in a gentle ocean current.
TJBM likes reading Tales From The Crypt
its been awhile, but yes
TJBM likes reading Poe
Yes, “Once upon an midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary…” – The Raven, currently my favorite poem.
TJBM enjoys novels by Herman Hesse
hadn’t read his works.
TJBM wants to send Oprah to the poorhouse.
False. And I hope she doesn’t want to send me to the poorhouse.
TJBM has a collection of which he/she is proud.
TJBM likes horror movies
Eh, if it’s good and not just a bloodfest, oh yeah, she’s squirting blood everywhere from her neck, real scary.
TJBM is a nerd deep down inside
TJBM thinks that Twilight sucks
TJBM eats pizza with a fork.
False, I’m a man, I use a spork.
TJBM knows what a spork is.
Nah, I prefer to use a foon
TJBM thinks that eating pizza with a fork is weird.
Depends on the pie. Some are forkable.
TJBM has seen a good movie lately
True, and ‘Rose’ is my daughters middle name. Emily Rose…haha, waaay before the horror flick!
TJBM is having a relaxing day
Not exactly relaxing, but it was a good day.
TJBM has to buy a new bed
False, I love my bed.
TJBM loves Kung Fu Panda
Hell No! Now you got me irked for even suggesting such a thing and now I’m gonna go a punch every panda in the nads that won’t screw to save their species.
TJBM has had a firework fall out of the sky and almost nail them.
XD False.
TJBM has seen I Am Number Four
Wrong again, @MilkyWay—I haven’t even seen I Am Number Two yet.
TJBM is dying to scratch that embarrassing itch, but there’s always someone watching.
TJBM had an awesome day today
True, it was pretty awesome.
TJBM has been to band camp.
False. We don’t do the band camp thing here.
TJBM would love a large glass of merlot now
Well it is only 9.47 am… so I think I will wait until tonight and then, yes, love a nice Merlot.
TJBM has baked their own bread (by hand) before.
Yup, banana nut bread. I took up baking when I was wooing my wife. It was my snickers doodles that won her though.
TJBM would be ashamed if everyone could see their thought over the past few minutes.
TJBM always has dirty thoughts
Well always might be a stretch, but it is a pretty regular occurrence.
TJBM likes to read erotic novels.
Novels, no, erotic is a good subject though.
TJBM thinks about the opposite sex most of the time
False. I’m in my ‘mature’ phase of life, I’ll take the hot tub and Happy Brownie over the opposite sex on most days. lol
TJBM loves Mexican food!
True! Had me some Taco Time today actually..
TJBM likes to play board games.
True, so very true.
TJBM will give @AmWiser a GQ.
only if it is earned. Too much focus on fluthering lurve and all you know.
TJBM went for a swim tonight
Nope, but my daughter did.
TJBM loves a good foot rub.
False. I have no desire for a foot rub.
TJBM does their own manicures.
The Jelly That is Below Me needs a haircut
False, I like my hair at the moment! Granted it’s a bit of a bad hair day today.
TJBM thinks the above line was completely masculine—along with my hair.
TJBM is looking forwards to a good night sleep.
Your hair looks very nice Paul! And no, it is only lunch time here.
TJBM is a bit blue…
So true!
TJBM was posting in Part 21 before this.
nope…was posting in 7
TJBM loves walking in the rain
TJBM has done a rain dance. I need rain badly here
I love the rain! I want to have sex in the garden in the rain. My husband is a wuss…
TJBM loves to have long baths, with wine and candles… music .. the whole scene.
Nope. Never was much into candles, come from a long line of people paranoid about a fire starting. I don’t drink wine. I do like a nice bath though, not sure how long is long? Probably never more than half an hour.
TJBM hates unloading the dishwasher like me.
TJBM doesn’t know what to say.
yes, yes, yes I do. I love the rain
tjbm is not a wuss
No, way ;-) I love the rain too.
TJBM always knows what to say.
Almost always, not quite. lol
TJBM likes to light candles outside at night
So true! I love any kind of outdoor lighting, like Christmas lights, tiki torches, citronella candles… when you have that outdoors during the summer at night, it lends everything such a nice ambiance.
^ upthread My recipe for sangria is red wine, citrus fruit, ginger ale, and rum, but I’m looking to try some new ones… the one I make is basically jungle juice with wine, not very classy.
TJBM is listening to some great music right now.
True, depending on your taste in music (The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice)
TJBM is already planning out what they’re going to do for Halloween
No. I have a hard time planning what I am going to do next week in my private life!
TJBM is always ahead of the game in terms of planning for Christmas, Halloween, Easter and the like.
That’s a big negatory! I put the “Pro” in procrastinator!
TJBM has a craving for a stiff alcoholic beverage at the moment.
not especially. Loading on water
TJBM has had their morning coffee/tea already
False. It is just minutes past midnight here.
TJBM joined fluther less than 6 months ago.
No, it was nearly 7 months ago now.
TJBM hates conflict.
So false. I looooveeee it.
TJBM wants to buy a new phone.
False. I’m not a big phone junkie.
TJBM has their house all opened up and there is a nice cool breeze
Actually it is later in the afternoon here now and the temperature is dropping so it is all a bit closed up. It was a beautiful day earlier though.
TJBM has a favourite pillow that they like to take with them when they travel.
False, I have a teddy bear
TJBM got carried away with something tonight
well I guess this morning
False don’t have the energy at this time.
TJBM is definitely not a morning person.
False. Mornings are the best time of day!
TJBM has a Nook or Kindle.
Sort of—I have the Kindle app for my iPad.
TJBM is sooooo freakin’ sick of this unrelenting heat!!
Yes, but I would rather complain about the heat than the cold. I am not looking forward to fall.
TJBM has an expensive hobby.
False. I would love to get into quilting, but it’s not in the budget. Most of my hobbies are free.
TJBM has made a quilt. If true, will you post a picture?
TJBM know what friday night magic is
TJBM will tell me what Friday night magic is.
True, magic is a card game and every Friday night people go and play it. its kinda fun
TJBM sings when they are by them selves
Well my sister is, and we live in the same place. Does that count?
TJBM is sore.
Not today.
TJBM is too chicken to get on the Fluther map. I am.
What Fluther map? Tell me more!
TJBM knows what the fluther map is
Yup, jump up to @Leanne1986 post above, there is a link. Im on the fluther map but I have changed my name since.
TJBM is going to get on the fluther map.
True! Just did! I’m going to get on the map, fun!
TJBM knows their latitude and longitude
I certainly do. and my elevation
TJBM gets lost in a paper bag
TJBM is getting ready for an important day.
TJBM can play the guitar
TJBM can play more than chopsticks on the piano.
false, can’t play piano, period.
TJBM has the ability to clog up toilets.
Occasionally. But after 5 summers working at camp, I’m crazy good at unclogging them.
TJBM likes wearing scarves.
TJBM likes wearing jeans
TJBM likes going nude.
TJBM spoke to an elderly relative today.
True, but I doubt my grandma would appreciate being called elderly
TJBM is going to a concert soon
False, but I went to two great concerts last month.
TJBM likes listening to the radio
depends on that station
TJBM is adding himself to the map.
True. JP added me today.
TJBM is afraid of spiders
False. Unless they are Black Widows. I actually adore jumping spiders, they are so cute and funny, like little crabs. :-D
TJBM has a clogged drain goddamnit, haha
I have one that’s getting there. The holes in my shower’s drain cover are too large, so hair sneaks through and causes problems.
TJBM has a popcorn ceiling.
Actually true, its in my apartment
TJBM loves to eat popcorn with real butter
Yep, that’s my prob. today, have it all pulled apart, but, can’t unclog it, gah..gross!
True, but…I like Kettle Korn the best, we have a local maker of some organic kettle Korn, I can polish off the whole bag in one sitting. lol
TJBM has a plumbers snake I can borrow haha
got one, but it’s too far away from you.
TJBM has spackled their own ceilings.
False. I never will. I prefer flat ceilings.
TJBM knows why people started making their ceilings textured.
True. It dampens noise. I like it, but dusting is a hassle.
TJBM laughed at something s/he saw on the internets today.
TJBM subscribes to the b3ta newsletter.
TJBM likes to sleep nude.
I am and I wonder how the trip to Pakistan is going. I wonder if she is updating her blog. I am anxious to hear all about her trip.
TJBM either has or knows someone who as worked as a missionary.
TJBM knows the answer to everything.
Naah. Although there are some people who possibly think I THINK I know everything, but they are wrong.
TJBM has an interest in Egyptian history.
True? I really like history, but I can’t claim to have studied Egyptian history exclusively.
TJBM likes math.
What’s purple and commutes? An abelian grape.
TJBM not only abides in the Slough of Despond, but deserves to.
False. I’m a little Tinkerbell, happy, silly and good natured.
TJBM likes to water their yard naked
Sounds like fun but I think my neighbors in my apartment would have me taken away to the funny farm
TJBM is fluthering while naked
Urrm, can you see into my bedroom @Creative? (checks for the camera). I am still in bed :D
TJBM has streaked in the past.
Never. But I have been topless on South Beach in Miami several times.
TJBM is very into fashion
False. Not anymore, but my closet can attest to day’s gone by.
TJBM is enjoying a bag of popcorn and perusing Fluther.
False. I just made cookies for a party tomorrow and I am over sugared having tasted everything. Almond cookies, coconut macaroons, coca-cola cake, and forgotten cookies.
TJBM hated high school.
False, love high school love playing football
TJBM played a sport when they went to high school
I played Hockey.
TJBM liked the library at school.
True. I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet. (Unlike today’s library’s).
TJBM visit’s their local library at least 2x a year or more.
Whenever my parents visit we make a trip to the main library actually (25 minutes away) so 2 or 3 times a year. And, I am in the local library probably only 2 or 3 times a year.
TJBM doesn’t read many books.
I actually read quite a few books.
TJBM programs in COBOL.
TJBM knows what COBOL means, and will eddicate us all, cuz I sure don’t know!
True/False..I remember it being used ages ago. COBAL.
I think it’s obsolete in this day and age.
TJBM could use a good massage.
Eh, my brain isn’t connected to my body so well. I don’t experience touch as pleasurable. I wish I did.
TJBM is a tiger in bed.
False. I can’t have messages because of the muscle trouble I have. Well, I can have a body treatment though.
TJBM likes to swim.
@snowberry I actually saw you start up after I did, and I thought you were just editing something on your previous post. My mistake.
@JLeslie I’m a happy camper, but I don’t like to swim much.
TJBM is still a tiger in bed.
You mean your muscle trouble makes retrieving your ‘messages’ hard? LOL
I’d like to think so, it’s been awhile, but I am a Cougar! haha
TJBM is a pancake in bed
It’s my intention to be one right after I post this. And snore too.
TJBM has no intention of going to bed yet. The night is still young.
True. Only 9:06 over here, but, I am going to bed earlier tonight, by 10ish.
TJBM likes Butter Finger candy bars
the are only ok, been so many years since I had one
TJBM likes homemade strawberry short cake with homemade whipped cream
Haven’t had it I don’t think, but I have always thought it sounds delicious. Do you want to make me some and send it over?
TJBM love hot chocolate fudge cake with ice cream or whipped cream.
Yes! I do actually.
TJBM likes to suck toes
False, that’s nasty!!!
TJBM has a bird living in their backyard
I have many, many birds living in my backyard and I love them. It is one of the joys in my life.
TJBM loves rugby union and is very pleased that the All Blacks just flogged Australia!
That would be me!!!! You got that one on the nose!
TJBM is going to be watching for me to play league later in their area! cough cough
I hope so! That would be cool.
TJBM is hungry and wants dinner (breakfast?).
I’m always hungry!
TJBM is going to come in late
I would like some breakfast as it’s 11am here and I still haven’t eaten anything.
TJBM is planning a chilled out afternoon.
I wish I have so much to do I have to schedule time to breathe.
TJBM Is not a jealous person.
True. My jealously scale is set really low.
TJBM just woke up and is having coffee
False, i did just wake up though but no coffee
TJBM had a good night sleep
False. Haven’t had an easy, relaxing day/night for a few weeks now.
TJBM wants to re-do their home interior.
False. I painted some interior walls last fall a cool metallic bronze color and my bedroom too, and, I juts re-arranged a few days ago. Everythings lookin’ good.
TJBM is playing Scrabble in the scrabble thread
False. There is a scrabble thread? I love scrabble.
TJBM has a party to go this weekend.
nope. Haven’t done any parties in a while
TJBM has heard of Serco?
I have now. Interesting.
TJBM understands @ratboy‘s joke. It’s a good one.
false. I had to google it and still didn’t understand !
TJBM loves telling yo mama jokes
Yo Mamma knows that’s true!
TJBM keeps permanent skid marks in their shorts.
Definitely false. Some other Jellies do though.
TJBM has lots of schoolwork to do.
Nope just lots of packing
TJBM Wants to move
From my current location, yes. Move back home.
TJBM has adopted a kitten.
True, yes, recently was given a kitten to adopt that I named “Cara” (Irish for friend).
TJBM wants a tall, cold, tinkling glass of iced tea.
TJBM loves it when cats purr
True. Cats are great little friends!
TJBM likes Cherry Pie with Vanilla ice cream
true,who doesn’t?
TJBM is about to go visit his/her grandma
False, she’s passed away.
TJBM is crazy for cheesecake
TJBM just spent 15 minutes picking out a movie _
TJBM has seen I am number four
TJBM has seen Captain America: The First Avenger.
Nope. Just ate. Too much!
TJBM has a dog that badly needs training.
Very true! And chickadees and sparrows…
TJBM is munching on perfectly ripe cantaloupe.
TJBM keeps bees, or would like to give it a try.
This jelly wants to save the honey bees… close enough?
TJBM wants to go to Key West.
Haha TJAM is a quicker draw than I.
TJAM might like Key West.
TJBM has a fixation with tall and fast roller coasters.
TJBM is a adrenaline junkie
No, but I do like a good belly laugh.
TJBM is known for having a very dry sense of humor…(as opposed to a damp one)?
True. So is her daughter.
TJBM has gone spelunking, or wants to.
Yep, many times in Nevada, California, Utah, and Indiana. My hubby has mapped caves. He also discovered one in Utah, and was given the privilage of naming it. How cool is that?
TJBM just finished watering their garden, even though it looks like it might rain anyway.
VERY cool! I went through a few in Virginia. Muddy, wet, and bat-habitated perfect!
TJBM has been to all 50 states!
Didn’t click the link but it’s already false.
TJBM then clicked the link and realised he’d made a big mistake and thinks those are amazing.
False. But I will now!
TJBM likes to bake cookies
True, although I prefer making shortbread.
TJBM loves to “make” food themselves.
So So true, I love to cook anytype of food
TJBM loves to eat home cooking
Only my Grandmothers!
TJBM eats McDonalds on a regular basis.
False, not anymore. Ugh.
TJBM has won a drawing and ended up with a prize they didn’t want!
TJBM has a habit of experimenting with food
Mmmm, not much, I know what I like, I will try new things in restaurants though, but at home, I cook my die hard favorites. :-)
TJBM is dealing with a pushy person in their life
Hmmmm, I don’t think so. I am careful who I am friends with in real life. Gossip is a big thing here.
TJBM knows how to ski or snowboard.
False. Tried them once, just so I can say been there, done that.:D
TJBM went to a flee market/garage sale today, or will go to one tomorrow. What did you buy?
Nope never
TJBM want to share something they have never done but wants to
I’d like to be a midwife.
TJBM will tell us about a strange dream they had.
Yes @snowberry was there and…
TJBM will tune in next week to find out more.
Yeah, sure
TJBM has way too much free time
No. I am usually pretty busy.
TJBM loves lolly snakes.
Nope don’t know what a lolly snake looks like but I can guarantee I wont like it because I don’t like the thought of any snake. I used to have nightmare when I was a child that there were snakes and rats all over the floor in my room. I would scream so my mother would turn on my light and when she told me that I was too old for that then I put my furniture in a way I could climb from peice to peice to get to the light switch without touching the floor.
TJBM Has wacky dreams or nightmares
Occasionally. I notice the bad dreams start when I get too hot while sleeping. Happens every time.
TJBM loved Mr. Rogers Neighborhood as a child.
No. I don’t know what that is?
TJBM has watched Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo (it was my favourite program when I was little).
No. I don’t know what that is? LOL
TJBM is a coffee freak, and will tell us exactly how to fix theirs.
Oh yessss I love Starbucks venti sugarfree vanilla latte with whole milk and no foam. If iced then same but with whipped cream on top and coconut sprinkles…mmmmmmm
TJBM Would love a cup of coffee right now
Yeah! With lots of yummy stuff to make it taste good. In fact, you can skip the coffee and just give me the yummy and I’ll be good.
TBMJ hates coffee, but they love something that most folks think is simply sick and wrong.
True, jam sandwiches with ready salted crisps.
TJBM love tea (I swear I’m a walking British stereotype).
I’m slowly learning to like it.
TJBM is a snob for chai lattes.
False. No snobbery here, unless I am dealing with adults and their childish emotional issues. Be gone! haha
TJBM hates Clam Chowder and the gritty bits of sand that are always hiding in it. Bleh
LOL, False. I don’t know what that is…
TJBM thinks I’m a walking British stereotype… Yo @Paul , that’s my line :P
False, haven’t followed you enough to know that, but you don’t know what you are missing about the Clam Chowder, if you ever need a recipe for New England version PM me. It’s so good and creamy.
TJBM makes their own New England or Manhattan Clam Chowder from scratch
False. I never had attempted either.
TJbM Has made coca-cola cake. (I just did yesterday for a party).
Nope, but it sounds interesting… recipe?
TJBM hopes @JLeslie gives me the recipe.
TJBM is a good cook.
False, I love cooking.
TJBM wants to throw a dinner party for they’re fav jellies.
TJBM did something stupid last night
I don’t remember
TJBM just watched a veeeeery stupid movie. A veeeeeeeery stupid one.
False. Coloma just had a Happy Brownie ( the last of the weekend Happy Brownie Trifecta lol ) and she is getting ready to go out and play in her yard, prune her plants, play in the hose and bliss out with the geezers for the rest of the afternoon, with bouts of random Fluthering. ;-)
TJBM likes to play with garden shears and prune things for fun
I don’t go outdoors that much.
TJBM thinks that @Paul and @MilkyWay should live together.
False, @MilkyWay should come live with me
TJBM just found out something that shocked them
Not just as such but I did a few hours ago.
TJBM had to eat humble pie recently.
@Paul Recipe is near the bottom of this thread.
Actually I do it all the time. It’s a hobby, and I think it’s best served a la mode.
TJBM is planning a proper vacation before summer is over.
TJBM has a tornado warring right now
Jesus no!
TJBM got scolded
Nope not since I was real young
TJBM is under 21
False! And I’m not looking back!
TJBM is a senior citizen
True, I’m under 21 and yet over 60, I am all there ever was and all there shall be.
TJBM knows who I am.
A loud-mouthed snook.
TJBM still uses mapquest.
A large edible game fish? No, I’m Papa Smurf
TJBM is a first time poster, hello.
Nope, but I’ll pretend.
Sorry about breaking the thread.
TJBM likes to play world of war craft.
NO, I have not ever touched it once.
TJBM is addicted to Call of Duty
Nope. Never heard of it.
TJBM is not fond of watching television,
True. I myself, have not watched TV at home for over 10 years. Only DVD’s.
I have watched a little in hotels when I am traveling and a little when I visit my daughter.
TJBM had a great day! I accomplished a lot outdoors, looks nice!
Yeah, purty good. My son and new daughter-in-law are here visiting. It’s nice.
TJBM is rooting through the fridge while waiting for more answers on fluther.
Nope, I am packing up my place while fluthering in between
TJBM hates to move
Yes! Here’s some empty boxes @creative 1 [] [] [][][] [] And of course, don’t forget a few extra dust bunnies under the bed. * ** ***
TJBM is watching a movie
TJBM spent a lot of time outside today
I washed my car and watered all my giant plants and pruned some stuff in my yard.
It is really nice out there, diggin; it this evening! My Myscanthus & Zebra grasses are like giant pineapples like 4–5 feet tall and about 6 feet around, they are so cool!
TJBM is making dinner now Fettucini here and cabbage salad
False (It’s 12:30am here but I am eating a tangerine)
TJBM is thinking of dying their hair.
True… with bright red streaks!
TJBM is missing someone.
Too true
TJBM thinks the world needs to take a giant chill pill
True, along with some other types of whoa pills but that’s for another thread…
TJBM wonders why men in the 50’s wore their panties so high.
Haha.. looks like he’s wearing a diaper.
TJBM is going to bed now zzzzzz
Nope. Still at work. Don’t tell my boss I am fluthering at work :D
TJBM is quite assertive when they need to be.
False, I’m always assertive.
TJBM is American.
TJBM watches religious services on TV.
TJBM is an Atheist like moi.
Nay…I was starting to like you, @Paul…
TJBM is Christian.
No, not really.
TJBM is a happy jelly
TJBM wonders if @jellyfish3232 has a clue how many atheists are in our collective?
No wonder :)
TJBM believes in Chocolate
False, all hail Skittles.
TJBM was just starting to like @jellyfish3232.
I don’t know that jelly well
TJBM thinks school is awful and most teachers suck
False. Haven’t been in school for 33 years or so. lol
TJBM is waking up hard this morning
Yes, but that was hours ago. Does that 4 hour rule still apply?
TJBM is having difficulty focusing today.
perhaps, I don’t know
TJBM eats dry dog food like cereal.
False, no frigging way
TJBM is feeling nostalgic today
Hmmm, Not particularly.
TJBM will soon be a parent. Are you ready?
False and no no no NO. I’m only 14
TJBM doesn’t like children
False. I love kids!
TJBM is looking forward to school starting. Tell us about it.
Oh, yeah! I am super excited to start my masters, and I really can’t wait to begin teaching, as well. I love learning, and I love teaching. I’ll find out what class I’m teaching in just a couple more weeks.
TJBM has an advanced degree.
TJBM wants @Paul to be in their class.
I’m not in school….But I could teach a class. (evil grin!) Sure @Paul come on in and sit down. Turn in your homework.
TJBM is a fan of Myth Busters.
True (not a diehard fan but I watch the show when I come across it)
TJBM really needs some antiperspirant today.
Nope, a tuna sandwich did the trick
tjbm fears winged flying monkeys.
I probably would if I actually encountered them, but no.
TJBM will explain how a tuna sandwich replaces antiperspirant.
Just a little dab ‘ll do ya. A high quality mayonnaise and dolphin free tuna is important (no onions)!
TJBM will make @blueiizna a tuna sandwich for the next time he takes a shower. @bob_ you have competition!
I will totally make @blueiiznh a tuna sandwich. I love tuna, and nobody ever wants to have it with me.
TJBM will save me from the wrath of @bob_.
Deal with him ya damn self. He’s a nice guy really.
TJBM likes @reijinni xD
Couldn’t say :)
TJBM Recently ate a yummy pizza.
I’m not fond of it, and the last one I had was acceptable, but I was not inspired.
TJBM has or knows someone who has a pet ferret.
Does knew count?
TJBM thinks that chihuahuas are oversized rodents.
So true. Loud, obnoxious, over sized rodents.
TJBM refuses to own a dog that’s smaller than most cats.
TJBM Is a huge fan of 80’s rock.
TJBM thinks it’d be a god idea to have a small dog and a huge dog and take them on walks together. My mom loved the idea.
TJBM reads iBooks on an iPad.
False. The only way I’ll own an ipad is if I somehow get one for free.
TJBM has tried homemade hot fudge.
Tried? Ha! I made it, and it was awesome
TJBM plays 40k
false, what is it?
TJBM plays 401k.
TJBM has had a good laugh reading some of the posts on here!
TJBM thinks @MilkyWay‘s new picture is very artsy.
TJBM wonders why @jellyfish3232 can’t like atheists. Just because we don’t believe what you believe, doesn’t mean you have to dislike us.
I don’t think he meant it in a bad way, but true.
TJBM is an agnostic
Nope. Not by a long shot.
TJBM just washed their dog. Or cat. Or hamster. Or bird.
TJBM has awkward moments in their life
Oh, like last week when all that lurve mysteriously disappeared just before I was about to top 10,000 points? Naw.
TJBM is pondering the mysteries of the universe.
Hmm… no, I am updating my to do list and the only mystery is how the heck am I going to get all that done!!
TJBM knows there are some fabulous teachers out there in the world.
Yeppers. I’ve got several in my family.
TJBM is an amateur astronomer.
VEERRRY amateur.
TJBM is a professional astronomer.
Nope. My hubby was an astronomy TA once though.
TJBM is a natural blond.
Was, my hair browned at about 12.
TJBM has a different colour natural hair now than when they were, say, five.
TJBM knows someone with natural auburn hair, like me.
Yep, Several someones.
TJBM has worked in a morgue before.
TJBM thinks that would be highly creepy.
No! I would love it! It would be fascinating, well for a little while, then I imagine it would be a bit boring. Can’t really sit the residents up and have a cuppa and a chat when you’re bored can you? They aren’t real good at conversation.
TJBM has seen a dead body before.
TJBM believe the world’s a cube.
False. You’re okay Paul. :-)
TJBM wishes Coloma good luck with adopting a new cat on Weds. Hopefully the resident Princess won’t go postal.
True, good luck! (teeheehee Postal >:D)
TJBM likes the music of Louis Armstrong
False. I like just a couple of tracks.
TJBM needs to take a piss right now.
True, I’ll be right back..
TJBM needs to clean out their closet
Hahaha… too many skeletons….
TJBM has a pretty clean closet
No way. It is full to the brim and I get nagged to empty it out.
TJBM has appeared in a play.
I sure did—several. Best for me was ” ‘night, Mother.”
TJBM knows what ” ‘night, Mother” is about.
Its a one act play where the main character threatens to kill herself
TJBM has seen “Arsenic and Old Lace” as a play
Yep. My daughter was a star.
TJBM thinks dunking a doughnut in youir coffee is disgusting!
I don’t know. I eat fries with ice cream.
TJBM likes vanilla ice cream
Sure. I wish I could afford to eat lots of it.
TJBM is good at gymnastics, or wishes they were. If so, do you have pictures?
False. Did gymnastics as a child but wasn’t really good at it—though my SIL was talented enough to compete all through HS and Uni and then coach gymnastics for many years.
TJBM is having an unusually busy week.
No, but busier than it has been. Family is in town, and we’re alternately chillin’ and seeing sights.
TJBM is afraid of spiders.——> * Ooops! There goes one now!
True, I’m scared for you.
TJBM is an arachnophobe.
Not at all. I’m quite a fan of spiders and wonder why so many people are afraid of them.
TJBM felt like “piggy in the middle” recently.
TJBM can shave in the dark.
Never had to but I think I could shave my legs in the dark since I use my hands to feel for remaining hair that would need addional shaving.
TJBM is getting ready for lunch and will tell us what they plan to eat
No, I’m not getting ready, but with a little luck, it may be something synonymous with cat… wish me luck!
TJBM thinks I’m going to epic fail in my attempt.
Synonymous with cat…kitty? Tom? Tiger? Puss? Pussy-cat? And I’m not going NSFW.
TJBM can explain to me what @King_Pariah means. (Do I want to know?)
I could, but you just said you’re not going NSFW, so not really. Besides, I’m pretty sure you already caught on…
TJBM has a you-pick farm nearby.
TJBM is irritated that snowberry broke the TJBM chain by not responding to my TJBM statement. lol
Nope. I like @snowberry. She’ll have to do more than that to irritate me.
TJBM also likes @snowberry.
I do! I do! She’s cool!!
TJBM loves playing in the snow and having snowball fights AND is over 25 years old!
True. True. True. Sheese, what can I say:D:D:D
TJBM is afraid of flying.
Depends… flying on a plane? Sometimes. Flying on a jet-ski? Not at all!!! The more vroom the better!! vrroooom!!
TJBM is going for a pedicure sometime this week and will get funky toenails.
TJBM likes Gerard Way (I do!!)
he’s ok
TJBM wants to live with Prince?
TJBM does weird things when noone’s looking?
Some people think I’m very strange, that is true, and since I have nothing to hide, I do it when they’re looking too. ; )
TJBM is full of mischief, but it’s the friendly kind.
True :p :p
TJBM is Iron Man
No. Pillow Woman.
TJBM is fond of unusual flavors of ice cream, such as black licorice. What’s your favorite flavor?
Yes, but I like to make my own like the blueberry and cream cheese which was a big hit
TJBM wants to train for a triathalon
Maybe one leg of it, not the whole thing though!
TJBM is too lazy for a triathalon!
There’s a lot of room between lazy and extremely athletic. I’m a happy medium, so I don’t see any triathlons in my future.
TJBM is surprised to discover that she/he has been spelling and pronouncing triathlon incorrectly for years. I only just learned this because Firefox has a spellchecker. I was shocked.
Hmmm. I don’t recall ever trying to spell triathlon. But I probably would have spelled it wrong.
TJBM has a strangely shaped body part.
Not that I am aware of, but, the parts are starting to sag that’s for sure, so, they might get stranger as they travel further south. :-/
TJBM has funny looking feet
My baby toes are so short there is barely enough room for the joint at the very end. Result is I can barely move them at all. I also have flat feet. People hassle me about my short toes often enough. Ha!
TJBM hasn’t eaten dinner yet.
True. I’m getting ready to make some tilapia and mashed potatoes.
TJBM has been on Fluther for over a year.
True. It was a year last March. Sheesh…wtf did I do before Fluther? haha
TJBM likes to wash their hair in the hose on hot days Coloma ‘showers’ on her patio a lot lol
No. I prefer not to get a brain freeze from my shower. Our hose water is cold!
TJBM has eaten baked oatmeal.
TJBM wants to try baked oatmeal.
Already tried it.
TJBM prefers to use the garden hose water for their oatmeal
Eww, no.
TJBM loves to go to public gardens.
I do like Yanni!! Have since his first album. Not all musicians age as well as this guy does!
TJBM has surfed indoors.
Nope. But I did teach a bit of skiing technique on roller skates and ice skates. Kinda fun.
TJBM has endless energy.
True. I can work 24 hours of the day when I have to.
TJBM has family visiting.
How did you know??? They are off visiting a public garden, while I stay home and get some rest.
TJBM will tell us how long they’ve gone without sleep. What were you doing?
LOL! False. With what’s been going on in England, not sure of that’ll be funny either.
TJBM heard about the three guys killed in Birmingham.
TJBM is a fan of @AmWiser‘s great game.
TJBM hated driver school
False, haven’t been there…yet.
TJBM needs to wait a year before they can learn to drive.
No. I received my driver’s license many years ago.
TJBM loves Jello.
i love jello (no fruit please.)
TJBM is now roasting marshmallows or smores outside.
TJBM is worried sick about someone.
True very worried,
TJBM is going to go for a run
nope, getting ready for work.
TJBM is watching the new episode of “London’s Burning”?
I am, it is morning here and I am watching the ABC News Breakfast program and feeling very sad about what I have been seeing. Thankfully, for now, things seem quieter.
TJBM has been involved in a public disturbance in the past.
TJBM is in excellent physical condition.
TJBM has had a great laugh today from another person, or something they watched.
TJBM has no friends except the ones online.
No. I have a few really good trustworthy friends.
TJBM is wondering why the sky is blue and ice is cold.
Not at the moment, but I certainly have done so before.
TJBM has stuck their tongue on something frozen
Yup. But it was only an ice cube, and I did not lose any skin.
TJBM is tired TIRED I say! Of pizza!
False, I’m going to make homemade pizza and calzones on Friday with some friends.
TJBM knows what concert dress is
Yes (just looked on you-tube) but I don’t get the big deal. It looks like typical formal wear with an emphasis on black. Is there more to it than that? Cun ya eddicate this back woods gal @shego?
TJBM knows how to have loads of fun without using artifical means.
TJBM wants to ding @Paul.
True. Slap on the hand for @Paul:D
TJBM could use a hug today. ((((Hug))))!
TJBM can’t wait for winter.
True and False
TJBM wants a pet unicorn
TJBM want a pet dolphin to wax
Erm, not sure dolphins are all that hairy.
@reijinni & @AmWiser in my defense she edited it after I put that
TJBM forgives me.
Sure, anyone blue is OKAY with me.
TJBM can wink one eye and then wink the other.
True, I can wink and blink
TJBM can wiggle their ears.
TJBM thinks my new kitty is cute in my avatar!
Very cute how are the kitty renovations going
tjbm also loves kitties
True, but I love dogs more
TJBM likes Coca Cola
Nope. I hate all carbonated drinks.
TJBM has discovered the nirvana called Coconut Butter. I hated all kinds of prepared coconut until I found this stuff. It’s very yummy melted on toast. It’s good for what ails you. And yes, I’m shamelessly promoting it.
True! I was just taking it out of my fridge last night.
TJBM has an annoying texting habit.
Nope. I hate texting. It makes me want to throw my cell phone out the window and run over it.
TJBM is thinking I’m a bit odd for getting angry at inanimate objects.
you have to get angry at something.
TJBM wants to start their own country.
Kitty renovations touch and go. haha
The resident princess is feeling quite pissy, but curious too, she hisses and looks angry and then goes outside and then becomes all sweetness and light again. The new one is going to be a handful, she is pushy, vocal and extremely needy, neurotically needy I think. haha Now that she knows there is more to the other side of the door, she is wanting to escape, pathetic paws groping around under the door. lol
Nope, been there done that. Don’t drink the Kool-Aide
TJBM appreciates a good kitty renovation project
Lol! False.
TJBM is feeling ill.
No. I heard about this story when it happened and this isn’t the first face transplant. I am glad the lady has a ‘new’ face though. What a horrible thing to happen to a person but a lesson too about keeping wild animals as exotic pets.
TJBM missed fluther while it was broken last night.
Was asleep.
TJBM did miss it.
TJBM is eatin’ skabetti.
No pasta tonight.
TJBM is planning the weekend.
I am planning to make many posts in the TJBM threads and the like to boost my lurve score.
TJBM has visited the beach recently.
TJBM has ran out of creativity.
Nope, I am creative to the bone
TJBM loves to get creative with food
If it’s simple, yes. If it involves standing on my head, (figuratively speaking), no.
TJBM is a vegetarian.
TJBM wishes death upon PETA.
No, but I do think a lot of the stuff they do is pretty stupid.
TJBM likes their grapefruit broiled with brown sugar on top. Yum!
Not sure. Never tried it that way yet.
TJBM knows someone who had a transplant
True. And I’ve been tested to donate a kidney & bone marrow.
TJBM is an occasional blood donor.
No. I am not allowed to give blood because I lived in the UK in the early 80s. Mad cow and all that.
TJBM volunteers regularly at some sort of community organisation.
yes, several in fact
TJBM is avid about nature
Hella yes. Love it. In fact I almost skipped work today to go hiking cause the weather is lovely.
TJBM has been to Thailand.
No, but I’d like to go.
TJBM has a back ache.
OMG I doooo infact I went to the doctor for it yesterday…. this is eerie
TJBM doesn’t like the person sitting closest to them right now.
I’m alone in the room. Maybe a mouse?
TJBM is up early because of a back ache.
No. No back ache.
TJBM likes to watch Silent Witness.
never seen the movie
TJBM wants to watch “Jesus Camp”.
TJBM wants to watch ‘Knowing’.
Not sure what that is and my internet isn’t working at the moment to Google it.
TJBM realizes the irony in that sentence.
TJBM is feeling lazy.
Kinda true. True.
TJBM is there as well.
TJBM is chatting to me.
TJBM is talking in questions
TJBM is doing both.
Both what?
TJBM is feeling hungry.
Both chatting and talking in questions
TJBM is going to get a snack because they are hungry.
So true.
TJBM wants to go to bed as it’s nearly 4am.
False it’s only midnight.
TJBM once forgot to put a TJBM after there answer.
A loong time ago, true.
TJBM will excuse me if I suddenly dissapear, as there most likely will be a power cut.
TJBM has 9025 lurve.
I do now :)
TJBM will give lurve to @Paul
Just did. Only because you asked though @MilkyWay.
TJBM also wants to see The Borgias when it starts.
I don’t know what the ‘Borgias’ are.
TJBM has tired feet lol
False, been in bed on my laptop for two hours.
TJBM is eating a delicious Dodo.
Nope clams tonight
TJBM loves seafood mmmmmmmmmmm
some seafood.
TJBM will forget to put on clothes before crawling into bed.
I don’t wear clothes in bed.
TJBM is going to a concert or some other entertainment event soon.
False. My only entertainment right now is watching my cats hiss at each other. lol
OMG! Cat integration is exhausting, I need a vacation from the micro-farm.
TJBM woke up at 4:30 am
False, that’s what time I went to sleep.
TJBM went to bed a lot earlier.
False, but I really should have. I’m not sure exactly what time I went to bed, but it was sometime after 12:30am.
TJBM has something fun planned for this weekend.
Well, no, unless you consider managing the introductions of a new cat to be fun.
Shit, I WAS planning on a little get away, now. lol
TJBM is looking forward to fall
Yes, indeed. More than enough 100 * days!
TJBM has a thunderstorm in their area.
Nope, I wish I did.
TJBM was given a gift today.
Not yet, hoping for one soon!
TJBM has to deal with a family event that they don’t want to be at today. Like me…
Nope just a lot of packing today
TJBM want to buy a new house
I want one, but I have a problem paying for one and deciding where to put it.
TJBM has a sibling that they wish they can lock out of their house.
Nope I love all my siblings and I am very very close to them all
TJBM is thinking about a new brother or sister for their little one
TJBM is thinking of making supper for their little one(s)
No, it is Sunday morning here.
TJBM loves to sit in bed and read the Sunday newspapers with a cup of tea.
Sunday papers and coffee.—I can hear the squeeze song “black coffee in bed” playing now
tjm reads more than one Sunday morning paper
Not anymore. Used to but now I am conscious of the trees I am causing to be cut down. I read one (truthfully really crappy newspaper in print. It is the only SUNDAY available here bloody Murdoch) and then read news online too.
TJBM has a lovely, relaxing Sunday with their child planned.
True….. I think there is sand and sun and surf involved
TJBM will tell us the good book they are currently reading.
It was recommended by @Blueroses and I am enjoying it a lot! Case Histories by Kate Atkinson. Just started it but I like it and I like her writing style very much.
TJBM has bought books from The Book Depository before.
tjbm gets most of their books from the Library or Antique Stores
That, or someone gives them to me. I’m now at the point of looking for more book cases, which drives my husband nuts!
TJBM likes the low carb diet.
not into dieting, just eating healthy.
TJBM loves italian food
mmmmmm Italian food
TJBM is making will tell us their favorite food
Hmmm, Although I used to hate coconut, I’ve discovered that I’m in love with coconut butter. It’s simply awesome spread over toast. Lacking toast to spread it on, I’ll eat it by the spoonful.
TJBM has never tried coconut butter, but is willing to give it a try.
Never. I have never heard of it! I should look out for it.
TJBM likes their toast crunchy.
True, usually just shy of burned
TJBM will tell us their favorite thing to put on toast.
Depends on my mood… sometimes Vegemite because it is the spread in my adopted homeland… sometimes jam or marmalade. I am quite into marmalade at the moment.
TJBM is surrounded by original art.
yes, my own
TJBM enjoys creating things
Given your name, this does not surprise me and I bet you spend a lot of time creating with your little people. I do like to create things. Very much. I start to feel a bit unhappy if I am not in some way using the creative side of my personality.
TJBM has a favourite medium for creating art in (and this jelly is off to do some creating in real life now xx).
False, going to sleep.
TJBM has just woken up.
False. 7:17 on the west coast, but, I am going to bed really early tonight, I am wiped out.
TJBM is looking forward to cooler temps in the next few days.
It’s lovely! Thanks for reminding me!
TJBM will tell us what they eat too much of when tempted beyond all reason.
Chocolate. :D
TJBM is going to eat something…
We had an early supper. I’m thirsty though.
TJBM drives a convertible.
Nope but that does sound like fun
TJBM Thinks rainy days are good to stay in bed all day
If only I didn’t have to do certain things.
TJBM HATES yard work.
If I have to do it alone, yeah.
TJBM loves chewing gum. What’s your favorite?
False, more of a mint man myself.
TJBM likes Mentos.
Nope. I like chocolate, but I’m supposed to stay away from sweets.
TJBM has swum with sharks.
False, not sure I’d want to either.
TJBM will tell me why they have to stay away from sweets.
My doctor told me that I’d better listen up and start following a low glycemic diet (meaning eating low sugar foods) or I’d end up a diabetic. I try to oblige, but it’s hard.
TJBM has loooong hair.
not ever.
TJBM has taken a ski lesson before.
Nope, I’m too scared to fall…
TJBM is a skiing master
I don’t know if I’m a skiing master, but I ski very very fast. The family made me start wearing a helmet after they figured that part out.
TJBM has slept outside in the snow before.
I hate snow.
TJBM doesn’t like snow either!
I love snow. Never see it though where I live.
TJBM has a bit of a headache.
No, I feel great.
The jelly below me will give me new inspiration regarding @Bellatrix‘s adventures as a shapeshifting tiger. We will be waiting with baited breath!
Wait, what? False. I’ll let @Bellatrix do that.
TJBM is a mutant.
Nope just a rose
TJBM is enjoying the day in bed with a loved one
Unless my loved one is my doggie, no. But she is very very sweet.
TJBM doesn’t believe in buying organic food.
if the price is right, I’ll buy it (occasionally buys organic raisins).
TJBM uses whipped cream instead of mayo.
False, I have garlic mayo instead of mayo.
TJBM loves garlic mayo.
false, hate mayo
TJBM is a morning person.
False, I’m a night person
TJBM has a piece of jewelry they wear all the time.
Nope. I don’t even wear my wedding ring right now because the stone got loose, and I haven’t taken it in to be fixed.
TJBM loves to wear jewelery.
Only when going somewhere special
TJBM wants to do something special for someone special in their life
Sure, lots of someones!
The TJBM knows that @Blueberry Kid just topped 3000 lurve!
I do now. lol ;-)
TJBM would like to know that Colomas new cat peeled out on her boobs, slashed them bloody and ripped a huge hole in her sun dress. haha God damnit..I LOVED that dress!
Peeled out? I’m not sure you needed to share that but.. R.I.P Colama’s sun dress.
TJBM recently went to a funeral morbid I know.
And perhaps @Coloma‘s boobs as well?
No, haven’t been to a funeral in some time, however for the occasion I’m willing to host a funeral for @Coloma‘s sundress.
TJBM has recently cleaned their carpets.
Thank You for the kind words. haha
It was white, it was THE dress of the summer. Sadly mourned.
False, my Mother does the cleaning in the house.
TJBM has a “maid”.
Yeah, she’s French and wears that hot little outfit. Then I wake up and she isn’t there anymore.
TJBM lives in a mansion.
Alas no. Just a house. I don’t think I would want to live in a mansion. Imagine the housework!
TJBM likes to fluther in bed.
That is a negatory.
TJBM Fluthers first thing in the morning before brushing their teeth, combing their hair, and looking prettier than ever.
You went a bit off rails towards the end four words there.
TJBM wears glasses? I’m grasping on straws here people.
TJBM will tell us their favorite quicky habit
I’m not sure what a “quicky habit” is. A bad habit that I enjoy that doesn’t take much time? Sneaking ice cream is one.
TJBM sneaks ice cream to feed their own quicky habit
I don’t sneak anything, the ice creams out in the open, as is my ice cream ass. lol
TJBM is sneaky, period
No. I am a pretty transparent person really. Not very good at being sneaky.
TJBM writes poetry.
I do, but not so often now.
TJBM is looking forward to some rain.
Yes, looking at the forecast I am looking forward at a lot of rain
TJBM loves to splash in puddles still
I do. I am very in touch with my inner child. Okay .. I AM a child… at least some of the time.
TJBM quite likes a rainy day.
True, I hate the sun.
TJBM loves the sun.
If it means I have to stand in it, no.
TJBM has tried smelly cheese such as limburger before. Did/do you like it?
Yes and no.
TJBM likes Feta cheese.
TJBM has a serious food allergy. What is it?
False. I love almost everything, no food allergies that I am aware of.
TJBM has a lunch date today
I went to visit my dad on my lunch break today. I wouldn’t call it a date as such but a better arrangement than staying at work.
TJBM is having some sort of pie for tea tonight.
don’t do tea.
TJBM is buying a 3D TV.
Well @Blueberry_kid just topped 3000 lurve and we made her bake us a pie for our efforts helping her get there. So I’m saying yes to the pie, and to be fair, I’ll have the tea too.
Regarding 3D, I hate it, so no, I won’t buy anything 3D, even a movie ticket
TJBM thinks 3D is awesome, and wants that 3D TV.
I already have a 3D TV
TJBM is having lunch now
TJBM loves a good roller coaster ride.
they’re cool
TJBM wants to live in a land where all the churches are closed and all the schools have a great science curriculum.
True, us Atheists can dream.
TJBM is a devote Paultheist.
A WHAT? I’m not going to even try to guess.
TJBM is finding it hard to concentrate.
True, and it gets harder everyday
TJBM has had an audition before
True. Got the part as well.
TJBM wants to know what my part was.
TJBM know what a bee thinks
I was a narrator for a Christmas performance of Jesus’ birth (you know, that bullshit) on This Morning.
TJBM has been “in” something.
I played Guinevere in “Camelot.”
TJBM collects something interesting.
Not sure if you would think my collection is ‘interesting’. I collect art glass perfume bottles and also some Matson perfume bottles.
TJBM sleeps on two pillows.
No, I sleep With two pillows, not quite the same thing. One to sort of lay on, the other for my head.
TJBM knows wines. Your favorite is_________.
Pinotage from South Africa
TJBM lives in the Southern Hemisphere.
TJBM is an amateur astronomer. Tell us about your telescope (or the one you wish you had).
False, but this.
TJBM wishes they had access to this.
No, but my husband does for sure.
TJBM is going to a potluck tonight.
False i wish i was though
TJBM had a good night last night
A good night for me is when I’m asleep before my head hits the pillow and I don’t wake up all night. So, yes, I did.
TJBM has been to a national park in Canada.
Forillon National Park, Cape Breton Highlands National Park and Prince Edward Island National Park.
TJBM has an antique over three hundred years old.
I wouldn’t know.
TJBM has been featured in a news story.
No. I have written a quite a few though.
TJBM can hear the rain outside at the moment?
False it’s not raining here yet.
TJBM is recovering from a massive blood draw.
the doctor is a vampire, and now I’m dizzy
been several years since that feeling.
TJBM wants to give Chuck Norris a swirly.
No he’d kill me.
TJBM knows this.
I do now! Thanks @Paul
TJBM recently gave birth, or has a relative who has.
Ture… about 2 months ago
TJBM is hanging out with some one special today (ie… a good freind)
False, at home, alone, doing Science coursework.
TJBM sympathizes with me.
No, and how else are you going to be a “Rocket Scientist” ?
TJBM knows a “Rocket Scientist”.
TJBM has a temper that shoots off like a rocket
It takes a lot to get me angry.
TJBM is or used to be a police officer
TJBM knows a police officer.
TJBM has partied with a police officer
TJBM thinks partying with a police officer would be dull.
No, lotsa fun. BBQ in his backyard, everybody got a carpenter apron and he would scoop fresh roasted peanut into the apron, shells go on the ground.
TJBM is going to a picnic / BBQ this weekend.
I wish, but I’m not
TJBM does next to nothing at water parks.
I don’t go to water parks, I’m a river and hot tub kinda girl.
I prefer to not swim in 70% urine. lol
TJBM wants a vacation, now!
True I want to go to Fiji
TJBM has been to Fiji
TJBM would ear a clown costume all day for $100, but, you had to tell everyone that you wanted to be a clown! How much would it take for you to be a clown for a day? haha
True. I’d prefer Great British Pounds though.
TJBM lives in a country that uses Euros.
No. We have the Australian dollar.
TJBM likes to collect coins or stamps?
No, but Hubby does.
TJBM just returned home after a trip.
The only trip I’ve taken today is a happy brownie, and I haven’t returned yet. lol
TJBM loves garlic bread
I do. It is yummy.
TJBM has owned a bird as a pet.
False, I’m allergic to them.
TJBM has learned a song in another language.
Frère Jacques, frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.
That’s my lot!
TJBM speaks more than one language.
zzz zzz zzz… oops .. sorry fell asleep at the keyboard.. thought I got away with it.
TJBM plans to watch one of their favourite tv programmes this evening and will tell us what it is.
We are trying to watch Tangled on NetFlix but it isn’t working very well.
TBMJ will excuse me while I watch it.
I didn’t know Tangled was on Netflix, enjoy!
TJBM is angry that Apple discontinued the original MacBooks. :’(
No, I have no idea what you are talking about.
TJBM is having trouble with the Internet.
No, apart from it’s distracting me from work I am supposed to be doing. That is pretty standard though.
TJBM has more than one device for accessing the Internet on.
Oh so very true, don’t most these days
TJBM uses their iphone or ipod touch to access the internet sometimes
Very rarely. It just annoys me to use it for the Internet. I also sort of want to be away from technology when I am away from my laptop/desktop and other devices and desk.
TJBM has something really excited planned for the weekend.
Yeah, driving home.
TJBM is not loooking forward to their weekend at all.
Oh but I am. I love weekends. I love spending time with my family. Even if I have to do things I don’t want to do. At least I am at home.
TJBM likes to read comics.
I so DO!! And guess what! They are Batman comics too.
TJBM likes Batman. And knows that Superman is a bitch.
True, Batman would kill Superman… you know, if he actually ever killed anyone!
TJBM thinks Batman is a pussy
Naw, he’s a winged rat.
@Bellatrix will catch him, but then she’ll wonder what to do with him until she decides to take his place as the next new Superhero! Go @Bellatrix!
TJBM is waiting with baited breath for the next TBMJ. Level 23 is overdue.
TJBM will be @AmWiser making it happen.
Nope I hate to disappoint
TJBM will continue this one even after Level 23 is created
TJBM wants to move to China.
False, America.
TJBM lives in America
False. I love what I have seen of America though and could easily live there.
TJBM enjoys watching My Name is Earl
I just started watching it again 2 days ago. LOL
Next jelly is disappointed by some other jellies.
A couple.
TJBM is disappointed in me.
No I’m not disappointed in you or by any of your responses. They are part of what makes you YOU, and it’s the back and forth that makes Fluther fun.
However some people here take Fluther far more seriously than perhaps they should. A few weeks ago, I was astonished to get a PM with this message: “I am disappointed by your response…” to a question I had answered. I mean, who cares THAT much already? Don’t you have a real life? : P
TJBM likes @Paul.
I do!
In a friendly way, I’m plenty old enough to be his mom. haha
TJBM wishes they were at Colomas’ Happy Brownie Friday. party right now hehe
not really
TJBM wants some egg nog right about now.
Eww I do not! Yuck. My step monster used to roll that out each Christmas .. bleh…
TJBM likes my new @Bellatrix Superhero emblem… @snowberry embroidered a big ‘B’ on my fur…. sorry about the noise folks while she was sewing!
Indeed. That cat is cool.
The jelly bellow me needs to reduce the quantity of alcohol he/she drinks.
Needs to? Maybe. Wants to? Hell no!
TJBM loves to enjoy the alcohol!
I don’t really enjoy the taste of alcohol and so I, pretty much, never drink it. The odd cider I can enjoy but that’s about it.
TJBM has had some plans cancelled today.
Not yet.
TJBM is busy purchasing things for school.
False, already sorted.
TJBM is far past their School days.
Yep, but I’m purchasing things for my college kids.
TJBM is just waking up. So what’s the first thing to do right after coffee? Fluther!
Don’t do coffee, just come to here and then have breakfast when it’s ready
TJBM is going to the movies.
I have to be coerced into watching a movie.
TJBM wonders why @Paul posted that instead of playing the game.
I was simply being kind.
TJBM is kind.
Kind yes, but… don’t spoon feed me any BS. I will kindly kick your ass. lol
TJBM had Chinese food for dinner last night
No thanks. Poor @Coloma!
TJBM is fond of jalapenos.
No. They are too hot for me.
TJBM has always fancied being an actor.
not really
TJBM want Rick Perry to run for president (of Mexico).
I don’t really know who that is.
TJBM thinks Huckabee is a messed up last name.
I have seen several dozen other last names, that are worse.
TJBM knows someone who is blind or deaf.
I know a few people who are deaf or blind.
TJBM can use sign language.
True, I can carry on a conversation too.
TJBM is bored.
I never get bored.
The jelly below me has a fetish for violence.
False, though I don’t mind a bit of rough play now and then ;)
TJBM is hungryyyyy
Yes I am. ^^
The jelly below me wishes he/she can have longer weekends.
So true.
TJBM has been having NSFW dreams all week
Not all week.
TJBM is [redacted].
depends on the day and task.
TJBM wants @Paul and/or @MilkyWay to be a zoo exhibit.
Now that’s an interesting thought. I’ll speak to the zoo architect and get back to ya.
TJBM thinks a human zoo exhibit is a weird idea.
TJBM thinks Zoos are cruel.
Depends on the zoo. And I think it’s also necessary to remember that zoos play an important part in conservation and the preservation of many many species. Some might call them a necessary evil. Others call them a blessing, for they offer the only glimpse of many real life wild animals that they will ever see.
TJBM is a golf enthusiast.
False, I find it to be very boring.
TJBM went for a bike ride today.
Nope. Sounds fun though.
TJBM knows how to play handball.
Yes, but, I do not do any sports that involve balls. lol
TJBM is going to bed really early tonight
False, unfortunately I still have some work to finish up
TJBM dislikes bringing work home
I do, but I regularly have to do it and I would rather do some work here than at the office.
TJBM is an excellent packer of suitcases.
True. As a matter of fact I was packing my granddaughter’s suitcase this morning so that she can go home after visiting all summer.
TJBM has forgotten their birthday before. I did, but thank goodness for family. tehehe
I’ve tried, but it didn’t happen.
TJBM can’t sleep because someone on the other side of the bed has restless legs syndrome.
False. I can’t sleep because I just watched a scary movie!
TJBM cannot watch scary movies and then go to bed.
Yup. No can do. In fact, I can’t watch scary movies at all!
TJBM doesn’t like scary movies either!
I am okay with some, but dolly movies like Chucky… ugh no!
TJBM knows the name of the bus driver on the Simpsons (I don’t).
Nope. Don’t care either.
TJBM is starting a new job.
False, happy with my administrative job sofa.
@Bellatrix His name is Otto
TJBM knew that^
TJBM wants to be a senator.
False, in a senator.
TJBM has been to Greece.
False. But I have been to Asia.
TJBM is spending money lately like there is no tomorrow
True. I think I have a problem…
TJBM refuses to have a credit card because of the same situation.
False. But mine is only for vacations and emergencies.
TJBM is having lunch with a friend
False, I have a date with my new car.
TJBM has gotten or is getting a new car soon
I hope only if someone gives it to me.
TJBM has a salt water aquarium
TJBM is going to Tripoli to play hide and seek.
nah, maybe under the sheets for hide and seek, but not Tripoli
TJBM can’t believe its not Friday yet
Yeah, what a slow week.
TJBM doesn’t want to wake up for work tomorrow.
False. I don’t have to wake up for work tomorrow.
TJBM is going to bed now
I wish, I actually just woke up.
TJBM has a messed up sleep schedule!
True, true, true
TJBM wants a hedgehog for a pet
True, saw once yesterday, they’re rare round here.
TJBM sees lots of turtles.
not lots of turtles only my neice’s pet turtle squirt who isn’t a squirt anymore
TJBM likes turtle soup
False, there are some foods I that I will not try.
TJBM loves Oreos yum
love oreos.
TJBM wants to dance in the street naked and eat some balut.
False. I can dance naked with my geese and eat happy brownies. lol
TJBM has gone to a funeral recently
True if within 1 year counts
TJBM loves fish
False, I think they’re mostly pointless as a pet but I do admire some of their natural reflexes in the wild.
TJBM has a pet fish.
True. Years ago. 2 giant goldfish, Cedric & Edna. They lived forever.
TJBM hates to cook greasy foods like Bacon
False. Pork fat rules!
TJBM loves some good ‘ol down home southern cookin’.
Yep, I love my greens, with fresh moist corn bread, homemade mashed potatoes, and gumbo
TJBM loves cherry limeade
TJBM wants to live in New Jersey.
Thaaat’s a BIG negatory. I want to go back to my home state, “Sweet Home Alabama, Where the skies are so blue!”
TJBM is from Dixie. True Dixie.
So very false.
TJBM will get me to 2000 lurve.
I got you Paul.
TJBM has met a celebrity recently.
Nope. Wish I had
TJBM thinks @MacBatman31 has recently met a celebrity.
Met? I think MacBatman31 IS a celebrity!
TJBM has an itch they can’t scratch.
Nope I bought a back scratcher for that deed
TJBM loves cake made from scratch as opposed to boxed
I like ‘em all, but I avoid ‘em.
TJBM is getting ready for a mansion party (buying balloons, party hats, noise makers, bubbly, etc.)
Nope but looks like you are, I shall give you some lurve to get you closer
TJBM Is going to wish @snowberry a grand time in the mansion
LOL, sure! Happy Birthday to- Oh I mean- Happy Lurveday to me! Happy Lurveday to me!
TJBM is getting ready for a hurrycane. I’m a hurryin’ myself. By the way, please don’t have my lurveday party during the hurrycane. I might not be home if it hits as close to the house as they are predicting. I’ve waited a long hard time, and I’d rather put it off and wait a bit longer than have to miss it.
too far inland for that and when one does make it my, it’s all over.
TJBM wishes Glenn Beck would move to North Korea.
TJBM is thankful to have so many conveniences and luxuries such as washers, dryers, microwaves, and computers!
TJBM wishes me luck, as I’m setting off to Ireland on a ferry.
Sings… Ferry ‘cross the Mersey… Irish Sea. All the best you lil smurf you. Are you going on a holiday?
TJBM has been to Ireland and kissed the Blarney Stone.
Never been but it is on my list of places to go
TJBM loves to eat corned beef and cabbage
Ugh .. no. My husband loves that though. I never make it. I should one day because it is one of his childhood favourites.
TJBM will tell us what their favourite childhood meal was.
Mmmmm. Curried crab over rice. It was made with real cream. It was a real low calorie meal. NOT!
TJBM is eating for two these days.
TJBM is an idiot and just found out about part 22.
Nope have known a very long time, waiting for them to start part 23
TJBM just bought themselves a present
Nope, not paying ridiculous ferry prices.
TJBM was not aware until they got on the ferry that the free wi-fi would be ridiculously slow.
TJBM has answered their own question to put forward a point before.
Nope I don’t need t answer my own question to put forward a point I would just lay it out there
TJBM wants to head to the beach today
No I’m not much of a beach gal, but I’ll go if someone else wants to go
TJBM wanted to be president when they were growing up.
False, I’m English so it would be Prime Minester but I set my sights on realistic goals and I saw Politics for what it really was and wanted no part in it.
TJBM wanted to be famous when the were little.
Nope. Not interested now, either.
TJBM is fond of Nutella! Yaaaay for Nutella!
Haven’t had it in years, it’s okay.
TJBM is trying to break a bad habit
TJBM is trying to start a bad habit.
False, now why would I want to start a bad habit
TJBM Loves chocolate
I do.
TJBM is having trouble getting motivated, and they have a lot of work to do.
Kinda, sorta, not work, but other stuff.
TJBM thinks the month of August is the crappiest month of the year
TJBM thinks that June is the crappiest month of the year. It’s so frikkin hot and too sunny!
Where I live that month is July, but part of June was hot too.
TJBM heats with an alternative source of energy.
TJBM needs to cut their nails.
I probably should, but I don’t want to so I choose not to until they break.
TJBM has nail polish on right now.
Only on my toes.
TJBM is having a lazy morning
So far, so lazy!
TJBM has a mutual feeling of just wanting to punch a certain person in the face (not naming any names and no one on here).
TJBM smells like coconut.
False. At the moment I smell more like this.
TJBM smells like teen spirit.
False, I’m far past my teen years.
TJBM smells like middle-age spirit.
Nope, teen spirit.
TJBM is hoping for sun.
Haha, middle age spirit, lol
False. Plenty of sun and in the low 90’s, I would give anything for a raging T-storm! I am reaching burnout on my watering chores.
TJBM can’t decide what to have for dinner tonight
That was true but solved the issue since we just ate
TJBM wants curried shirmp for dinner tomorrow
TJBM hates sea food.
False could eat it every day
TJBM is heading to bed soon
not yet
TJBM wants one Bourbon, one Scotch, one Beer.
I’ll take the beer, but you can have the rest.
TJBM dances around their house while cleaning.
TJBM will be affected by Hurricane Irene.
I think so.
TJBM won’t be affected by Hurricane Irene.
Nope, I’ m going out to move and tie down backyard furniture.
TJBM has been in hurricane winds. ( Inside a building I hope )
Can like someone open the 23 part because this one start to open really bad. 763 answers have a saying in this matter ^^
@Hibernate Your wish has been granted. Now stop whinning~
TJBM will happily follow this thread to PART 23
nope. I like it here
tjbm will stay here with me
Sure why not
TJBM will also post on 23 too
True, brown crisp leaves.
TJBM likes the noise under your feet when you step on autumn leaves.
True, Its really fun to jump into a pile of leaves and have fun
TJBM enjoys a nice crisp apple freshly picked at the orchard
TJBM doesn’t experience this often.
True, I wish I lived in the countryside.
TJBM got an A.
I have got many As. It shouldn’t be all about the letter or the number though. It should be about the learning experience.
TJBM has or does own an Apple product and will tell us what it is or was.
False and false.
TJBM wants an iphone.
No. I’m good in the moment.
TJBM is having a hot day, as in hot weather! heh
No, it is winter here so the days are just beautiful. The evenings have been quite cool.
TJBM has tips for surviving a very long plane trip.
True. Take Xanax. haha
TJBM would like to have a piece of Banana Cream pie
mmmmm if I weren’t moving I would have to make one
TJBM enjoy baking and/or eating pies
I like eating them…baking… not so much. I am not very domesticated.
TJBM has been on a jury.
False, not old enough.
TJBM is old enough.
Nods… I am… but they never choose me :-(
TJBM is now in Ireland.
TJBM is on vacation now
I will be in 3 days.
TJBM is thirsty
TJBM is prepping for a hurricane
Yes I am. Generator is ready, got gas. Backyard furniture is all secure. Forty to fifty foot trees ia backyard were trimmed recently. Water and food for three days. Extra charcoal for BBQ.
Oh yeh wine rack has thirty five bottles of wine.
[mod says] Large threads like this can bog down the servers, guys. Please move on over to PART 23. Thanks!
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