What is with all the hate of Nickelback online?
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I’m just as confused as you. Who doesn’t like the song Photograph? Have they done something we’re not aware of to make everyone not like them?
Who doesn’t like the song Photograph?
People with ears.
I wonder why that is.His voice is a relief from all the angsty little boys whose voices sound like their balls are caught in a mouse trap.
I think they’re terrible. All their songs sound the same, and I can’t stand the vocals.
@Seelix- Are their songs the same? I need to give them more of a listen,I suppose.The one I think of is a collaboration with Carlos Santana….nobody sounds like him. :)
There are loads of artists I’m not really fond of but why do they always seem to bring up Nickelback online are they really that much worse than other bands you may not like.
I think it’s just a joke thing.
@lucillelucillelucille – The songs I’ve heard sound the same to me. I’ll give a little nod to the Santana collaboration – he is indeed unique.
@kingpinlovesyou – I think it’s a joke as well. I don’t like Nickelback, but I don’t think they’re the worst band ever. At least they write their own songs and play instruments.
Maybe one of the reasons I can’t stand them has to do with their being Canadian – I’ve been hearing them constantly all over the place for a lot longer than you guys in the US. Give it a couple of years and we’ll see :)
I don’t know what happened, but I like Nickelback.
Now if the jokes were about cold play then I could get behind that :P
Why don’t Canadians feel that way about Rush? Holy shit! Geddy Lee’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard.He must have more than just a mousetrap on his doo-dads XD
I get Canadian radio where I live and don’t hear Nickleback as often as bands like Rush and….Gordon Lightfoot LOL!
How does Photograph sound anything like Animals?
(nice spelling job)
@Adirondackwannabe Here,I’ll hum them for you…Hmm hmmm hmmmm and then…Hmm hmmm hmmmm.See? ;)
Worst band ever. Lead singer is a total fucking pussy too. I saw them at a festival once (I would never fucking pay to see that garbage) and someone in the crowd gave the lead singer the finger and said you suck. He refused to continue playing for the next 45minutes until this guy was ejected from the show. Like seriously, grow the fuck up.
Here are some of their lyrics…
“I’ve been down
Into the bottom of every bottle”
“Throw a stone into the water
The ripple is broke”
“Kim’s the first girl I kissed
I was so nervous that I nearly missed”
“Stop breathing if
I don’t see you anymore”
“ Prison gates won’t open up for me
On these hands and knees I’m crawlin’”
“These iron bars can’t hold my soul in”
I am gaining alitlle understanding here….maybe he should just hum?
Nickleback is the only band I found in recent time that can deliver a ballad without turning it into a bleeding heart mess. They ROCK out hard in my book!
It’s probably because Nickleback and buttrock in general is really some of the most awful “music” ever created.
You guys wouldn’t know lousy music if it bit you on the ass. You didn’t live throught the MTV years. That was lousy music. I’m listening to the All the Right Reasons cd and it’s OK in my book.
Personally, I do feel the same about Rush. They’re not around much these days, so that’s probably why there’s not so much hate. And at least they were original in their prime.
Must…resist….from…music….snobbery…ah fuck it
To me, it sounds like boring corporate rock with a boring lead singer. Their lack of technicality/creativity and pseudo-philosophical lyrics (e.g. “If everyone cared and nobody cried/If everyone loved and nobody lied”. Whoaaaa that’s soo deep~) turns me off. I don’t see them as a living organic band, I see them as a marketing device posing as “edgy” musicians designed to sell tickets at your local stadium. You’re welcome to disagree with me and you can even shit on the bands I like (that is if you can back up your statements). I have no personal feud with anyone who likes the band, that’s just my opinion.
@Michael_Huntington Lol. That was funny.
I’m not a fan, I just like some of their songs. I didn’t even know who they were until last year lol.
@Seelix—I agree they were original….and I do get how good musicianship can help things ALOT but.that voice…
I don’t think they inspired the hatred that NB does though.
As sappy as NB’s lyrics are,I see a lot of other current bands who are just as bad,if not worse,not to mention more whiny and angsty,thus far more irritating IMO… I’m soooo misunderstood…like anyone gives a fuck LOL
What I don’t get is how formulaic and contrived alot of the other bands out there actually are and why people have such a problem with Nickleback unless it is a jealousy thing with their commercial success?
@Michael_Huntington: “To me, it sounds like boring corporate rock…”
Yep. It sounds to me to be a product of a bunch of suits sitting around a table – not a real bunch of guys writing real music.
TBH I don’t give a shit about Justin Bieber, I’ve never really listen to any of his song but from what I’ve heard I just don’t care. Not something I’d listen to but it’s not that bad that I can’t even be in a place were it’s being played I just don’t care.
Justin Bieber
Brittany Spears
Poison (the guy couldn’t even pick every note)
Justin Timperlake
I can go on
And you’re going to bitch about NB?
Well, this thread is about Nickleback…
I think it’s just a case of bash the oldies, here in England Status Quo went through the same bashing as did U2 later in their careers….. I think it’s the young bands coming through who just can’t compete who are doing the slating… you cant really argue with a 21,000,000 album sale, in the US alone…. They’ve been around for what, fifteen years….. that’s still some achievement in my book, something many these young & up & coming bands will find it hard to do…. Just saying. I like them, they’ve grown on me lets say.
@Scooby no, nickleback has completely sucked ass since they first started making “music”
@Adirondackwannabe: “Justin Bieber
And you’re going to bitch about NB?”
Exactly my point. That whole list, including Nickleback, is a corporate product. The thread is about NB, but we can certainly include that other audio diarrhea as well.
Many good things come from Canada, like @Jude and @Seelix…
Nickelback is not one of those things.
someday and rock star are some of my all time favorite songs
I think its more of, the guy looks like a douche. Other than that I think people started hating on them more once some sort of internet propaganda initiated it. They are no worse than a 100 other bands/artists out there… anyone remember avril lavigne?
@Scooby I said sucked ass. And my little story I told up above was right after they first hit it big. “never made it as a wise man” never made it as a good singer either imo just a bunch of whiny bullshit.
In all fairness, I hate Rush and Nickelback equally. Yeeuck.
At least Rush has musical talent. The same definitely cant be said for Nickleback.
For a long time Nickleback got too much play on our airwaves. For me, the songs just blended together. They are a victim of overplay.
I didn’t like Rush when they were being played all the time and I don’t mind them now. Geddy Lee has an interesting voice.
Being overplayed is a huge part of the issue, I think. Those songs just get so irritating after you’ve heard them one too many times. They aren’t really worth listening to over and over and over again.
It’s not only the people on the internet, but people in the real world too. I don’t know a single person over 30 who likes Nickelback. besides @Cruiser :P
I know they’ve experimented with various genres & styles over the years , not to everyone’s tastes but to give them credit Nickelback were ranked 7th on Billboard Magazine’s list of “Artists of the Decade” – both the highest-ranked band and the highest-ranked rock artist in the list. Billboard Magazine also named Nickelback as the Adult Pop Artist of the decade. I think the bad press is unjustified myself but that’s just me…. When you say “whiny bullshit“, Peter Andre springs to mind, a much more deserving artist for that particular accolade me thinks:-/
As for the finger incident, then yeah I see your point if that’s all that stopped them from performing, there may have been some other underlying safety issues for the rest of the spectators, not everyone was aware of as to why this guy had to be removed, still given the opportunity I’d go see them :-/
@jonsblond I’m 43 and I like them. I have a broader taste in music than many though. I think lots of people who say they dislike them think they are sell outs, etc. I would call them successful. No matter what anyone says. Can’t argue with that bank account.
I’m not a fan of the lyrics, the jock-rock, or the image of the band, but it doesn’t help that in all of their music videos and interviews they just seem like stuck up and douchey. All their music videos are full of blonde girls in bikinis bouncing up and down and typical frat party bullshit. I think people hate the music, but they hate the image even more, as they seem to cater to those 20somethings still donating to their college frat and putting 18 inch lift kits on their trucks.
I first heard Nickelback on the airwaves in the early 2000s, when top 40 rock radio was full of a million acts that sounded just like them. I actually get what some people are saying about wanting to listen to a lead singer with a deeper voice. But then there’s their music itself- it just sounds like they’re playing the same few power chords over and over again.
They’re not the worst band ever, but for some reason people remember Nickelback and forget all the other shitty bands that did the same thing at the same time. Now I have that song “I’ve been down into the bottom of every bottle” stuck in my head and I’m remembering 8th grade. Thanks, guys.
@Russell_D_SpacePoet I have a very broad taste in music. I even listen to country music. ;) I just don’t like the pop songs that are played every hour on the radio stations. It gets old very quickly.
and what @dverhey said
Chad Kroeger sounds as though he’s gripping the porcelain thrown and trying to squeeze out a sideways log.
They’re embarrassing to Canadians. I’m Canadian
Oh. @lucillelucillelucille. no you di-ent! lol Gordon Lightfoot is a Canadian legend!! I like Geddy, too!
Nickelback’s songs hurt my ears. No originality there, also.
@Jude Chad Kroeger sounds as though he’s gripping the porcelain thrown and trying to squeeze out a sideways log.
LOL, I’ve thought the same thing.
@tranquilsea @Jude Hey if you want to reach some of those notes you need motivation. If the sideways log works go for it.
Nickelback reminds of Creed, Hinder and another horrendous Canadian band called Finger Eleven. They make me want to ram corn on the cob holders in my ears.
To each his own. :)
Rainbow Butt Monkeys :-/ there I said it, they’re a good band too & like Nickelback the bad press is much undeserved……
Nickelback has almost become the gold standard for pure suckitude in my opinion. They are soulless, with a very generic sound, and they write stupid songs about generic things. They just suck. If you don’t understand why they are horrible, you probably won’t like a lot of the same bands as me. Nickelback manages to represent numerous other butt rock bands with their lame sound. To me, they sound like an awful amalgamation of Kid Rock, Creed, Firehouse, Extreme, Queensryche, and Whitesnake. Worse somehow. It’s like if Metallica could get any worse, they would sound like Nickelback.
I just hate them so much. I really do.
I just noticed you also likened them to Creed. See? It’s true.
I forgot to mention the way they look too. Look at those guys. Just look at them. No style at all.
Chad Kroeger, the early 80’s called and they want their horrifically dyed spiral perm back.
Awesome. I was just looking at some pics of them and thought, “Hey dumbasses, the early 90s called and they want their ripped jeans and black t-shirts back.”
Chad Kroger makes Michael Bolton look like Johnny Depp.
Actually, I am pretty sure that Chad Kroeger and Michael Bolton are related. ;)
For all of you all hatin’ on Rush. Neil Peart is one of the best drummers of all time. That’s right, Kanye, all time.!
A few years ago This Hour Has 22 Minutes did a spoof on Nickelback. Gavin Crawford played Chad Kroeger and kept referring to himself as, “that guy from Nickelback”. I tried to find a clip of it online to no avail. It was pretty funny.
@Jude It wasn’t what I expected but it kind of lightens the thread.
oops, hopefully I have the right link now
@kingpinlovesyou I love you so much for asking this question. I often asked this question to myself. I love Nickelback, and they’re up there in my fav top 5 Bands.
Someone talk some sense into that girl. ;)
At last, someone else with some taste and class! Go MilkyWay.
You should go at each other with fake blond spiral perms! I’d pay to see that. :)
I’m a huge AC/DC fan. Have you ever looked at the Young brothers?
Just charge and shake the spiral perm in their face. And, grunt like Chad. :)
@Jude And I’ll wear “badass” silver rings
@redfeather ‘Das right! I’m thinking, have an actual spiral perm in your hand and shake directly on their face like a pom-pom. You all must wear tight black t-shirts. Especially, redfeather.
@Jude You’re right. I’ll also be wearing a huge rhinestone studded belt buckle to dazzle and distract him from the face that I can’t sing.
@redfeather Just hope that he doesn’t wear his skin tight stonewash jeans. You know, the ones that are plastered to his nutsack. Clearly showing his mooseknuckle.
@Adirondackwannabe <3
I just got in my car to run to the store and I laughed because I swore it was a Nickelback song that was playing on the radio station. I was wrong though, it was Creed. lol
I hate Nickelback in real life. I’m not at all surprised they’re hated online.
There was one Nickleback song I quite liked but just the one, my ex was a fan of the band. I cant remember the song but it was something about ‘fucking up again’. You gotta feel bad for that singer though, with the face only a mother could love. Poor ugly swine.
Every fucking song sounds the same. And his voice is atrocious.
Most of their songs sound exactly the same….annoying. There’s only one that I have grown to like – Rockstar. Other than that, I switch radio stations if they come on. It’s weird because I find myself wondering the exact opposite as the OP. Why on earth are these guys playing on the radio so often? I have yet to meet someone, in real life, that likes that band.
So, to sum up: They’re generic, overplayed, all the songs sound the same, and not that good in the first place. Ok, fine, whatever (though, obviously, music is subjective, there’s no one “right” answer). The real question seems to be: Why does NB get sooooooo much hatred, when others with the exact same flaws get little or no hate, or perhaps even praise for being so ubiquitous while sucking? It’s not exactly like most big artists have tons of range, or like every Top 40 song isn’t generic in every possible way. Answer: I don’t know, people are weird. I think someone started bashing on NB one day and the hatred just built up momentum that others didn’t.
@jonsblond ::waving arms:: Over here, me! Me! I like Nickleback and I’m over thirty.
@chyna I love you too much to say anything mean, so all I’m going to say is…. this question keeps appearing in my activity every hour just like a Nickelback song does on the radio.
I’m about to sit for my meditation and I made the mistake of checking out Fluther. The update to this thread appeared, and now I am angry. Very angry. That shit whore lead singer with the perm is now going to invade my meditation….
@tom_g Maybe the theme of this meditation should be “don’t sweat the small stuff”.
@Aethelflaed – Exactly! It’s an opportunity to work on something awful – to explore how Nickleback makes me feel. To break free from the grip of my physical response to Nickleback, Creed, and buttrock in general.
@tom_g Ok, Creed I’m with you on, because there’s nothing that bums me out more than thinking a song is going to be gaytastic and away from the heteronormative crapola of everything on the radio, and then finding out that, no, he isn’t totally in love with a man and getting all sweaty for him, he just found Jesus.
that Peart solo was badass .thank you :D
I just see them as a joke band. I try – I really try – not to be a pretentious music elitist (especially because some of the music I like really is just noisy bratty kids singing noisy bratty songs) but I just can’t stand Nickelback and I can’t even take them seriously enough to say I hate them.
I think @tom_g nailed it with “shit whore.”
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