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blueberry_kid's avatar

You're stuck in the woods for a year. You get to have 5 things with you, what would they be?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 4th, 2011

…You know what I mean.

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48 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

World’s most advanced comm device.

YoBob's avatar

1) A case of bic lighters (OK, if you are going to be picky and count this as multiple items, then a good flint and steel set)

2) A large spool of high quality jute twine

3) A good sleeping bag/blanket

4) A tent

5) A good knife

Londongirl's avatar

1) My love one
2) Water
3) Food
4) Tent
5) Gun (in case there are monsters like in Blairwitch projects)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

1.An armoire which I will use for a backback.
2.Cement shoes so I don’t wander off and get lost
3.A wildebeest for intelligent conversation.
4.An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle in case I get bored
5….and the space shuttle for transportation.
no more,no less

bobbinhood's avatar

water purifier
flint and steel
book to identify edible plants

King_Pariah's avatar

500 ft of 550 cord
Flint and steel set
Needle and thread
A Nymphomaniac

tom_g's avatar

1. My acoustic guitar
2. My zafu
3. A bag containing a year’s worth of food
4. A very large roll of toilet paper
5. Water purifier

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was going to list 5 Jellies but I can’t narrow it down that far. What’s the most jellies I could have with me?

Scooby's avatar

1. Knife
2. Butane Lighter
3. Metal Cup or Can
4. First-Aid Kit
5. Kate Beckinsale :-/

Sorry 5. I meant tent……. :-/

King_Pariah's avatar

@blueberry_kid Hey, I can’t just rely on my hand to keep me satisfied for a year now can I?

ucme's avatar

1. Oven gloves
2. A wok
3. Red crayons
4. Space dust…...that powdered candy stuff that makes your mouth crackle.
5. Some cheese

Cruiser's avatar

My gassed, stocked and WI-FI’d Winnebago
My SKS-M59 with plenty of ammo
Sandra Bullock cause she is hilarious and hot!
Pair of quads for Sandra and I to explore the woods
and one fully loaded Good Humor Truck.

Nullo's avatar

1-year supply of MREs
Knife w/axe attachment
Water filter
all-weather sleeping bag
A giant spool of parachute cord.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

1 rifle
2 Greenhouse
3 Seeds
4 Water filter
5 An intelligent Nymphomaniac

tedibear's avatar

Fellow Jelly Incendiary Dan, toilet paper, water, a knife and something to read.

Seelix's avatar

Les Stroud. That’s all.

incendiary_dan's avatar

It’s circumstantial, but assuming an ideal setting:

Mora Clipper knife
Fire piston
Rat traps
Alpaca wool blanket

I might trade one of the blades for a ceramic water filter, since boiling all your water until you find a spring can be annoying, particularly in bark containers.

WestRiverrat's avatar

flint and steel,
500ft braided spiderwire fishing line,
1 gallon metal container for cooking and water
Satellite phone with GPS tracking technology.

rebbel's avatar

A vacuum cleaner.
A rake.
A broom.
A bucket.
Bin bags.

MilkyWay's avatar

Swiss Army knife.
Portable toilet. ( A decent one ).
Tinned food.
A waterproof backpack.

Hibernate's avatar

I’d take the usuals :
– a knife
– a water filter
– some ropes.

Then I’d take :
– my Bible
– a stuffed animal :P

KateTheGreat's avatar

A shit ton of toilet paper, two sets of clothes, my pistol, some ammo, and @incendiary_dan.


MilkyWay's avatar

^ Genius.

tedibear's avatar

I said it first… ^^

King_Pariah's avatar

@tedibear she even stole your toilet paper! lol

KateTheGreat's avatar

@tedibear Mwahaha, wipe your ass with leaves!

tedibear's avatar

@KatetheGreat – LoL! I’ll show you leaves! See those ones that are three-leafed, those are the special ones, just for you. :P

KateTheGreat's avatar

@KatetheGreat I’m going to steal all of your toilet paper and TP your little hut made of sticks!

King_Pariah's avatar

@KatetheGreat @tedibear

(during the taunting goes and steals the toilet paper)

KateTheGreat's avatar

Whatta jerk. I don’t want leaves stuck in my ass!

King_Pariah's avatar

saying “I don’t want leaves stuck in my ass” implies you want something stuck up your ass, just not leaves… and you can use tree bark. :P

tedibear's avatar

@KatetheGreat – I’m pretty sure we can catch him and steal his nymphomaniac!

King_Pariah's avatar

@tedibear hey, I’ll give you half the toilet paper back, and I’ll let you have sloppy… 10ths?

KateTheGreat's avatar

You two are hilarious.

King_Pariah's avatar

@KatetheGreat and if you get me my champagne, do the dishes, scrub the floors, and sweep the fireplace, I may let you in on this little deal. lol

KateTheGreat's avatar

@King_Pariah It’s alright, I can get an even better deal without having to do all that work. :)

incendiary_dan's avatar

So are the people who’re bringing me along doing so for my wilderness expertise or for the same reason @King_Pariah brought a nympho? Either way, I’m flattered.

blueberry_kid's avatar

What is a nymphomaniac?!

King_Pariah's avatar

Excessive sexual desire in and behavior by a female.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@incendiary_dan You’re cute and all but I don’t think your fiance would be too happy if that were the reason I was bringing you into a forest.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@KatetheGreat She wouldn’t like it, but she’d understand. Let’s just say she doesn’t just keep me around for cooking. :P

KateTheGreat's avatar

@incendiary_dan Dammmmmmnnnnn son. :P

tedibear's avatar

@incendiary_dan I’ll fully admit to wanting to use you only for your survival skills. Will you still come with me since I called dibs first?

@King_Pariah – Um, no, but thanks. I’ll just take the TP off your hut once @KatetheGreat is done.

Berserker's avatar

A lighter, a metal bar, some kind of container, like a bottle or a jar, a knife and some rope.

That’s if I wanna live. Just gimme some fuckin booze lol. Two out of five of my items are already in that one pick.

everephebe's avatar

I only need a KA-Bar knife
…And a wheel-barrow for my giant balls.~

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