I do not understand twitter at all....HELPPPPP!
I’ve had a twitter account for ever but honestly do not understand anythingggggg about it. I need help to understand how it works and how do I respond to certain people so on and so on. Pleaseeeee explain. #twitterfordummies
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8 Answers
Ok, so you reply to someone one of two ways. First, you can click the “reply” option. On Twitter.com, you hover over the tweet you want to reply to, and it gives you various options like Favorite, Retweet, and Reply as well as the time it was tweeted. Or, you can simply type in the username you’re trying to reply to with ”@” (no quotation marks) before it. So like to reply to my tweet, you would go @Aethelflaed Omg, yr so right!!!!
To privately message someone, aka a Direct Message (DM), you type in D username and then the message. So to DM me, you would put D Aethelflaed Hey, you wanna grab Thai food tonight? If you get a Twitter client, like Tweetdeck, it has options on each tweet to DM the person.
To retweet someone, which you do because their tweet is so awesome you feel you should tweet it too, but don’t want to plagerize, you put RT before the tweet. So my tweet “I wish @google would learn which subsearch engines I use and show those first – like books, scholar, and news, NEVER recipes…” would become “RT @Aethelflaed I wish @google would learn which subsearch engines I use and show those first – like books, scholar, and news, NEVER recipes…” or if you want to comment, “Omg, so true! RT @Aethelflaed I wish @google would learn which subsearch engines I use and show those first – like books, scholar, and news, NEVER recipes…”
Ok, those are the biggies, anything else?
Thank you @Aethelflaed and how do you know if someone responds to you? Like do you get a notification or you just have to keep stalking their page?
@livestrong On Twitter.com it should just show up in your timeline, or you can go to the Mentions column, right next to Timeline. To check your messages (DMs), click on Messages up at the top right-ish of the page. And then get a Twitter client, because the actual Twitter page sucks.
@livestrong A computer program just for Twitter. It can either be a desktop client, like Tweetdeck, or just a better website, like Brizzly.
One thing too is that for you to send DMs, the person you are sending it to needs to be your follower, otherwise you can’t.
@Aethelflaed Remember when I asked you the advanges of Gmail over YahooMail? Well, I have a similar question regarding Tweeteck over Twitter. The other day on fb my cousin asked the same Q and most people couldn’t answer why you would choose Tweetdeck over Twitter.
BTW, Ymail now has a similar interface to Gmail
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