Has anyone else lost lurve?
Yesterday I lost 900 lurve before my eyes. There were witnesses, and we have it documented on the thread. Andrew said it was impossible, but it happened. Here’s the link. http://www.fluther.com/126687/how-is-everyone-over-3000-lurve-and-im-not/ (It’s a long question, but I started posting fairly quickly. Find me there, and follow my comments.)
Has this happened to you? If so, when and how much did you lose?
After this happened, everyone threw a lurve party for me and I made up over 300 points in one day (thanks guys)
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73 Answers
I saw the Hamburgler run off with your lurve.
I think that every time the mods see a question about lurve they delete the points just to mess with your mind.
I’m serious though. A few people on that thread mentioned they thought their lurve was a certain level, and they looked again, and they’d dropped 100 points or whatever. I really want to know.
I’m having an issue getting lurve, but yes I saw that. It’s insane but I have seen my change, and I thought I was just imagining things.
And if they understand that it’s a somewhat common thing, perhaps it will be taken more seriously. Thanks.
I never keep track of how much I have, wouldn’t notice or care if any happened to be shaved off.
Have they offered to refund your last payment yet?
To answer your question seriously, no I have seen any change in my lurve.
As you know from that thread, @snowberry the same thing happened to me. As far as I know I had no witnesses to my lurve issue. I lost a similar amount.
Every so often I notice another weird lurve thing happen on here. It happened last night when I was answering on TJBM thread. When I was at the top of the question, AmWiser’s score showed as only 1 point. When I went to her profile page it showed her full amount…then when I went back to TJBM thread it “popped” up to the correct score (like a blink).
Anyway, I don’t understand why since several of us witnessed your lurve leave you, Fluther hasn’t thrown you a 10K party and upped your lurve to the score it should be at.
And, no, I don’t think it’s our responsibility to help Fluther find their “score” bug for them by taking screen shots of our score.
I keep mine tucked down in between my tittays. Safe and warm.
Is there a chance lurve scores were temporarily inflated, and therefore no one is actually losing anything that’s owed to them?
You know that lurve is absolutely useless and has no relevance, right?
@tinyfaery You mean you didn’t get your plasma TV when you hit 10k? ~
@tinyfaery of course it has relevance. If it didn’t people wouldn’t care about it.
@FutureMemory Was just @snowberry‘s lurve inflated, then deflated? I don’t think so. I think she’s been looking forward to her first lurve party for sometime. I noticed she was getting close. Then, it dropped.
Those gosh darn liberals took it! You can read about it in my new book “Where’s the Lurve?: Why the liberals are stealing your lurve and sabotaging our country”. Available at a wal-mart near you.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I’ve never noticed mine go down, but I also don’t pay much attention to it either.
All kidding aside, I’d be bummed.
I have! I should have gained like 500 the other day, and I got like 30. THere is seriously something wrong.
The link is a total lurve fest!
@blueberry_kid There are a lot of limitations on how much your lurve score will actually go up when you get GA’s and GQ’s. For example, if your answer gets 10 GA’s, your lurve score will only actually go up for the first 5 of those (if I remember correctly) and that’s only if the 5 people that gave you those first 5 GA’s hasn’t already maxed out on you. Each member can only give another member a total of 100 points increased on their lurve score. They can continue to give GA’s and GQ’s after that, but the person’s actual lurve score will no longer increase when they do so.
That’s why it’s really hard to tell when your lurve should be going up just based on looking at your GA’s (and why our lurve score doesn’t match all the GA’s and GQ’s for most of us).
Who is this @anone else anyway? I’ve searched & searched….... ;¬}
Actually, @Seaofclouds that’s what I think makes @snowberry‘s situation even more interesting. Most of us on that thread had maxed out on @snowberry long ago. How’d she end up with 300 lurve after dropping down? Did it just “magically” go back up a bit?
@snowberry you should not care about lurve :D It’s bad for you :P
The great jelly god giveth and taketh away! haha
Not that I’ve noticed. Don’t think so.
My minor wonderment surrounds why I no longer get notified if I have a PM, they show up but the notifications to my email have disappeared. I don’t care enough to inquire as to why? lol
Thinking about this question some more, I did see someone’s lurve listed as (1), which was strange because it was someone that has at least 20k, if not 30k. I refreshed the page and they were back to their normal, high lurve count. This was about 10 days back I think…pretty sure it was Judi.
No, I haven’t. I do feel that my lurve grows kind of slowly because I get a lot of GAs that don’t increase my lurve score, but I usually just assume that the GAs are coming from people who are maxed out on me. There isn’t really any way to prove one way or another.
If I did lose lurve I wouldn’t really care or make a big deal about it because lurve is not an “unalienable right.” I understand that coding a site like this is quite difficult and wouldn’t begrudge the owners for making a small mistake here and there, especially considering that they allow me to use their website for free. They don’t owe me anything.
There’s a difference between the graphic display from one’s browser being mistaken and the Fluther database being mistaken. I’ve seen my browser screw things up and switch people’s scores around so that I had the score of the the jelly above me and so on. It happened last when I was putting off updating Firefox. I’ve never had any evidence that the Fluther database has been mistaken, however.
It hasn’t happened to me (yet).
One profound proof of lurve loss would if one had a 10K party and then dropped to something like 9500 after that.
Honestly, and with all due respect to you @snowberry because I get you are upset about this and I understand and acknowledge that, I just don’t care about lurve that much. It has no real bearing on my life.
I don’t pay enough attention to it to know if it’s going up or down, however if I DID notice a decrease, it wouldn’t feel very good.
Hmm. I thought it was my imagination or just that I didn’t understand how things work. Maybe both. On the other hand, I’m unable to admit that I care that much about points.
but I do
@snowberry, what is it you want to happen now? Are you looking for acknowledgement from those in fluther management that this can and does happen? Do you want your lost lurve to be given back? Are you just trying to alert people?
@Bellatrix Absolutely, I want an acknowledgment from fluther management!
Sure I’d like the lost lurve back, but it’s not necessary, and possibly inappropriate.
Yes, I want to alert people that it’s possible to happen.
That’s about it
Thank you for clarifying. It just seems there are a couple of threads on this topic (or maybe it just seems that way) and it seemed appropriate to try to distil the topic down and find out what might help you to feel this matter is resolved.
Thanks again @snowberry
@Bellatrix Yes, I started this question specifically to see if anyone else had seen their lurve actually disappear (as stated in the question). I’ve also mentioned it happening in answering another question or so.
Okay everybody: go to @snowberry‘s page, and madly click GA and GQ til you max out.
Then go to zen’s page and GA and GQ him till he leaves fluther and comes back as a different zen, one we can @ symbol at.~
everephebe You were having trouble using ”
That is wierd, but I havent notices this with mine. I don’t pay a whole lot of attention but I would deinitely be bummed out.
Wierd, I guess using @ in the small format doesnt work.
@zen No problem regularly
Holy Shit! Zen has an un@able name! We must worship him!
I already do…
Fluther gremlins, alrighty!! What the heck is going on around here. I did not type I worship @zen
It’s simple; there’s an _ before and after zen. Thus, it can’t be @ because it’s already i “italics”.
_ zen _ out.
I think this was the the exact subject of Shakespeare’s play Lurve’s Labour’s Lost but I’m not sure. I read it in high school and that was a long time ago but if Shakespeare wrote about it, it’s a timeless human condition.
If it’s happened to me, I’m not aware of it. But it might explain my being stuck under 40k!
We want you to know that we are taking this seriously, but we don’t have any full-time tech support on the site. If anything has to be fixed, it will take some time, so please be patient.
You must have gotten it wet. I once spilled my Dr. Pepper on my lurve and lost 600 points right away.
@AstroChuck Dude. You used to be 20k ahead of me. That’s a lot of Dr. Pepper. Once? .
We all need to listen to this Link
Thanks @Augustin. I appreciate it. That’s all I was asking for. (wipes forehead) Whew!
And thanks to all you other folks who supported me and/or made me laugh. I may have lost lurve, but I made a bunch of friends in the process. Not a bad trade!
It occurs to me that this may be part of the game: rules and procedures that we know not of. Sudden appearances and disappearances of points may be part of the strategy with which we must cope. On top of that or maybe beside that, we must be witty, pithy, challenging and both shallow and deep of opinion in our questions and answers. It may be like a pinball game in which a barrier may be arbitrarily raised so the metal ball doesn’t go where you planned. You notice there is not a list of rules except for how to write so as to have your scribblings accepted.
What do we know about scoring procedures? Maybe procrastination in the inner workings prevents efficiency in adding points (or subtracting them.) Maybe you get to 50,000 points and your computer explodes from the overload without warning. Ah, the anticipation of the unknown.
Perspective is a good thing.
@Sunny2 Naw. I’m not buying it. Thanks anyway.
@FutureMemory That’s something all right! But I noticed the damage was not permanent for
you, anyway. Good job.
looking under the rug now for missing lurve
@FutureMemory- That has been happening to me off and on for ages. As soon as you refresh it will correct itself.
@snowberry Unfortunately, the more instances we get of other people having all of their properly earned lurve restored, the less likely it is that you actually lost lurve that you were supposed to have. This is not to say that you didn’t see your score rise and then fall, but only to say that the database seems to correct all of these anomalies back to where they were supposed to be. It will be interesting to see what Andrew finds.
Here’s a cut and paste of what I said on the other question:
“My score was slowly going up. I moved maybe 20 to 80 points a day. The night before this question was posted, I stopped at 9945 lurve. I remember because I was so close to the 10,000 mark, and I triple checked my score! But nobody told me I had to take a screen shot of it to prove it. The next morning it was still 9945, and (I thought) it would be a short spurt to 10,000. I know what happened. I don’t make stuff up. I was not hallucinating.”
Here’s a copy and paste of what SpatzieLover said a while back in this this thread:
”...I noticed she was getting close. Then, it dropped.”
My point is, the lurve really did disappear, and I earned it all. After it disappeared, everyone threw me a “lurve party” and I gained 300 points in short order. There was some question whether I actually earned the 300 or so points after it disappeared. But in the days since it hasn’t gone back down, either, which if it were “ghost lurve” as others have seen, it would have disappeared eventually.
Exactly @snowberry, it didn’t “fluctuate” until it dropped down. I never saw a 7 as a score, then a 9900. It was going up, almost to 10K :/
@snowberry Again, I’m not saying otherwise. And there are plenty of posts to copy and paste in that other thread that might counter what you are saying. My point is just that the database seems to be self-correcting. It may have been calculating incorrectly for a few days. The more we see this happening in other members, the more likely that it is what happened to you. Thus why I am interested to see what Andrew finds.
@SaviorFaire “And there are plenty of posts to copy and paste in that other thread that might counter what you are saying,” such as
“Are you sure?” or “Perhaps you’re mistaken” or “I’m 99% sure it didn’t happen” or several comments implying that somehow I made it up. I get ‘cha.
Was there anything I missed in the list?
@snowberry To be fair, “perhaps your mistaken” is just as good of evidence as “I think I saw that.” That is, neither is very good evidence at all. But I was mostly thinking of this, this, and this.
It would be nice, however, if you would stop lashing out at everyone who is trying to take a cautious and objective approach to this issue. Every time someone doesn’t immediately say “I’m sure you’re right, and this is a vicious crime against your person,” you assume that you are being attacked or being accused of making it all up. This is not the case, so please stop venting your spleen all over the site—especially when it comes to the people trying to help you.
@SavoirFaire I was NOT overstating the evidence in my favor. I said it like it is. Sorry you’re thinking I’m venting my spleen, because I’m not even a little bit angry. However, I’m not going to put up with some of the nonsense I’ve seen here.
I have actually enjoyed quite a bit of this conversation. As I mentioned before, I’ve found true friends through this experience. In addition, quite a bit of this discussion has been cathartic for me (A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit). Although I do deserve my lurve restored, I quickly realized I’d not get it back because there would be no end of the people demanding lurve for various reasons unrelated to what happened to me. Furthermore, as I understand it, there is no way anyone can prove one way or another what happened.
In the end, it’s my word (and @SpatzieLover ‘s) against everyone else’s. I’m OK with that. And I am not backing down.
While we’re on the topic of lost lurve… how about unawarded awards?
dives for cover
Raises an eyebrow @linguaphile. Stirrer… I know what I am getting you for your birthday. A big wooden spoon.
Oh, God forbid that there would be a glitch with the award system too! Oh NO!
@snowberry I’m glad to hear you’re not angry. If you could work on conveying that better, perhaps people would feel a little less harassed about the topic. I say this only to be helpful: you really appear to be lashing out over this again and again. If that is not how you wish to be perceived, you might consider calibrating some of your responses differently. I understand that this can be difficult. I’ve known people to get insulted by statements that I wrote while trying to go out of my way to be polite. Still, it’s worth making the effort.
@linguaphile There are many, many threads about the current problems with the awards system and which ones have been fixed. It’s a known and acknowledged problem—another reason why we shouldn’t think Ben and Andrew are trying to deny or cover up anything.
@SavoirFaire She doesn’t appear to be lashing out to me. I guess you’ve never seen someone actually lash out on this site before. I think @snowberry has handle herself appropriately, especially when there are those who are trying to tell her she must be “seeing things”. I think your comments to @snowberry would be better suited for pm’s because they appear to be telling her she has some sort of problem, which I don’t think she does.
@jonsblond If my comments are more suited for PMs, then yours certainly are. As such, I will address my response there. I will note, however, that I have certainly seen lashing out on this site. Remember, I see many things that you do not.
@SaviorFaire I have already suggested you do so, so why don’t you close this question? Everything that can be said, has been said. As long as my integrity is not called into question, I’ll have no objection for you doing so (and you’re the mod)!
@snowberry I cannot unilaterally decide to close questions, and we don’t usually do so just because they’ve dragged on.
@SavoirFaire Since you are a mod, I agree with @jonsblond stating your comments would be better suited for PMs.
Being a mod doesn’t mean I cannot make comments on questions. I’m still a member, too.
Well, consider this an official request by the author to close this question. That should solve everyone’s problem. Hop to it mods, and avoid more DDD (drama, damage and disgruntledness)!
^ The above comment was not intended as a flame, but as a light-hearted strong suggestion (hint, hint).
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