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Pandora's avatar

Does anyone know of a delicious and easy dessert for diabetics.

Asked by Pandora (32736points) August 4th, 2011

Please no fruit salads. I’m looking for something that looks sinful to eat, taste fantastic but isn’t unhealthy for a diabetic.

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11 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

Chocolate cake. Not quite simple, but not too difficult I hope.

Seelix's avatar

I don’t have any specific recipes for you, but you might want to browse through the diabetic dessert recipes on the Taste of Home website. I’ve always had good luck with their recipes. There are lots of reviews on their site, too, which helps a lot when you’re trying a new recipe.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I wish I could help you there….I am diabetic and find most of the sugar-free stuff appalling. XD
What they lack in sugar they usually make up for in fat.
If you can,try to use stevia as a sweetener though.The other stuff is not so healthy for you.
I would usually have fruit.
Good luck:)

Jeruba's avatar

You can do some yummy stuff with some of the HMR products, available here.

•  Add quartered banana slices to the chocolate pudding and chill. (One banana per four pudding envelopes.)

•  Add fresh strawberries and/or blueberries to vanilla pudding.

•  Use DaVinci sugarless syrups for various flavorings in vanilla pudding. My favorite is banana pudding, made with bananas, nutmeg, and cinnamon plus the sugarless banana syrup.

•  Try this one, especially in the fall—but it’s good anytime:

Pumpkin Pudding

4 pk. HMR 70+ vanilla shakes
4 measures Sweet’n’Low (only for Option 1; omit with Option 2)
1¼ tsp. pumpkin pie spice (Trader Joe’s if possible)
1¼ tsp. caramel extract flavoring (Option 1) or 2 oz. sugar-free caramel syrup (Option 2)
4 oz. water or 3 oz. water (see Options 1 and 2)
1 can (16 oz.) pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, with other ingredients already mixed in)

Combine shake packets, Sweet’n’Low, and spice.

Option 1:
Gradually add 4 oz. water and extract.

Option 2:
Pour 2 oz. sugar-free caramel syrup into a measuring cup.
Add 3 oz. water to make 5 oz.
Add gradually to dry ingredients.

Blend until smooth. Mixture will be very thick.
Add pumpkin. Blend thoroughly.

Divide into 4 containers. Chill at least 1 hour before serving. Keep refrigerated until use. Keeps well for as long as 5 days.

Each portion counts as 1 shake and ½ vegetable serving.


There are lots of recipes available for use with HMR products, and it’s pretty easy to improvise once you get the hang of it. Puddings can always be dressed up with a fruit slice, a mint leaf, and a little shot of lo-cal whip.

Kayak8's avatar


creative1's avatar

I make apple pie and just substitute Splenda instead of Sugar and it tastes great!!

Pandora's avatar

@creative1 Ohhh! I have all the ingredients for that too except the spenda. I could give that a shot. Have you ever tried using non sweeten apple sauce for the sugar?
@ Jeruba You are the queen of knowledge. I’m going to look into the DaVini syrups. They sound promising. Thanks for your answer.
@lucillelucillelucille I agree. There is a sugarless icecream that is delicious though. You may want to try the website @Seelix recommended. I took a look. Some good looking reciepes there. The chocolate brownie looks really good.
Thank you all for answering. I can always count on flutherites to come through.

creative1's avatar

@Pandora I have never used unsweetened apple sauce instead of sugar or splenda. If you have any packets of splenda around or could grab some below is a conversion chart instead of having to find the splenda by the cup.

1T = 3 tsp = 1.5 packet
1/8 C 3 packets
¼ C 6 packets
⅓ C 8 packets
½ C 12 packets
¾ C 18 packets
1 C 24 packets

I have made a number of things including whipped cream using splenda, until last year I did not eat any refined sugar in my diet due to having the gastric bypass surgery in 2004. So I basically made most recipies I loved with splenda, some worked some didn’t. I think if you are avoiding refined sugar splenda is a necessity for baking. The down fall of eating too much it will cause stomach upset so I just limited what I ate to a real serving size or smaller. I even have a splenda cook book and you can do a search online for different recipies with splenda.

Good luck on your search for great recipies for diabetics.

mattbrowne's avatar

Depends on the diabetes and the knowledge of the diabetic. Those knowing how to handle insulin and carbohydrate content can enjoy every delicious dessert there is. The whole idea of recipes for diabetics is completely outdated in this case. There’s just recipes for everyone.

flo's avatar

I don’t know what the verdict is re. Stevia, if it is free of side efffects then you can have anything, I guess.

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