General Question

Jeruba's avatar

How can I establish the value of an item for purposes of a USPS insurance claim? Have you ever done this?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) August 4th, 2011

The item is a piece of china shipped to me by my son, who gathered it from my mother’s estate.

It was one of numerous packages shipped to me the same way, with plenty of good packing. This is the only item that broke.

The package was insured for $300 and contained two items. The other one is intact, but the two are a set—sugar bowl and creamer.

As it happens, I bought these as gifts for my mother—I remember the year: 1976—but I don’t know how much I paid or what they’d be worth now.

What will it take to justify my claim, and is there any likelihood that it will ever be paid? If not, why bother with insurance?

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3 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I’ve never done it for broken items. I’ve had plenty of scam claims, whereas I purchased a camera, but received a power strip. Typically, the amount the package was insured for is the top limit of the claim. Photographs are helpful, showing packaging, and the broken item next to the non broken item.

Coloma's avatar

In a case like this, without any ‘proof’, ( receipts ) or obvious comparisons, or buying from a company that was responsible for shipping, I think that at best, you might be able to find a comparable set either online or by calling an antiques or collectibles dealer, look up the brand name and see if you can find any comps. for sale of sets such as this.

Actual dollar value would not be much, maaaybe $25–45 sold as a collectible set in your average antique or collectibles shop. If that.

You could claim the broken piece has decreased the value of the entire set, being a full 50% of it. haha

Ask for the compensation based on the full set which was diminished in value by it’s broken comrade

There is no compensation for sentimental value, unless you find an attorney that will fight hard for emotional duress and trauma. lol Hey…I bet you could make a case of it with someone.

You could make millions off of your anguish and suffering due to UPS’s rough handling of your mothers china.

You have been sooo depressed that you cannot eat sugar or even look at cream due to the severity of your PTSD.

I’m sure there’s a case! ;-)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, it will be paid. Take photos. Ebay should be a good place to begin to determine replacement values, if needed.

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