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XOIIO's avatar

Why does time squish together for me?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) August 4th, 2011

I am kind of alright estimating how long a task will take, but usually I get it wrong by a fair bit. The weird thing is, when I remember stuff, it’s all squished together, like it all happened really quickly. For example, I had had my laptop for a year, but when someone asked me I said a few months, and it really felt like that. I can’t guess how long ago something happened, its all squished together and I have no sense of time frames, its like it just happened. You could say its all wibbily wobboly timey wimey.

Why does this happen? I’ve yet to meet someone else with this sort of thing.

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9 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I have this issue to an extent, too. Lurve for ‘wibbily wobboly timey wimey’, by the way! It even happens to me about my age… someone will ask me how old I am, and sometimes I think I’m several years younger than I really am, or occasionally, older. I have no sense of time, and no sense of direction, either. I often wonder if they’re related in some way.

XOIIO's avatar

@augustlan Weird, I seem to have an elevated sense of direction, but yes, sometimes it takes me a couple seconds to remeber how old I am xD.

woodcutter's avatar

I was like that back when I smoked weed and time felt really distorted. It was tough keeping things chronologically straight. That weirdness stopped when I stopped the weed, weird huh?

XOIIO's avatar

@woodcutter Not really, and no drugs or anything going on here.

augustlan's avatar

No drugs here, either. Just a crappy sense of time and direction.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yeah, I also lose sense of time. The only time I realize that time has flown by is when I see other people’s kids who have grown up. To me a week is worth 3 days and a year worth 6 months, that’s the way it seems to me. I often feel I’m the only one who has lost track of time.
I think it has to do with way of life, stress, depression or loss of direction.(In my case at least)

flutherother's avatar

As you get older time seems to compress so that the years feel shorter and shorter. As @ZEPHYRA says I think stress also compresses time so that once you are unstressed again the period of stress seems strangely short.

XOIIO's avatar

So when I’m 30 a year will be one day or something? XD

wundayatta's avatar

How interesting. I wonder if every contractor I have worked with is like that?

Humans have a tendency to forget things they don’t like. We remember good experiences. I think we also forget periods with no emotional valence. When you only remember the highlights, then it seems to me time would squish together.

But the other thing is that people are horrible at estimating how long things take. They always underestimate. I learned to use a rule of thumb. Whatever someone says it’s going to take, it’ll take twice as long.

This happens because people don’t remember or include all the steps involved in something. So they don’t account for half of what happens. In addition, people don’t anticipate problems and other kinds of delays. You’ve probably forgotten all of those things, so time squishes together.

How old is this item? Is the warrantee still good? Oh, I only got it two years ago, so it’s still under warantee. Whoops. I got it six years ago. How did that happen?

Like I say, the general rule I use is to think how much time I think has gone by or will go by and then double it. Maybe even more. Just to compensate for the way we seem to remember time.

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