Social Question

How well can you score on the innuendo game?
In the US it seems even the most innocent of conversation can lead back to sex. So much euphemisms and innuendos are use to describe sexual parts and the act of doing sex that just about any conversation can seen as sexual. In the following five examples, can you tell what is really being talked about, which ones are about sex, and which are about other things? Don’t feel bad of you don’t ace it, I suspect very few would.
1. Some women behind you in another booth have a conversation like: “It was our honeymoon and I wasn’t expecting anything like that. I was screaming and hopping all over the bed, I hope we didn’t wake the guest in the other room.” Cell phone rings and that is all you get. Sex talk or not?
2. At a cab stand you hear two men speaking and it follows: “You know that new manager, the hot one that flirts with me a lot?” Other gent, “Uh huh”. “Well it was a slow night and calls me to the supply room to help her get some stuff off a high shelf. As she is handing me down reams of paper she loses her balance and falls into my arms. Lets just say it was magical. That copy machine got a workout, good thing it is a tough piece of machinery!”
3. You are on an elevator a woman behind you is on the phone and says, “Oh let me tell you, I was having such a good time with him I never wanted to leave. I just wanted to shove it to the back of my throat. Of course he was surprised, but I hadn’t had one in so long I just kinda went crazy”. Then she steps off the elevator.
4. You are standing by a paper rack and two young men walk up to get a paper, you over hear: “Yeah bro, she said I could never get anything. I got her to the concert, and I got her back stage, once there I got her drunk, then I got it all before the song played.”
5. You getting cream for your coffee at the bistro and one woman is having a conversation with another. “Are you kidding? He goes on and on for months about how he is a marathon runner. Finally I give him a chance, and he is more like a sprinter, if not a false start out of the gate”, then they walk out of ear shot.
Who was speaking sex, and who was talking about something else? Euphemisms and innuendos do not make it too easy. Huh? How well do you believed you scored?