Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Did you know that today is National Underwear Day?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 5th, 2011

Once a year, it’s time to put on your fanciest underwear and to show your friends just how cool you are. Today, is that day. It does not matter if your undies came from Victorias Secret or Fruit of the Loom. I once saw this guy wear his underwear over his blue jeans. This was his way of celebrating National Underwear Day. Question: how will you celebrate this special day? I plan on hanging a pair of my brand new mens briefs on the antenna of my Honda.

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20 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Ah, is that today?
To celebrate the occasion I will wear some.

john65pennington's avatar

rebbel, good idea.

Cruiser's avatar

If you insist I wear em I will break out the black silk boxers!

john65pennington's avatar

Cruiser, did you buy these or were they a gift?

Cruiser's avatar

Both. First pair was a gift and loved them so much I went and got more.

Seelix's avatar

I’ll be sporting my new leopard-print bra today!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I will wear my thong backwards for I am a underwear rebel.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

I won’t wear any underwear at all

john65pennington's avatar

Lucy, thong backwards? That’s a switch….......

sophiesword's avatar

no man not today its too hot outside today . I’ll sweat into them .

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve gone commando for so long I don’t even own any underwear at this point.

filmfann's avatar

Today is the day I wear my lucky Power Puff Girls undies!

incendiary_dan's avatar

For the longest time I didn’t wear any, but I sometimes do now. I guess I will today.

ucme's avatar

I’m a commando in the bum wrap dept, but i’m game for a day wearing a pair of the wife’s knickers, now, which pair would suit me best…......?

john65pennington's avatar

Did any of your parents ever say to you, “be sure you are wearing clean underwear in case you have to go the ER?”

These were my mothers famous last words as I walked out the door.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@john65pennington Yea, I never understood that. What do medical professionals care if I’m wearing underwear? If they need to cut through my clothes to that area, they’re going to no matter how many layers I have.

john65pennington's avatar

incendiary, you are correct and I have witnessed this many times.

Ron_C's avatar

I think I’ll hang last years worn and stretched on my cars antenna and put a sticker in back of my car inviting good looking women to check out my new ones.

The funny part will be that I won’t be wearing any!

Berserker's avatar

Damn, I missed it. I have two pairs of Halloween themed thongs, I’d use those.

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