Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - What NSFW question have you wanted to ask but for whatever reason haven't asked yet?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29283points) August 5th, 2011

I know right, why post the question now if you have qualms about it? Here’s an idea, no one would know it’s you who asked because what you are going to do is send a message and request another jelly to post it for you. That means every post is from a different jelly. Hope that works and hope you participate. Thanks!
: )

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58 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Lmfao. This is so embarrassing. But how the hell is clitoris pronounced? Like, which syllable has the emphasis? XD

(Dies of shame)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

How can I get my husband to pronounce my name right when he screams it in bed? ;)


RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

try to get him to repeat it three times in a row… oh sorry, I see you tried that @lucillelucillelucille

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies All this time,I thought he had a stutter…Maybe I should stop pulling his hair after the third torque?

mazingerz88's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Jeez, haven’t you figured it out yet? Turn that pleasure giving tricks of yours down a notch so he could remember his syllables!

wundayatta's avatar

Could we have an “anonymous” function for this purpose?

mazingerz88's avatar

@Mariah I think it’s “cleetoris”

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mazinger LOL! Tricky tricky tricky!

Facade's avatar

I’ve always wondered how many women like their breasts handled roughly during sex…

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I was just thinking of the same thing this morning after reading the post about questions you are too afraid to ask. Sending the question and details to a Jelly willing to post it would resolve the problem of having to create a second account. The challenge would be that the person posting the question would probably not be able to address any questions that crop up, at least without a lot of PMing back and forth. Let’s keep brain-storming on how to work through this.

Ah, I see @wundayatta has offered up a potentially viable option. I like it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok, someone just PM’d me asking this…

How could a nymphomaniac stop wanting to have sex with more than one man so she could be faithful to just one guy?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Why can’t I stop following this question? That’s the only question I have at the moment.

I click “stop following”, yet it brings it right back up upon the next answer.

stops following again

mazingerz88's avatar

@Facade I’m so gonna follow if someone answers that question! Lol.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mazingerz88 She needs to find one with the stamina of a moose.Unlike the fabled unicorn,they exist XD
@Facade The only time I like my boobs abused is if I need an excuse to beat him up ;0

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ll happily ask questions for anyone that wants to remain anonymous, but doesn’t want to go through the trouble of making a new dummy account. Just shoot me a PM and we’ll go from there.

As many jellies know by now, I can be fairly…discreet.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@FutureMemory How do we know this “friend” is real? lol

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Yeah what ^^^she^^^ said…

<<<<<<<<<<And why can’t I use this dummy account?

tranquilsea's avatar

FWIW, in my neck of the woods clitoris is pronounced cliTORis

mazingerz88's avatar

@tranquilsea Hmm, interesting…

Facade's avatar

@tranquilsea I’ve always heard it as CLIH-torus said quickly with little emphasis

Mariah's avatar

Yeah, @tranquilsea‘s and @Facade‘s answers are the two options I’ve been puzzling between! Dang!

Cruiser's avatar

@Facade My wife does and the elbow is a clear sign I have gone too far! XD

@Mariah It is pronounced “Cleeeeet” sometimes Al…what ever fits the mood.

Hibernate's avatar

If I feel like asking it I’ll post it in a question.

Cruiser's avatar

@Hibernate Right! Why toss a good question in a thread?

Facade's avatar

@Cruiser Whatever “too far” means lol

zenvelo's avatar

@Mariah @tranquilsea @Facade @mazingerz88 Remember the Seinfeld episode where his girlfriend’s name rhymed with a woman’s body part but he couldn’t remember her name? Turns out her name was Dolores…

rebbel's avatar

I ask this on behalf of @re…..
“Are male nipples as sensitive erogone zones as female nipples?”

FutureMemory's avatar

Speaking as a male, no. Having my nipples manipulated is just annoying/semi-ticklish.

mazingerz88's avatar

I think the bigger the breast the less sensitive women’s nipples are. Just an opinion. Had relations once with a woman with small breasts but big nipples and it was a great source of pleasure for her since it’s extremely sensitive. Which is why I think men’s nipples are are sensitive erogenous zones if not more compared to females. But it’s also a matter of taste as maybe some men do not prefer their nipples toyed with.

ucme's avatar

“Describe in your own words what your cum face resembles?
A dog in distress, or a slightly startled raccoon….which is it, which, which?

rebbel's avatar

“Have you ever participated in a twentythreesome?”

MacBatman31's avatar

If you take viagra, and get an erection for 4 hours, they say call a doctor. What exactly is the doctor going to do?

FutureMemory's avatar

@MacBatman31 Find a way to drain your penis :)

wilma's avatar

@mazingerz88 about the bigger v. smaller breasts sensitivity thing, I disagree with you.

Maybe the big boobs were enhanced? That might make a difference.

MacBatman31's avatar

@FutureMemory There is no smiley face that is supposed to follow what you just told me. I get shivers down my spine just thinking about it. Horrible!!! But thank you for telling me.

mazingerz88's avatar

@wilma You maybe right. I only have one source of info, a lady with natural huge boobs saying she does not feel much with her nipples assuming it’s her size that factors in.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Mariah There are at least two correct pronunciations, probably a third. Listen to both, and another. And if all else fails, go with “clit”, which is much easier to pronounce.

No. I’ve asked them all.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@MacBatman31 “If you take viagra, and get an erection for 4 hours, they say call a doctor. What exactly is the doctor going to do?”

Oh that’s easy. She’ll kiss it where it hurts.

MacBatman31's avatar

I just threw up a little.

mazingerz88's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Well if she’s a real doctor then hmmm….

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think you just provoked the first four hour softie.

everephebe's avatar

I use both pronunciations interchangeably.

Jude's avatar

@Facade I don’t, but, my SO does.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve often wondered what’s the most o’s you’ve ever given a partner in one session?

Mariah's avatar

@Aethelflaed Ah, so both my guesses were technically right. Thanks for that. (The more you know!)

@everephebe Lmfao

everephebe's avatar

@Mariah I aim to please. :D

YARNLADY's avatar

I have an LGBT question, but I’m not going to ask it here, because too many people will consider it objectionable.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@YARNLADY Ok, now I really want to know what this question is. And you could always make a new account just for that question.

Mariah's avatar

@Aethelflaed Same here! I think we’re mostly very accepting of LGBT here, why would we find it objectionable? Or would it be objectionable BECAUSE we’re accepting of LGBT?

Mariah's avatar

Okay, I have received a question for this thread from a jelly who wishes to remain anonymous. It is, “Isn’t it possible that some children are made gay/lesbian by their parents even though they weren’t born that way?”

rebbel's avatar

I wonder who send that question to you….?

Facade's avatar

@Jude Nice =) She’s rather chesty…

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Mariah Answer for that anonymous person: It’s totally possible. Science isn’t totally sure what makes someone gay, so even though there are a few good leads that could indicate where it comes from biologically, there’s nothing concrete, so anything’s possible.

Berserker's avatar

I always wondered if anyone ever soiled themselves on purpose.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Symbeline For sexual reasons, or just in general?

Berserker's avatar

For whatever reason one may have of doing this, be it sexual or something else.

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